Saturday 30 May 2020

Motivating Story of Albert Einstein-A One of Greatest Scientist of World.

Motivating Story of Albert Einstein-A One of Greatest Scientist of World.

     This is a Story of a Scientist who changed the Science World with his Discoveries. The Journey Started at Ulm, Germany were Albert Einstein was born on 14, March,1879.
     The Albert Einstein was born to a Middle Class Family. His father was a Salesman and then had worked in Self made factory. Which got Shutdown in future. And when Albert Einstein was born.His body was Abnormal,as his Head and Face Size were bigger then his whole body.
     And at still age of 4 Years Albert Einstein was not able to talk. And was also Slow in Understanding other Activities. So the Parents of Albert Einstein were Worried about him. And Elbert Einstein was a Silent Kid. Mostly used to live Alone. So at the Age of 10 Albert Einstein started Talking. So by this the School Admission of Albert Einstein was very late. And by this Slow understanding of things.The Albert Einstein was Teased and Bullied by People and Children in School.
     And Everybody in school and Society would Tease Albert Einstein as Abnormal Child and Mentally Disable. The Albert Einstein used to ask Many Questions to Teachers. By Which Teachers used to get Angry on him for this.And used to say him that his Mind is not fast and Smart. So Albert Einstein was fed up by this. So One day Albert asked One Teacher how to make his Mind Sharp and be More Smart.
     And that Professor told Albert Einstein to focus Mainly on Taking More Education and keep on Studying. Which is the only way to sharpen his Mind and become Smart. And Elbert Einstein followed this. And Started Studying Seriously. But Many People believed that Albert Einstein would Never be Sucessfull in his Life. But Albert Einstein didn't care about it. And Started getting all Knowledge and Education Seriously.
     And at the Age of 15 Albert Einstein Became Master in Maths and Physics. He Developed a Talent, that in his Mind only Albert Einstein would solve Big Maths Problem and Equations in his Mind. So After Sometime for Higher Education applied for admission in Swiss federal Institute of Technology. But Albert got failed in first Attempt of Entrance Exam. As Albert Einstein was Excellent in Maths and Physics. While in other Subjects he was Weak.
     So this Time Albert Einstein was Ready for all Subjects. And in 2nd Attempt Albert Einstein Passed the Exam. And after sometime at the Age of 26 got PhD from University of Zurich. As the Albert Einstein was Working on his Research. There was a Financial Problem as, Albert Einstein didn't had Job. There were Many Professor friends of Elbert Einstein who had try for his Job in there University.
     But the Albert Einstein Nature was Rough and Angry. Many Times would have fight with People. So there was no job. But Albert Einstein kept on Trying and later got Job in Patent Office as Clerk. But Albert Einstein was more Smart for this Job. But Albert Einstein was Happy with this Job as he was Getting Time for his Research also and Getting Money also.
     And his Hard Work came in Existence with his Main Researches like finding World Famous Equation Formula E=mc2. Also Developed the Theory of Relativity. The Albert Einstein Research is said to be One of the 2 Pillar of Modern Physics. The Important Research of Albert Einstein were his Research of General Relativity,Special Relativity, Photoelectric Effect, Theory of Brownian Motion and Gravitational Wave e.t.c.
     And because of this all Researches by Albert Einstein, Which had Changed the Modern Science. The Albert Einstein Received Noble Prize on 1921 in Physics. And was also Declared Time Person of the Century. And the Researches of the Albert Einstein are used now also by all Scientist for there Researches. The Contribution of Albert Einstein is Used in Present Time for Discovering new things. And in 18, April,1955 Albert Einstein Died.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Albert Einstein who faced all types of Problems in life but Never Give Up in Life. All people were calling Albert Einstein Mentally Disable Child. Who will Never be Sucessfull in Life.But Albert Einstein Proved Everybody Wrong and became a Sucessfull Person in his Life. And Made a huge Contribution in World of Science with his Researches.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story. Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Motivating Story of Dashrath Manjhi -A Mountain Men.

Motivating Story of Dashrath Manjhi -A Mountain Men.

