Tuesday 18 February 2020

Motivating Story of Steve Jobs- A Great Revolutionary Entrepreneur of World.

Motivating Story of Steve Jobs- A Great Revolutionary Entrepreneur of World.

     This is a Story of Steve Jobs who Changed the World of Computer and Mobile Technology.
     The Journey Started at San Francisco, California,U.S. were Steve Jobs was Born on 24, February,1955. The Childhood of Steve Jobs was Tough as he was Given for Adoption  by his Mother. As she was in College. And she didn't wanted child at that Age. But the New Parents of Steve Jobs were good and they took Good care of Jobs.
     The Steve Jobs was a Average Student in School days. He was bullied in his Childhood in School days. So mostly remained Alone.
Then Steve Jobs took admission to Reed College for further Studies. But the College fees was very expensive. But however his Parents were paying it. But Steve Jobs didn't found education of that College usefull for his Carrier. And he didn't wanted to Waste his Parents Money.So Jobs Dropped Out of College Same Year.
     Afterwards Steve Jobs Started living on his own. But after sometime it got Tough. As he had no Source of Income and Money. So Jobs Started Selling the Empty Bottle of Cold Drinks. And used to Spend the Night in friends Home and used to Sleep on Floor. The Steve Jobs also used to walk very Long for food to Hindu Temple of Hare Krishna in WeekDays for good Meal.
     At that Time Jobs done a Course of Calligraphy which it helped him Later in Carrier. Then Steve Jobs Gone to India for Peace and Spiritual Enlightment. Where he Stayed for 7 Months. After his return to his Native Place now Steve was more Focused.The Steve Jobs Started doing Job as a Technician also were he Invented One Game also.But the Behaviour of Jobs was different from other People and others found it Disturbing.So he was Terminated.
     So Jobs Started working with his friend Steve Wozniak in his Garage. Were they Started first Apple computer in 1976. After Sometime Steve Jobs and there Friends in Garage made Apple 2. But they wanted to do production in Large scale. For which they Required a Big Investor. Which was tough at Starting but afterwards they got the Investor. And they got Big Orders which made Apple 2 a famous Computer and Apple was a Big Company now.
     The Company which Started in Garage with Some friends was now a 2 Billion Company. But this was only a Start. The Steve Jobs had done a Calligraphy ,which helped him in Designing his Product in Best way. After Sometime Steve Jobs came with Computer Macintosh which changed the world of Technology.
     The Macintosh was a Big Hit. As it was a First Consumer Computer with Graphical User Interface. It had operating systems with Windows and Icons. And Specially a Mouse to Move Between them. Which made many things and Work very Simple and Easy. And now Apple became a Leading Company of World.
     The Steve Jobs always Believed in Quality then Quantity. For which Jobs used to do everything. But because of that he was having Problem with Company Board of Members. And at last on 1985, Steve Jobs was Removed from his Own Company. It was very Shocking for Steve Jobs. As anybody would be,as Jobs made a Apple Company Big with his Hard work,and he was Fired from Job.
     As Steve Jobs said Always stay Hungry. Jobs didn't Give Up by this Situation. The Steve Jobs Started New Company in Same Year named Next. Which created Software. Which made a first 3D Computer Animated film Toy Story. Which was a Great Hit Film. Then 2nd Company Pixar which Producer mainly Animated Films.
     As the Steve Jobs was going on being Successful in his Journey. But Apple Success Graph was Going down day by day. So Apple Requested Steve Jobs to Come Back in Company. And Jobs Accepted it. And Save Apple from Bankruptcy. Firstly,Jobs Cancelled work on 250 Products and focused on 10 products.
     Then Steve Jobs brought a Product Called I Pod. Which brought 1000 of Songs in One Small Device. Which was a Great Invention. After Sometime Brought I Phone,I Mac,I Tunes, I Pad and many. Which brought a Revolution in Technology and life of People. And made Apple again a Most Successful Company in World.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Steve Jobs who had all Up's and Downs in his Life but he Never Give Up. And made World Surprised with his all Inventions. Had faced all problems in his life,but Tackled all with his Positive Attitude. And in October,5,2011 Steve Jobs died due to Cancer. But Still remembered for his Work and Inventions.
     So Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

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