Saturday 22 February 2020

Motivating Story of Abraham Lincoln-A Great Inspiring Leader.

Motivating Story of Abraham Lincoln-A Great Inspiring Leader.

     This is a Story of a Journey of Abraham Lincoln who became a President of America from a Common Men.
     The Journey Started at Sinking Spring Farm, Kentucky, U.S. were Lincoln was Born on 12, February,1809.The Abraham Lincoln belonged to a Poor family. The Lincoln father was a Farmer and Carpenter. They  had a Small House of Wood. But they had to change the House many times. Due to  fight for Land Dispute and Acquisition wherever they went. So at last, Lincoln Family moved to one Jungle part of state and started farming there.
     The Abraham Lincoln had great Interest in Education. But didn't had Money for the School. Lincoln Started Working with his Father in Farming at Small Age. As Lincoln father was also not Interested in Sending Lincoln to School. So Abraham Lincoln used to gather books from friends and used to Read it for Knowledge.
     As this Time was Hard, Lincoln lost his Mother at Age of 9. She Died due to Some Sickness. But Losing Mother at Young Age was very Hard. But as Time Passes, Lincoln father married 2nd Time. And She took Good care of Lincoln. Afterwards for Money Lincoln was used to do many Part Time Works and do farming also.
     After Sometime Started Working in Shop which given him time to Study also. But Lincoln wanted to become a Lawyer. So there was a Retired Judge living across the River.So Lincoln Requested him to give Law Books for Study. The Retired Judge was so Impressed with Lincoln travelling across River for Education. That he Kept him as worker in his House and given him books. So Lincoln Completed his Law Studies there.
     After Sometime Abraham Lincoln got Job in Post Office. But Lincoln couldn't see the Treatment people were getting as Slavery. So he Started fighting against Slavery and Equal Rights. So Lincoln also Elected Election also but got Defeated. And for that Election Lincoln Lost his Job also.
     The Lincoln didn't Give up, he Completed his Law Studies. And Became a Lawyer. But Abraham Lincoln Became Unsuccessful as Lawyer. Because as a Lawyer Abraham Lincoln would not take Money from Poor People for there Cases. And mostly fight cases freely and didn't take any false or wrong cases.
     Then After sometime Lincoln got Married,in which he had 4 Sons. But only 1 Son Survived and others Died by illness. But this all Difficulty was Hard,but Lincoln always came back. He had also faced Depression in that Time. But got out of it with help of friend. And later with People Supports Lincoln again Contested Election and won it.
     And the Abraham Lincoln was Youngest Elected person in Assembly. And Became famous for his fight for People Rights in Assembly. And in 1860 fighted for President Election and Won it. As Soon as Lincoln Became President he Brought America out of the Civil war. And Strenthened the federal government and Modernised  U.S Economy.
     Then also took a Revolutionary decision of Ending Slavery in U.S. By making Strict Rules and Laws. By which Slavery was Ended all Around the world. And Treated all people with Equal Rights to Live. Abraham Lincoln is  Said to be one of the best President U.S. had have. Had Done many work for Goodwill of Society and People.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Abraham Lincoln,who was a Self made Suceesfull Person. He Educated Self by himself,faced all Problems in Life from his Childhood to his Whole Life. But he didn't Give Up in his Life.And became President of U.S from Common Person.Always had Belief in Himself and Achieved Everything in Life. Abraham Lincoln Died on 15 April,1985. But Still remembered for his Work.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story of Abraham Lincoln. Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

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