Monday 6 April 2020

Motivating Story of Marie Curie- A First Women Scientist to Win Noble Prize.

Motivating Story of Marie Curie- A First Women Scientist to Win Noble Prize.

     This is a Story of a Marie Curie who was a First Women Scientist. And also first Women to won the Noble Prize. When Girls Education were denied by People and Society. The Journey begins at Warsaw,Poland were Marie Curie was born on 7 November,1867.
     The Marie Curie Childhood gone in Middle Class Family. As her Parents were both Teachers. So from Childhood only Marie Curie got Interested in Science and Physics Education. As the Environment in House was of Education. But at that Time Most of the People in Poland and all over world were Against Girls Education.
     But because of the Parents Support Marie Continued to Study. But most of the Schools for Girls were up to Limited Classes. And the Mostly all Government were also Against Girls Education. But Marie Curie wanted to take Higher Education. As this Struggle was going on,Marie Curie got One Shock that her Mother Died when she was of 10 Years Old.
     The Marie Curie father got 1 Shock by University. That he had Lost his Job of Professor because he was of Modern Thoughts. And Usually fight for all People's Rights. So now he had to settle for Low Profile Job and Low Salary. Due to which there was financial Crisis in House.
     But Marie Curie Continued getting Education. But also Started Giving Tutions to Small Children for some Earnings.After sometime Marie Curie taken Admission in Flying University. The Flying University was an Underground Education Enterprise that Operated from 1885 to 1905 in Warsaw.It was for those People who wanted to Study but Can't due to Societies Denial and other Problems.
     After Sometime Completing her Education, Marie Curie got work as a Teacher in University. Where she done Job for 5 Years. But at free time Marie Used to Study Physics,Science and Chemistry. And after that Marie Curie gone to Paris for Higher Education. And got her Physics Master Degree.
     The Marie Curie also Started Researching in Paris. As the Environment was Good for her and Research.But the Place was Short, so Marie was looking for big Place for Lab. And one Scientist of France had Big Place Named Pierre Curie. Were then Marie Curie started her work.And both had same Passion for Science. By which they got Married Later.
     And in 12 September,1897 got one Girl child. But didn't faced any problem in her Research and Studies. The Marie Curie used to work so hard that she used to forget to eat her Food Many times. And this hard work brought results. When Mary Curie and her Husband found out new Elements. Which were Polonium and Radium.
     For which Marie Curie got Noble Prize in Physics in 1903. And she was the first women to achieve it. But Mary used Prize Money for further Research.By which Marie got Famous all Over the World. And after that got 2nd Child Girl. As all was going well. In 1906 lost her husband in one car Accident. Which was very Shocking for Mary Curie.
     But Marie got out of that Shock. As she has to look after her 2 Childrens. So Marie started working as a Professor in Paris University. Where she was a first Women to be Professor there.But after this busy Schedule of work Marie carried on Her's Research and used to work late Night. For which she got Success in her research. And got Marie Curie a 2nd Noble Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
     The Research was very Important in Science field and Medical Science. As it was very useful for the Treatment of Cancer Patient's. Which is Used still now.The Marie Curie also saw that there is Quick need of Treatment for Soldier. So Marie Curie made X-Ray equipment Vehicles supported by Developed Mobile Radiography Units for quick X-ray.
     The Marie Curie also took Good care of her Childrens. And given them Higher Education.By Which in Future they also made Great Contribution to Society and Science. Like Irene Curie got Noble Prize for Artificial Radio Activity in Chemistry.And Eve Curie for working for UNICEF , Supporting Mother's Health in many Countries and for Contribution of working for Peace in World.
     The Marie Curie Family is the Only one family in which all family Members had Won Noble Prizes Husband,Wife,And Both Daughter's. After Sometime in 4,July,1934 Marie Curie died in France due to Anemia.But her Discoveries are Still useful to World and People's.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Marie Curie who had faced all Difficulties in Life and all Up's and Downs. But faced all Problems with Positive Attitude. And had Success in Life. Also became First Women to Win Noble Prize in World and also Became First Person to Win Noble Prize Two Times.And Changed the People's and World's View against Women's and Girls. 
     So as Marie Curie said' Nothing in Life is to be Feared'. So this was a Great Inspiring Story. Stay Tuned for More Stories.

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