Friday 10 April 2020

Motivating Story of William Colgate- A Creator of 200 Years Old Company Colgate.

Motivating Story of William Colgate- A Creator of 200 Years Old Company Colgate.

     This is a Story of William Colgate a Person who Started Great Company called Colgate. Which is now 212 Years Old. The Journey Started at Hollingbourne ,Kent, Great Britain were William Colgate was Born on January 25,1783.
     The William Colgate belonged to a Middle Class family. As his Parents were Farmers. The father of William Colgate a Robert Colgate was a Farmer. But also Used to Participating in Politics also. Due to some Issues with other Politicians. The Robert Colgate had to move from Great Britain to Maryland, U.S. with family.
     It was very Difficult to Start again in other New Country. But Robert Colgate Started working again. And done many Jobs. But After Sometime Robert Colgate done Partnership with Ralph Maher and started factory were they Produced  Candles and Soap. And in this William Colgate also supported his Father in Business.
     But the Business got failed and it was Closed in 2 years. Which caused Huge financial Losses to Colgate family. And Robert Colgate again got in to Farming. But the financial situation was very Bad. Due to which William Colgate got out of the House at the Age of 16.As he wanted to do something in Life.So Started looking for Job.
     After doing many Part times job, William Colgate got Job in New York in 1804 as a Worker in Soap factory. Where William Colgate learned many things about Business. Like it's reasons for Losses,Profits and Management. The William Colgate always had wanted to has his Own business.
     So after working for 2 years in the Company. The William Colgate Left the Job. And Opened his Own Business of Producing and Selling Soaps in 1906 in Manhattan.And named the Company William Colgate.And this Business got in to a Good Profit. And there was a Expansion of Business.
     But as Everything was going Excellent. The William Colgate got Sickness. As he Got Multiple Hear Attacks. Which affected his Health very much. From Which William Colgate got in to Bed Rest for Years. Which affected his Business. As he was away from Company. And Company got in to Huge Losses.
     But William Colgate didn't Give Up. He Came back.And handled his Company once Again. And got the Company on Track of Profits making Company. The William Colgate was very Religious Person. As he used to Donate 10% of Profit for Social Service. At the End of his Life William Colgate donated 50% of his Income to Social Service.
     As Started from few People now the Company has become Worldwide famous Brand with Thousands of People working worldwide. After sometime the Colgate Company Started Selling Toothpaste Powder in Jar. And then in Toothpaste Pouch. Which is used Worldwide now. And also started Selling Perfumes, Shaving Cream and many things.
     In 25,March,1857 the William Colgate got Dead. But the Company was taken Over by his 3 Sons. And it has been now 212 Years for Colgate Company. And Still Running Sucessfully with Partnership with Palmolive company. It is now most Valuable Brand of World. And the World most Toothpaste Selling Company.
     So this was a Motivating Story of William Colgate. Who had faced all Difficulties and Failures in Life. But didn't Give up and kept on Trying. And Achieved Success in Life and Created a Suceesfull Company which is Still Progressing and running Sucessfully. So as William Colgate said 'Have Faith and Have Patience'.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story. So Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

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