     This is a Motivating Story of a Person who Broke whole Mountain and Created a Road from it by Himself. The Journey begins at Gehlaur,Bihar,India. Where Dashrath Manjhi was born on 14, January,1929.
     The Dashrath Manjhi was born to a Very Poor Family. The Father use to do Laborer Work. And the Village from were Manjhi belonged was also a Very  Backward Village. Where there was No School,No Hospital,No Shops,No Water and No Electricity. So by Seeing this as there was no Future in this Village. The Dashrath Manjhi left the Village. And gone to other Cities were he would work at Coal Mines.
     But after Many Years of Working came back to the village.But the Village didn't Change, it was as Backward it was when he Left that Village. After Sometime Dashrath Manjhi Got Married to a Girl Falguni. And Started working as Agriculture Laborer. Everything was Going on fine. As one Incident took Place which Shaken his Life.
     As One day Dashrath Manjhi was working in Farm. His Wife used to go to farm on Afternoon daily to give Dashrath Manjhi a Lunch food she made daily. But she had to go through Mountain to reach there. And One day while Traveling through Mountain, Dashrath Manjhi Wife's Leg got Slipped and she fell off the Mountain.In Which she got Seriously Injured and Died.
     This Incident was very Shocking for Dashrath Manjhi. As he Used to Love his Life Very Much. As in this Incident the Injury of Dashrath Manjhi Wife Could have been Treated. And the Life of Dashrath Manjhi Wife can also be saved. But due to no Medical Clinic and Hospital in Village.The Life of his Wife couldn't be saved. And Near by Hospital was to Next Town. But due to no Road and due to Mountain Around them it takes more then 20 Hours to Reach.
     So After Some Days the Dashrath Manjhi had Thinking on this Issue.And he came to this Answer that the Life of his Wife Could have been Saved if there was a Road. So Dashrath Manjhi decided to do Something about it.And decided to Cut the Mountain Alone and build a road between them which connect to other Towns. So Started Cutting Mountain Alone with Hammer and Iron Utensils.
     By seeing this all people of Village Started Laughing on Dashrath Manjhi. And Started calling him Mad and made fun of him. But Dashrath Manjhi didn't care what People were Saying about him. And Carried on his Daily Work of Cutting Mountain Alone. And Carried on this work Continuously for 22 Years. And got Sucessfull in Cutting the Mountain and building a Road between them.
     The Dashrath Manjhi Alone Carved a Path of 110 Meter Long,9.1 Meter Wide and 7.7 Meter Deep through Ridge of Hills with only Hammer and Chisel.By this 22 years of work Dashrath Manjhi shortened the Distance between Atri and Wazirganj from 55 Km to 15 Km. And made whole Travelling Distance to Hospital from 24 Hours to 1 Hour.
     All the People of Village were very Surprised by this. And now the People from all other villages and Town were coming to See the Road Built by Dashrath Manjhi. And this became very useful for his Village people. As now the School Distance came to 3 Km only for the Dashrath Manjhi Villages Children. And now his Village was connected to other Town and Villages.
     The Road Built by Dashrath Manjhi is now useful for 60 Villages Around them. The Road was Completed during 1960 to 1982 Years of frame Time. And now the Village People life also Changed due to this. And now the Local Government also had Given the Name to that Road of Dashrath Manjhi. And had Became famous for his Motivational Story.
     So this is a Motivating Story of Dashrath Manjhi who made Impossible Thing Possible.Faced all Difficulties in Life. But faced with Positive Attitude. And Created Road from a Mountain. As all People were Laughing and calling him Mad. But Dashrath Manjhi kept on Trying. And made a Road from breaking a Mountain.And Proved that Everything is Possible.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story. Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Monday 18 May 2020

Motivating Story of Rowan Atkinson- A Great Comedian and Actor.

Motivating Story of Rowan Atkinson- A Great Comedian and Actor.

