Thursday 13 August 2020

Top 10 Tips & Quotes to Stay Motivated.

Top 10 Tips & Quotes to Stay Motivated.

     When a Person faces Failure in his life.Then first thing he look for some Motivation,that would be from a Person or Some other things.Nowadays there are many Motivational Speakers and Videos.The Motivation is Mostly Generated from a Successful People's Stories.So here are the Top 10 Tips and Quotes to be Motivated.

1) Positive Attitude.
     The Positive Attitude is a Attitude from which,you can Pass from all Difficulties Situation.The Person with Positive Attitude are the person who give Motivation to Other People.The Positive Attitude comes from Proper Understanding.Like Seeing Opportunity in Every failure and Always have Solutions oriented Thoughts.

2)Be Patient.
     Motivation doesn't means that every time we have to do Something in Every Situation.Many times there are Situation which are not under our Control.So in this situation we have to Remain Patient.Because we can't control everything.By remaining Patience we can handle situations Properly and think about what to do in Future.

3) Reward Yourself.
     In Life it is very Important to enjoy the Sucess in our Life.Like Rewarding YourSelf with Something that we like.Because this helps us in Achieving future Goals.Like if we had Achieved first step in our Work.We should Celebrate it.As this gives us Positive Energy for our future works.

4)Push Yourself.
     The Meaning of a Word Motivation is to Push Yourself.As this can be Physically or Mentally.Like if we are in Sports we have to do Hard Training and Exercise by Concentrating on our Goal.And there are many Stories of Great Athletes and People.Whose Stories can Motivate us to Achieve Success.And we have to Push Ourselves,as no One will do for you.

5) Struggle Today,Sucess Tomorrow.
     Whenever we are in Problem while doing any Work.Remember that Struggle is a Part of Everyone Life's.But who Pass these Struggle,will Achieve Success in Life.So if there is a Struggle in Life now,there will be Sucess in Life later, if we face that Situation with fearless Attitude.

6) Don't Say Why me.
     Whenever a Difficult Situation arises on you don't say why me, just say Try me.As if you follow this Words in your life.Then you will be always Motivated.And ready to face any Problems in Life.Take every Situations as a Challenge in Your life.And by this Attitude there will be a Sucess in Your Work and Life.

7)Learn from Failure.
     A Person who Learns from his failure, Achieves Success in his life.A failure will Teach you the best things you in Life which will be useful for whole Life.As a Good Product who lasts Longer is made by many failures.Whenever there is a Failure in Life,Visualise Your Self as how good it would be if I had Sucess in this Work.And Continue doing that Work.

8) Don't Stop when Tired.
     We should not give up quickly in our work we are doing,that we Love.If we are facing Failure or feeling Tired.We should Learn to Just Relax and Try Again.And focus on what the Solution is and have a Thinking on it.A little break from work and Trying Again after some break helps us to better Thinking.

9)Know your Strengths.
     We should Know what is our Strength in our Work and Life.Like if we are Good in Some Sports or any Technique of Work.We should follow that.As this Gives us Confidence in our work as we Know we are Good in this way of work.Different People have Different Strength and Quality, only we have to Know that Strength.

10)Dream Big.
     The Best Motivation in our Life is our Dreams.Like if we have a Dream to become a Good Doctor, Engineer, Businessmen etc.We Should Visualise that Dream Daily and keep that in mind while doing any Work.As we will know what our Target is and Motivate us to Work for it.And Remind us that we have to Achieve that Dream.

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