Wednesday 26 February 2020

Motivating Story of Eminem- A God of Rap Music and Songs.

Motivating Story of Eminem- A God of Rap Music and Songs.

     This is a Story of a Great Rapper Eminem who became a God of Rap from a Difficult Journey of his Life.
     The Journey Started at St.Joseph, Missouri, U.S. were Eminem was Born on 17, October,1972. The Real Name was Marshall Bruce Mathers which was later changed to Eminem.
     The Childhood of Eminem was tough,as he was born when his Mother was of 17 years Old,So his father Lived them. And Eminem never seen his father further. He tried to Contact his father by his Letter but his father would Return it and Never Replied. As there was no mode of Income for Mother and Son.So,They have to keep Moving from one Place to Another for home and Work. 
     As Moving from One Place to Another, Eminem has to Change the School also from Time to Time. By which Eminem has no Friends and had to Remain alone. Then they Moved to Place were African American People were more in Population. So at the School many times Eminem was very much Bullied and Beaten up for Discrimination upon Skin Colour.
     One time the Eminem was Beaten Up So much at school Age of 9, that his Brain was Damage in it. And had to be in Coma in Hospital for 7 Days. And was very Serious but Saved at last. The Eminem was not Good in Studies and had Failed 3 Times in 9 th Class.
     But Eminem got Interested in Rap Music,as one time his Uncle Ronnie Given him a Rap Music CD. Which Grew his Interest in Rap Music. But at that time  Eminem has to face Difficulty in Rapping also. Some People believed that Rap Music is mostly done by African American People and they didn't liked other People do it.
     As this was not Enough, Eminem got News that his Mentor Uncle Ronnie had done Suicide to who he was very close. By this News, Eminem Locked Himself in a Room for 7 Days. After Sometime,as Eminem was not Interested in School and Education. He had Drop out of School. And Started working Part Time Jobs in Restaurant and Wash Cars.As Eminem used to have fight with his Mom mostly so he used to Live Alone.
     After Sometime, doing part-time jobs in Restaurant and doing all Types of Job for Living. He Carried on his Passion for Rap and Hip Hop Songs. And Later he got Married to a Girl. And had a Daughter. And also had his first Debut Album Infinite. But that Album got Flopped. And that effected Eminem as he had his Money on that.
     The Eminem used to work More than 60 Hours a Week. But as on five days before Christmas, which was his Daughters birthday.  Eminem was Removed from his Job. So he Couldn't Celebrate his daughter Birthday.It effected him so hard that , Eminem tried Suicide also. But was saved from friends. After Sometime,Eminem Contested in Rap Contest realty show. In which he came 2nd in Contest. And he Came in to Eyes of many People.
     And in that one Person was Dr Dre's who was Impressed by his Rap Songs. So he Joined hands with Eminem and had his first Hit Single Song Slim Shady. And after that he never looked Back. And Given many Hit Songs in Line. The most Hit Song was Lose Yourself. And there was also a film made on him which was also Good. Now Eminem was a Big Star.
     In 2005 Eminem got to addicted to Drugs, due to his bad Childhood trauma. But he Fully Recovered from that. And came back with many Hit Songs. The Song Rap God was a Great Hit. And is Considered to be fastest Speaking word Rap Song. Eminem has a Guinness World Record of 100 words in 16 Seconds and 5 Words in 1 Second.
     The Eminem has many Records in his name as a Hip Hop Artist.He was a best Selling Artist of all Times. The Eminem is the Only Artist to Win 15 Grammy Awards were other Artist had to Struggle to Win 1 Grammy in there Life. The Eminem brought his all Life Trauma and Hard Experience in his Songs. Which people liked it and had different Style.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Eminem who was badly Bullied, Beaten Up and faced Many Problems in Whole Life. But he didn't Give Up his Passion of Rap and Hip Hop. Had a Poor Financial Background also but kept on Trying and doing a Hard work. And got Success in his Life. And Still Achieving and Making Hit Songs.
     So this was a Great Motivating Story. So Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.