     This a Story of a Comic Actor Rowan Atkinson who became a World Wide famous for his Comic Roles and Acting by facing many Difficulties. The Journey begins at Consett,County Durham, England were Rowan Atkinson was Born on 6 January,1955.
     The Rowan Atkinson was born to a Middle Class Family. As his father was a Ordinary farmer and Mother was a Housewife. In Childhood Rowan was very Shy Child. And had a Problem while Talking of Stammering. By which many people and kids in Childhood use to Make Fun of his Stammering. So Rowan Atkinson had Very Less friends.
     The Rowan Atkinson used to Watch Comedy Shows on Television. From this he got Interested in Acting. Many time Rowan Atkinson Tried to Participate in School Drama Shows. But was Rejected and made fun of His Looks. Many Times other Children used to Call him Alien. But Rowan Atkinson didn't care about that. And Concentrated on his Education.
     The Rowan Atkinson Completed School from Durham Choristers School.Then Completed Degree in Electronic Engineering from Newcastle University. And then took admission for Masters degree in Oxford University. He Got ,Once more Interested in Acting by Seeing the Stage Shows there in University.And many times Tried Participating in it. But was Rejected mostly due to his Stammering while Speaking.
     But Rowan Atkinson didn't Give Up.There were Rowan friends in College who were Writers and Stage Performer's.So Rowan Atkinson used to Practice Acting and Speaking Dialogue's. And in this, Rowan Atkinson Came to Know that while Performing any Character the Stammering used to Disappear.By this daily Practice of Acting the Stammering of Rowan Atkinson Disappeared Slowly.And Gained Confidence while Acting.
     Now there was 2 Choices for Rowan Atkinson first was Engineering Job and Second Acting. And Rowan choosed Acting. And kept on Practicing and Improving his Acting Skills. So after Sometime got Opportunity in Series of Comedy Shows for BBC Radio 3 in 1979 called Atkinson People. Where he got Attention of a Audience on his Acting Skills. And then came a show called Nine O Clock News for BBC.
     This Show was a Great Hit in British Television. After this Rowan Atkinson Never Looked back in Life. Then got a Lead Role in Blackadder. Which was a most Suceesfull Comedy show on BBC.And then in 1990 Came a Show. By which Rowan Atkinson became Worldwide famous. That Show was Mr.Bean. The Comedy Show was Mostly Silent. In which Rowan Atkinson Comic Acting was Appreciated Worldwide.
     The Mr.Bean Show made all People Laugh for Many Years. And then there was 2 Films also made by Rowan Atkinson like Mr.Bean and Mr.Bean Holidays. Which were a Great Sucessfull films. And then Rowan Atkinson done many other Suceesfull films like Johnny English, Scooby-Doo, Johnny English Strike Again and Supporting Part in Never Say Never Again a James Bond films.
     The Rowan Atkinson is Still Entertaining People with Many other Shows and Films.There is also now the Animated Series of Mr.Bean. So this was a Motivating Story of Rowan Atkinson who Choosed his Passion of Acting as a Carrier. And got Suceesfull in Life. The Rowan Atkinson faced all Problems in his Life.But got out of it with the Positive Attitude. Many People made fun of his Looks and Stammering. And said Rowan cannot be Actor in this Life.
     But Rowan Atkinson Proved Everyone Wrong. And now Rowan Atkinson is the Suceesfull Actor. And Got famous for his Acting Worldwide.
     So this was a Inspiring Story of Rowan Atkinson. Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Monday 11 May 2020

Motivating Story of Richard Branson- A Inspiring Business Men.

Motivating Story of Richard Branson- A Inspiring Business Men.

