Wednesday 26 August 2020

Top 10 Tips to Remain Healthy Always.

Top 10 Tips to Remain Healthy Always.

     In Our Life it is Very Important to Remain Healthy always.As if our Body is Healthy then only, We can do our Work and Achieve Sucess in Life.If we are not Healthy,and getting Sick most of the time in our Life.Then we will not be able to Enjoy our life.As it is Said 'Health is Wealth'.So for a Good Health we have to follow some Some Discipline and Rules in Life.The Top 10 Tips to be Healthy are as follow.

1) Healthy Food.
     The Healthy food is most Important part of being Healthy Always.The Whole day Diet of a Person should be of all Nutrition he Required for a Healthy Body.Like it Should have Protein, Calcium, Vitamins and Minerals.And we should avoid the food which have Bad Cholesterol and Bad Fat.The food we are having Should have Fresh Vegetables and Fruits.

2) Daily Exercise.
     If the Person want his Body to be Strong.And Should be able to do all Types of Work.Then he Should do a Exercise Daily.The Exercise does not Mean, there should be Heavy weight Lifting.The Exercise can be Like daily Walking and Running, Simple Workout, Playing any Sports e.t.c.This helps us in Increasing our Stamina and Power of our Body.

3) Maintain a Healthy Weight.
     If we want to be Healthy,then we should have a Healthy Weight.Like We Should not be Too Fat or Too Thin.The Weight Should be in Control and Neutral as required.If we are Overweight then we have to face many Health Problems.The Weight can be Controlled by Daily Exercise,Right Diet E.t.c.

4) Reduce Salt and Sugar Intake.
     For a Healthy Body we Should Stay away from too much Sugar and Salty Food.As everything should be in Control.Eating too much Sugar and Salty food lead to many Diseases.The Packaged food of Outside are mostly of high Sugar and Salt.So we Should eat mostly Natural food and Homemade food.

5)Stay away from Drugs & Alcohol.
     If we want a Healthy Life and Body.Then we Should Stay away from Drugs and Alcohol.This things never do Good to our Body.By Consuming Alcohol and Drugs it Leads us to many types of Diseases.So we Should Stay away from this things.If we want to Stay Healthy.

6)Drink Good Amount of Water.
     Many People don't have a Proper amount of fluids in there Body.As by this they feel Tired.So to stay refreshing and Energetic.We should Drink daily a Good Amount of water.We can also have fresh Fruits Juices.But Water is Most Important.So we should drink it Regularly to stay Healthy.

7) Sleep.
     The Sleep is very Important Part of our Life.If we have a Good amount of Sleep daily we will feel fresh daily.If we had Incomplete Sleep then our Mood and Body feels Tired.If we don't have Enough Sleep then it effects our Physical Health Badly.For a Healthy Body and Mind a Good Sleep is Necessary.

8) Daily Sunlight & Fresh Air.
     For a Healthy Body there is also a need of Daily Morning Sunlight and Fresh Air.This we can get Mostly in Early Mornings.We can go to a Garden for Walk in Morning.As this freshens Ours Body and Mind.And it Scientifically Proved that daily Exposure to sunlight and fresh air is good for our Health.

9) Meditation & Yoga.
     In today's World it is very necessary to be Healthy in Physical Level and Psychological Level.And for this Yoga and Meditation are the best.The Meditation helps us to have a Peaceful Mind.And Yoga help us to have a good Breathe.The Yoga also makes our Body Fit.But the Meditation & Yoga Should be done Under a Good Teacher who specializes in this.

10)Be Happy.
     If we want to have a Healthy Life.It is also Important to be Always Happy.And Stay away from Stress.As we get Only one Life,so Enjoy it.As we will do all our Work with Happy Mindset.Then the Results will be also Good.And Happy or Positive Attitude effects our Body Energy and helps us to remain Healthy.As Laughter is a Great Medicine.

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