Saturday 22 February 2020

Motivating Story of Abraham Lincoln-A Great Inspiring Leader.

Motivating Story of Abraham Lincoln-A Great Inspiring Leader.

     This is a Story of a Journey of Abraham Lincoln who became a President of America from a Common Men.
     The Journey Started at Sinking Spring Farm, Kentucky, U.S. were Lincoln was Born on 12, February,1809.The Abraham Lincoln belonged to a Poor family. The Lincoln father was a Farmer and Carpenter. They  had a Small House of Wood. But they had to change the House many times. Due to  fight for Land Dispute and Acquisition wherever they went. So at last, Lincoln Family moved to one Jungle part of state and started farming there.
     The Abraham Lincoln had great Interest in Education. But didn't had Money for the School. Lincoln Started Working with his Father in Farming at Small Age. As Lincoln father was also not Interested in Sending Lincoln to School. So Abraham Lincoln used to gather books from friends and used to Read it for Knowledge.
     As this Time was Hard, Lincoln lost his Mother at Age of 9. She Died due to Some Sickness. But Losing Mother at Young Age was very Hard. But as Time Passes, Lincoln father married 2nd Time. And She took Good care of Lincoln. Afterwards for Money Lincoln was used to do many Part Time Works and do farming also.
     After Sometime Started Working in Shop which given him time to Study also. But Lincoln wanted to become a Lawyer. So there was a Retired Judge living across the River.So Lincoln Requested him to give Law Books for Study. The Retired Judge was so Impressed with Lincoln travelling across River for Education. That he Kept him as worker in his House and given him books. So Lincoln Completed his Law Studies there.
     After Sometime Abraham Lincoln got Job in Post Office. But Lincoln couldn't see the Treatment people were getting as Slavery. So he Started fighting against Slavery and Equal Rights. So Lincoln also Elected Election also but got Defeated. And for that Election Lincoln Lost his Job also.
     The Lincoln didn't Give up, he Completed his Law Studies. And Became a Lawyer. But Abraham Lincoln Became Unsuccessful as Lawyer. Because as a Lawyer Abraham Lincoln would not take Money from Poor People for there Cases. And mostly fight cases freely and didn't take any false or wrong cases.
     Then After sometime Lincoln got Married,in which he had 4 Sons. But only 1 Son Survived and others Died by illness. But this all Difficulty was Hard,but Lincoln always came back. He had also faced Depression in that Time. But got out of it with help of friend. And later with People Supports Lincoln again Contested Election and won it.
     And the Abraham Lincoln was Youngest Elected person in Assembly. And Became famous for his fight for People Rights in Assembly. And in 1860 fighted for President Election and Won it. As Soon as Lincoln Became President he Brought America out of the Civil war. And Strenthened the federal government and Modernised  U.S Economy.
     Then also took a Revolutionary decision of Ending Slavery in U.S. By making Strict Rules and Laws. By which Slavery was Ended all Around the world. And Treated all people with Equal Rights to Live. Abraham Lincoln is  Said to be one of the best President U.S. had have. Had Done many work for Goodwill of Society and People.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Abraham Lincoln,who was a Self made Suceesfull Person. He Educated Self by himself,faced all Problems in Life from his Childhood to his Whole Life. But he didn't Give Up in his Life.And became President of U.S from Common Person.Always had Belief in Himself and Achieved Everything in Life. Abraham Lincoln Died on 15 April,1985. But Still remembered for his Work.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story of Abraham Lincoln. Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Motivating Story of Steve Jobs- A Great Revolutionary Entrepreneur of World.

Motivating Story of Steve Jobs- A Great Revolutionary Entrepreneur of World.