     This is Story of a Businessman who has till now 400 Businesses of Different field Under him. The Journey Started at Blackheath,London,England were Richard Branson was Born on 18,July,1950.
     The Richard Branson was Born to a Middle Class Family. As his father was a Barrister and Mother was Air Hostess. But Richard faced Difficulties in Childhood as he had Dyslexia. Due to which he had Poor Performance in School days. And had failed in Many Classes. And many Children and People used to Make Fun of Richard.
     In School,One Professor said to Richard Branson that he will be Never Success full in Life and will End Up in Prison. But this Didn't had any Effect on Richard Branson. As his Mother used to Make him do the Challenging Task Daily.Which made him has Good Knowledge and Strength. But due to Bad Performance in School has to Drop out of School.
     So Richard Branson Started doing Business at the age of 16 of Selling Christmas Trees. But got failed in this Business. So Started Business of Selling Magazine named Student in 1966.Which was Sucessfull in Market. But after sometime started Business of Mail Order Record Album Business.Then also opened store in London of famous singers Album.
     But was Questioned by Legal notice,as the Records were Declared Export Stock.By which had to Stop that Business and has to Pay Unpaid Purchase Tax of Euro 70000 Fine.For which Richard Parents had to Re-Mortgage the family Home for full Money Settlement. So after this Richard Branson Promised Himself that he will follow all Legal Rules while doing Business.
     After Sometime Richard Again Started Business of Record Album Business.By giving the Chance to those Bands and Singer who were Rejected by Other Companies. Which got a Huge Success. But Richard Branson wanted to do other Business also. So he always used to see Opportunities.
     One day Richard Branson wanted to Travel to Puerto Rico Island. But all the Air Planes got Cancelled for that Routes. So Richard got 1 Private Plane and got all the People who wanted to Travel to Puerto Rico Island. And got Money from them and Recovered his all Money of Travelling. Where he got Idea of Getting in to Airplane Business.
     But for that Business Required Huge Amount of Money. So had to Sell the Good Profit making Business of Record Album.And Started Virgin Airplane Business. And after 4 Years Once Again Started Business of Record Album named Virgin Records or V2 Records. After this Richard Branson never looked back in Life.
     And kept on Expanding Virgin Company in Many Business.Like in 1981 Started Tours and Travels Industry,In 1982 Purchased Night Club and Virgin Holidays in 1985. Also faced Problems in Business like in Airways Business from British airways by Seeing Expansion of Virgin Airplane. But came out of that Problem Sucessfully.
     The Richard Branson Started Virgin Mobile Company also but Sold it after Sometime. Then Started Virgin Comics,Animation and Entertainment Company. In 2008 had Chain of Virgin Hotels. And then gone in Healthcare Business.In 2014 got in to Drone Production Business.Then in Railways and Telecommunication Business.
     Now at age of 69, Richard Branson has 400 Business owned by him in Virgin Brand. But in many Business Richard Branson had to face Losses also like in Virgin Cola, Virgin Cars,Virgin Publishing,Virgin Clothing and Bride's Clothing.But Richard kept on Trying and had Success.The Richard Branson is also a Adventure Person. Like one Time he tried to Make World Record in Atlantic Ocean Crossing in 1985. But failed in it.And had HimSelf in Great danger.But was Rescued in Time by RAF Helicopter.
     But in 1986 Richard Tried Again and made World Record by Passing Atlantic 2 Hours Early.In 1991 Crossed Pacific from Japan to Artic Canada in a Balloon. Which was 10,800 KM Distance. Today the Virgin Company is Net Worth of Dollar 35,500 Crore. Now the Richard Branson is Trying to Start Space Touring by Virgin Galactic Where People will be sent to Space.
     The Richard Branson is also a Nature Loving Person. By which he had Invested Big Money for Depletion of Carbon and Green House Gases.And Creating Environment Friendly things.Does many Charity work also.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Richard Branson who created whole Big Business Empire from Nothing. Had faced all Difficulties and problems in Life. But didn't Give Up. And Achieved Success in Life. And Proved People False who said Richard will Never be Sucessfull in Life.
     So Stay Tuned for Such More Inspiring Stories.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Motivating Story of Sandeep Singh- A Champion Hockey Player.

Motivating Story of Sandeep Singh- A Champion Hockey Player.

