Thursday 16 April 2020

Motivating Story of Henry Ford-A Famous Revolutionary Entrepreneur of World.

Motivating Story of Henry Ford-A Famous Revolutionary Entrepreneur of World.

     This is a Story of Henry Ford who brought Revolution in World of Cars. By Making Cars at Low Prices for all People. The Journey Started at Greenfield Township, Michigan,U.S. were Heny Ford was born on 30,July,1863.
     The Henry Ford was born to Poor Family. As his father was an Ordinary farmer. In Childhood only, Henry Ford was Interested in Mechanical things. At age of 15 Henry father Brought him a Watch. And Henry Ford Dismantle the Watch many Times. And make it Proper Again. And Henry Ford Completed his School Education in his Village. But couldn't do forward Studies due to Financial Conditions at House.
     In 1876, Henry Ford Mother died due to Illness. This was very Shocking to Loose Mother at very Small Age. And Henry father wanted Henry to become a Ordinary farmer like him. But Henry Ford was not Interested in Farming,he wanted to do something different and Big in his Life.
     So the Henry Ford Leaved the House in 1879 at the Age of 16. And Started working as Apprentice Mechanical in Detroit Company. In 1882 Returned home to work in family farm. Where he got Job of Servicing of Steam Engines in Westing House.Also taken Education of Book keeping in Business College.
     The Henry Ford used to do Experiments at his Farm Workshop all Nigh. Ford wanted to Create Horse Riding Cars without the Horse. Also built Car which can Run on Steam Engines. But later found out that the Boilers can be Dangerous in it. There were many Cars Company at that time. But the Cars produced by them were only can be Buyed by Rich People.
     And Henry Ford wanted to Create Cars which can be Buyed by all Type of People. Like Middle Class and Poor People also.The Henry Ford used to Enjoy the Job of Servicing Work at Steam Engine Company. And Later Working for many years Ford became Senior Engineer there. But his all Earned Money were going in his Experiments.
     In 1896 after many trials, Invented his First Car. And Started that Car at 3 AM Night in Rain. Which Sucessfully Runned on the Street.After sometime he Sold that Car. And with that Money Started New Company named Detroit Automobile. And Sold 25 Cars. But due to More Expenses and financial Loss. The Company had to be Closed.
     In 30, November,1901 Started One more Company with Partnership with some his Rich Friends. But After Sometime there was a Conflicts between them over Selling of cars.As Ford friends wanted to Sell that Cars to Rich People's at High Prices. But Ford was Against this, he wanted to Sell cars at Reasonable Prices.
     So that Company was also Closed After Sometime. In 16,June,1903 Opened New Company Named Ford. And that Car also Participated in Racing Event. In Which Ford car Model 999 Came First in that Race. By Which the Ford Car became Famous in World.And in 1908 made T Model Car which was Very Suceesfull in Market. And made a Huge Profits.
     The Ford Company Sold Lakhs of  T Models Cars. The Ford also made Partnership with Edison to build a Good Car. But due to High Expenses on Making,it was Cancelled.Now,The Half of Americans were using Ford Cars. As it was under the Budget of Middle Class People's also.
     After Sometime Ford also got in to Airplane Making Business, Sold some Planes. But due to Poor Sales and Depression in Economy at that Time. The Ford had to Close the Business. And Concentrated on its Cars Business Only. Now the Ford Company and Ford Cars were all over the World.
     The Henry Ford used to take Good Care of his Company Workers also.Henry Ford used to Pay High Wages to his Workers. And also used to give Bonus to his Workers. The Ford Company Workers were Highest Paid Workers at that Time from other Companies. The Henry Ford also Brought Down the One Car Making Time from 11 Hour's to 1 Hour by Creating Circle Technique of Making Cars.
     The Henry Ford kept on Increasing Sales and Business of his Cars all over the World. And also Brought New Cars with new Inventions in Market.And in April 7,1947 the Henry Ford Died. But the Company is Still now Progressing and Handle by his Family.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Henry Ford who faced all Up's and Downs and all Difficulties in Life. But Henry Ford never Give Up. And kept on Trying, and Later Achieved Success in his Life. And Made a Car which is Affordable to all People over the World. And Created a Big Suceesfull Company like Ford on His Own.
     So Stay Tuned for Such More Inspiring Stories.

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