     This is a Story of Steve Jobs who Changed the World of Computer and Mobile Technology.
     The Journey Started at San Francisco, California,U.S. were Steve Jobs was Born on 24, February,1955. The Childhood of Steve Jobs was Tough as he was Given for Adoption  by his Mother. As she was in College. And she didn't wanted child at that Age. But the New Parents of Steve Jobs were good and they took Good care of Jobs.
     The Steve Jobs was a Average Student in School days. He was bullied in his Childhood in School days. So mostly remained Alone.
Then Steve Jobs took admission to Reed College for further Studies. But the College fees was very expensive. But however his Parents were paying it. But Steve Jobs didn't found education of that College usefull for his Carrier. And he didn't wanted to Waste his Parents Money.So Jobs Dropped Out of College Same Year.
     Afterwards Steve Jobs Started living on his own. But after sometime it got Tough. As he had no Source of Income and Money. So Jobs Started Selling the Empty Bottle of Cold Drinks. And used to Spend the Night in friends Home and used to Sleep on Floor. The Steve Jobs also used to walk very Long for food to Hindu Temple of Hare Krishna in WeekDays for good Meal.
     At that Time Jobs done a Course of Calligraphy which it helped him Later in Carrier. Then Steve Jobs Gone to India for Peace and Spiritual Enlightment. Where he Stayed for 7 Months. After his return to his Native Place now Steve was more Focused.The Steve Jobs Started doing Job as a Technician also were he Invented One Game also.But the Behaviour of Jobs was different from other People and others found it Disturbing.So he was Terminated.
     So Jobs Started working with his friend Steve Wozniak in his Garage. Were they Started first Apple computer in 1976. After Sometime Steve Jobs and there Friends in Garage made Apple 2. But they wanted to do production in Large scale. For which they Required a Big Investor. Which was tough at Starting but afterwards they got the Investor. And they got Big Orders which made Apple 2 a famous Computer and Apple was a Big Company now.
     The Company which Started in Garage with Some friends was now a 2 Billion Company. But this was only a Start. The Steve Jobs had done a Calligraphy ,which helped him in Designing his Product in Best way. After Sometime Steve Jobs came with Computer Macintosh which changed the world of Technology.
     The Macintosh was a Big Hit. As it was a First Consumer Computer with Graphical User Interface. It had operating systems with Windows and Icons. And Specially a Mouse to Move Between them. Which made many things and Work very Simple and Easy. And now Apple became a Leading Company of World.
     The Steve Jobs always Believed in Quality then Quantity. For which Jobs used to do everything. But because of that he was having Problem with Company Board of Members. And at last on 1985, Steve Jobs was Removed from his Own Company. It was very Shocking for Steve Jobs. As anybody would be,as Jobs made a Apple Company Big with his Hard work,and he was Fired from Job.
     As Steve Jobs said Always stay Hungry. Jobs didn't Give Up by this Situation. The Steve Jobs Started New Company in Same Year named Next. Which created Software. Which made a first 3D Computer Animated film Toy Story. Which was a Great Hit Film. Then 2nd Company Pixar which Producer mainly Animated Films.
     As the Steve Jobs was going on being Successful in his Journey. But Apple Success Graph was Going down day by day. So Apple Requested Steve Jobs to Come Back in Company. And Jobs Accepted it. And Save Apple from Bankruptcy. Firstly,Jobs Cancelled work on 250 Products and focused on 10 products.
     Then Steve Jobs brought a Product Called I Pod. Which brought 1000 of Songs in One Small Device. Which was a Great Invention. After Sometime Brought I Phone,I Mac,I Tunes, I Pad and many. Which brought a Revolution in Technology and life of People. And made Apple again a Most Successful Company in World.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Steve Jobs who had all Up's and Downs in his Life but he Never Give Up. And made World Surprised with his all Inventions. Had faced all problems in his life,but Tackled all with his Positive Attitude. And in October,5,2011 Steve Jobs died due to Cancer. But Still remembered for his Work and Inventions.
     So Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Motivating Story of Jackie Chan- A Great Inspiring Artist and Entertainer.

Motivating Story of Jackie Chan- A Great Inspiring Artist and Entertainer.