     This a Story of a Hockey Player Sandeep Singh who Made a Impossible thing Possible.The Journey Started at Shahabad, Haryana were Sandeep was born on 27, February,1986.
     From the Childhood only Sandeep Singh was Interested in taking Challenges. The brother of Sandeep Singh was a Hockey Player named Bikramjeet Singh. So once after seeing his brother wearing T Shirts and Shoes. The Sandeep Singh asked him for the shoes and T-shirt. But the Brother Denied it. And said if You want this you have to earn it by Playing Hockey. And become a Good Player.
     From this Moment Sandeep Singh Started Playing Hockey and Started  Loving the Game Very much.And became Excellent in Hockey Game.Mostly got Famous for his fast Penalty Corner's Goals. And also got Selected for Under 19 Team of India. In which Sandeep Singh was a Leading Goal Scorer in Tournament and Won Asia Cup for India.
     And by Seeing this Talent, also got Quickly Selected in Indian Team. And made Debut in 2004 Sultan Azian Shah Cup at the Age of 17. As Everything was going well. And Sandeep Singh was also Scoring good Goals for Team. The Bad Time of Sandeep Singh Started with One Incident.
     In 22 August,2006 was Travelling in Train to Delhi, in Kolkata-Shatabdi Express for Training of Event World Cup in Germany. The Sandeep Singh heard the Big Sound of Gun Shot which Was by Mistakely got Shot by One Police Sitting behind his Seat. And the Bullet got Passed by His Spine Bone.
     And After this Incident was Admitted to Hospital near by. And after the Treatment by Doctors. The Doctor Said that Sandeep Singh will be not be Able to walk and Play Hockey in his Lifetime. As there was Serious Injury to Spine which Palaryzed the Half body like his both Legs. It was very Shocking for Sandeep Singh.
    There was no Mistake of Sandeep Singh. But then also he had to suffer this. So Sandeep Singh called his Brother and asked him to bring his Hockey Stick. Which he would keep with him self in Bed all time. And Promised Himself that he will again get on his feet and Play for Indian Team Again.
     Then for further Treatment  Sandeep Singh Moved to London. Where the Treatment of 6 Months took Place. The Treatment was Painfull but Suceesfull.And started Trying Walking Slowly. Many times Sandeep fall down and Injured Himself.But the Will Power of Sandeep Singh was so High that. He Kept on Trying again and again. And Made Impossible thing Possible.
     And after Returning from London, Sandeep Singh was Walking by Himself. But Sandeep Singh Goal was to Play for India. And got to Prove his Fitness. So Again Started Hard Training and Made himself fully fit. The Journey Was Hard as the Body was on Rest for Years. But with Hard Training made it fit Again.
     And scored a Good Goals in Domestic Level Matches. By Seeing this Goals in Matches was Selected for Indian Team. The Sandeep Singh was Most Goal Scorer in Sultan Azian Shah Cup Tournament. And made a big Contribution for India to Win the Cup and Gold Medal after 13 Years. And was Leading Scorer with 8 Goals. And was fast as he was in Past.
     By seeing the Game of Sandeep Singh, One Coach said that Sandeep Singh was Scoring so fast Goals that our Players are having Loose Motions. In that Tournament Sandeep Singh also Made a World Record of fastest Drag flick of Speed 145 km per Hour.After Sometime was Made a Captain of Indian Team. And in 2010 had Silver Medal for Indian Team in Common Wealth Games.
     After Sometime Sandeep Singh also Broke the Record of His Hero Dhanraj Pillai. By who Sandeep Singh was Inspired.By Scoring 121 Goals in Games he Played.And in 2012 Hockey Olympic Qualifier Tournament was a Highest Goal Scorer. And Made India Qualify for Olympic Games after 8 Years. And India Achieved Many Sucess in all Tournaments played under his Leadership.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Sandeep Singh who faced all Difficulties in his Life. But came out of every Bad Situation with his Positive Attitude. Also had Half of his Body Paralysed but also came out of this also. With his Never Give Up Attitude. And Achieved Success for his Country and Himself.
     So this was a Great Story.Stay Tuned for Such More Inspiring Stories.

Top 10 and Best Brands in World.

 Top 10 and Best Brands in World.      The Brand is a thing,from which people get Attracted to a Product of a Company.It takes very Hard Wor...