     This is a Story of a great Actor Jackie Chan, who is a All-rounder of Film Industry. 
     The Journey Started at Victoria Peak, British Hong Kong where Jackie Chan was Born on 7 April,1954. The Jackie Chan is Known as All-rounder of Film Industry. As Jackie Chan is Martial Artist,Actor,Film Director, Producer, Stuntmen,Singer and Script Writer etc. But the Childhood of Jackie Chan was very Difficult. As he had most of his Childhood gone in Boarding School in China.
     The Jackie Chan Parents used to work for French Ambassador in Hong Kong. The Jackie Chan was not good in his School Studies. He failed in First year of his School. So he was Transferred to a Boarding Hostel. And he has to live in Hong Kong alone Only as his Parents moved to Australia as they got Job there as Chefs. Where Jackie Chan was Surrounded by Drugs sellers and gambler's but Jackie Chan stayed away from them as he had Promised his Dad that he will not Involve in Drugs and Gambling.
     The Jackie Chan was also bullied by other Students in School. But After sometime he faced them and Stopped it. As he was not good in Studies, he was Mostly Interested in Drama and Martial Arts. And so Became part of School best students group Seven Little fortunes. At the age of 8 Started working in films as Child artist. Afterwards Jackie Chan gained Black Belt in Karate, Taekwondo,Judo and Jeet kune Do.
     At the age of 17 worked as Stuntmen in Bruce Lee films and many other Films. In 1973 got first Film as Lead Actor. But the film got Flop. Afterwards he had no money and no work. Jackie Chan was facing very much Difficulty in life for his daily Livelihood. So in 1976 started working as Construction Worker. And taken Admission in Dickson College.
     As he was not seeing any Hope Further as Actor. Suddenly Jackie Chan received 1 Telegram from film Producer Willie Chan,who was Impressed by his Stunts in last films. So he offered Jackie Chan a film. But that film also got Flopped. But due to that film Jackie Chan received many small roles in other Films.Then After sometime Jackie Chan done a film named Snake in the Eagles Shadow. Which was a Great Hit in China and Asia.
     And After that Jackie Chan done many Films which were Great Hits. He was becoming famous for his Mixing of Martial Arts, Stunts and Comedy. Which was his Trade Mark. Now the Jackie Chan was a big Star in Asian Countries.Afterwards Jackie Chan done Hollywood films also. But films didn't do well business there. So Jackie Chan came back to Hong Kong. As he knew his Audience was here.
     Then Jackie Chan done film Young Master which was a Great Hit and Broke all Records of past films in China of Bruce Lee Films also. After that Jackie Chan Never looked back in his Career. Then after sometime Jackie Chan Again did films in Hollywood also, and got Success. The film like Rush hour, Tuxedo were great Hits. Then Jackie Chan done 100 of fims,which were Great Hits all Over the World. The Jackie Chan used to do very Risky Stunts in his films.
     For those Stunts of films Jackie Chan had all his Bones broken and Fractured many Times. Jackie Chan has got serious Injury also like once he had Fractured his Skull ,due to which his life was in Danger. The Jackie Chan has Guiness World Record in his Name of Most Stunts by a Living Actor.
     But the all Hard work of Jackie Chan had given him Great Success. In 2016 Jackie Chan was a Highest paid Actor in World. The Jackie Chan is also a Good Singer. Has 20 Music Albums in his Name. The Jackie Chan is also Known for his Charity also. As he had Donated most of his Earnings for Charity.
     The Jackie Chan also won an Oscar Award for Lifetime Achievement Award. So this was a great Story of Jackie Chan who had faced all Problems in his Life from the Childhood by Himself Alone. As his Parents were not with him. He was bullied,faced failures,had no Money and no Job at one time. Also faced many Serious Injury also. But Jackie Chan had Belief in Himself and Never Give Up Attitude. So he had Success in his Life.
     So this was a great Motivating Story, Stay Tuned for more.

Friday 7 February 2020

Motivating Story of Jack Ma- A Great Inspirational Entrepreneur.

Motivating Story of Jack Ma- A Great Inspirational Entrepreneur.

     This is a Story of Jack Ma a Businessman who Started from Nothing to Everything in his Life.
     The Journey Started in Hangzhou, China were Jack Ma was born on 10 September,1964. The Jack Ma belonged to a Middle Class Family. But Jack Ma was different from other children. He was very Curious about Everything around him. Jack Ma Started Learning English Language from Childhood. As he was doing the Work of Tourist in his Place. From were Jack Ma Learned English mostly.
     The Jack Ma would Ride 17 Miles on Bicycle to give Tours to Tourist for some Income. The Jack Ma was not Good in Studies in his Childhood. The Jack Ma failed 2 Times in 4th Class and 3 Times in 8th Class. And however finished his School Education. But then failed 5 Times in Graduation Entrance Exam. But Jack didn't Stop there he took admission in some Low rated Institute and got a Graduation Degree from there.
     But the Struggle didn't End there. The Jack Ma given 30 Interviews but Failed to Pass in Any of it.Then Jack Applied for Police officer Job also. But because of his Physical body he was Rejected. The Jack Ma carrier was at a Failure Path. Once the Jack Ma Applied for Job in KFC, where there were 24 People were applying for job. But 23 People were Selected and only Jack Ma was Rejected job. This was very hurtful for anyone.But Jack Ma kept on Trying.
     After Sometime Jack got Job as a Lecturer of Subject English in College as his English was Good. And then done a work of a Translator also. And After that Jack Ma gone to America in 1994, in to visit his Friends. And there he got Introduced to Internet. And he Started Surfing on net for world Information. At that time Jack saw that there is no Information about China on Internet. And he saw Opportunity in this.
     Then Jack Ma started working on Internet with his  friends and Created a website ChinaPages Which got nice Response and Success. And then Started Creating many websites for Chinese Companies on Internet and earned Money. But Jack Ma was Willing to do something Big. And then Jack got Idea of Alibaba website. But at that time many people thought it was bad Idea and no one supported it.
     So Jack Ma started looking for Investors for his Company Alibaba. But no one was Interested in it and faced many Rejections. But Jack was Fully Confident on his Project, and after sometime Soft Bank was Ready to Invest in Alibaba. After starting the Company also Alibaba was not Successful in first 3 years which gave him losses at starting. But people who had Tried service gave Good Response. So Jack Ma didn't Stopped.
     And after Sometime,the Alibaba was a Successful firm in Market in China. And now it is One of the Richest Company of the World. And have world largest Customers. And Jack Ma is One of the Richest Person of the World. With the Determination and Hard work of Jack Ma, Alibaba was a Successful Compny in world.
     So this was a Motivating Story of a great Entrepreneur Jack Ma, who Started from Nothing and got Everything. Had faced all Up's and Downs in his Life. But never Give Up in his Dreams. The Jack Ma had Full Belief in his work and Himself which gave him Success. And Continue to do it. And now doing many work for Environment and Society also. A great Example for Everyone for Life.
     So this was an Inspiring Story stay tuned for more.

Sunday 2 February 2020

Motivating Story of Sachin Tendulkar- The God of Game Cricket.

Motivating Story of Sachin Tendulkar- The God of Game Cricket.

     This is a Story of a Great Player Sachin Tendulkar who Broken and Made New Records in Cricket Game which is very Difficult to be Broken in Future.
     The Journey Started in  Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Where Sachin was Born on 24 April,1973. The Sachin was very Interested in Cricket Game from Childhood only. And that Interest was Seen by his Big Brother Ajit Tendulkar.Whose Dream was also to become Cricketer. But for some reason it didn't became Possible. So he made his Dream True with Sachin Tendulkar his Brother.
     The Sachin Tendulkar belongs to a Middle Class Family. His father was a Writer and Professor. So by Seeing Sachin Talent his brother taken him to coach Ramakant Achrekar. And Coach Achrekar made a Sachin more Wonderful Player. At that time Sachin age was 11. But Sachin was Playing So Excellent game at that Age that no other Player was around him.
     At the age of 14 Selected for Mumbai in Ranjhi Trophy in 1988. And made a 100 Run in his Debut Match against Gujrat. And was a Highest Scorer in whole Series. And Sachin was Highest Scorer in all Domestic games in India. So Indian Team has to take him in Indian Team as his name was Becaming So Famous all over. So Sachin got Selected in India Team at age of 16. Which was first time, So Young age Player was Selected.
     The Sachin Tendulkar debut was Against Pakistan, whose Team had many Great Fast bowlers at that Time. In that match Many Players were Out for Many Low Scores,as the Pitch was of Suitable to Fast bowlers. Many Players at that times Said that the Pitch was So fast they Couldn't See the Bowl.And Sachin Came to Bat at 5th Place with Navjot Sidhu. And India was in Situation of Loosing the Match.
     As the Sachin Tendulkar was Batting, the Waqar Younis was Bowling. After some Balls, Waqar Younis Bowled a Fast Swinging Bouncer which Directly hit to the Nose of Sachin Tendulkar which Broke the Nose of Sachin. And he Collapsed Down and Sachin was full of Blood. The Doctor came and Said he had to return to Pavilion and take Medication. All People in that Ground and in Surrounding Said he Should Quit Playing. But Sachin Said He will Continue to Batting. Every one was Surprised by it.
     If Sachin Tendulkar had Given up at that time, then everyone had Said that such Small Age of Children Shouldn't play this Game. But he didn't Give up, Sachin made a Partnership with Navjot Sidhu and Saved India from Losing,and that Match was Drawn. After that Sachin Tendulkar never looked Back. And Started Making New Records in Cricket. He is the Only Player to have 100 Century in International Cricket. Sachin had all Records in his Name of all Formats of Cricket.
     Sachin became first Person to have 30000 Runs In International Cricket. Sachin had so Classy way of Playing Games that all People from any Country were Great Fans of his Batting. The Sachin was also a Great bowlers,had 201 wickets in his Name. which had Many Games won Because of his Bowling.
     The Sachin Tendulkar had so Great Impact on Game,that India's Name was Becoming famous in all over the World. The Indian Cricket is Richest Board in All over the World, the main  Credit is of Sachin in it. The people used to Turn Off the T.V. if Sachin is Out. The Indian Stock Market also used to React on his Game.
     At that time Australia team was Considered to be a Toughest  to Beat. But there Bowlers were also afraid of his Batting. As the Great Bowlers of Australia  like Shane warne, McGrath and many. But Sachin Scored 204 Runs against them in 1 Match and India won. After playing for 25 Years for India,there is a pressure on a body.
     So Sachin had a Tennis Elbow problem which is Caused by Over using of Forearms. And the Doctors said that Sachin would not be able to Play Cricket in Future. But Sachin didn't Give Up,he worked on it. And Again made a Comeback. And Scored a Double Century against South Africa. And this was first Batsman to Score Double Century in One day Match. And Played a World Cup in 2011 and Won India in it after many years.
     Sachin Tendulkar had Won 2 Golden Bats in 1996 and 2003 and had all World Records in his Name. So he was said as a God of Cricket Game. A Roger Federer was a fan of his Game and many Sports people.At one time, Sachin was Highest Earning Player in World. Sachin has Highest number of Games Played In Cricket.In 2013, Sachin Tendulkar Retired from Cricket Games but his Way of Playing was a Great Inspiration for many Players on Future.
     So this was Motivating Story of Sachin Tendulkar who had all Up's and Downs in his Life. Had so many  and Surgeries for it but he Didn't Give Up. Always focused on his Game and had Belief in Himself.
     Stay tuned for Such more Stories of Great People like Sachin Tendulkar.

Top 10 and Best Brands in World.

 Top 10 and Best Brands in World.      The Brand is a thing,from which people get Attracted to a Product of a Company.It takes very Hard Wor...