Tuesday 31 March 2020

Motivating Story of Oprah Winfrey- A Inspiring and Powerful Women of World.

Motivating Story of Oprah Winfrey- A Inspiring and Powerful Women of World.

     This is a Story of Oprah Winfrey who became Successfull by facing all Difficulties in Life. The Journey begins at Kosciusko, Mississippi,U.S. were Oprah Winfrey was born on 29, January,1954.
     The Childhood of Oprah Winfrey was very Hard. As she was a Child with no father, as her mother got Pregnant in Teenage Age. And her father didn't care about them. But Oprah Mother took care of her as she can. But the financial situation of her Mother was also not good. So After 6 years the Oprah was sent to her Grandmother.
     But Oprah Winfrey Grandmother was also poor. The financial situation was so bad they didn't had Good clothes to wear. So Oprah was dressed a Clothes made of Potatoes Sack's. For which other children would make fun of them. Oprah had also had to do begging for food and done Stealing of food also.
     But after sometime Oprah was Returned by Grandmother to her Mother as she got illness. And Oprah mother used to work as Household Worker in many People Houses for her Daily Earnings. So Oprah used to Live Lonely in House. By Which many Relatives Molested Oprah Winfrey at 9 to 13 Years of Age. But because of being Scared and feared Oprah didn't told Anybody.
     By this Oprah was Disturbed mentally and physically. By which Oprah Runned away from House. But in between at age of 14 got Pregnant. But due to her Small age and weak health. The Child didn't Survived. But Oprah Mother founded Oprah and Brought her Home. Now the financial situation of Oprah Mother was Good. So Oprah was Sent in a High School for Education.
     But by Seeing the other  Rich Children Spending Money for themselves. Oprah Winfrey also got in it of spending money for Enjoyment. And started Stealing Money from Home from Mother's Wallet. And One day Oprah mother Caught her Stealing Money. So Oprah was sent to her Step father Vernon Winfrey. Who was a Barber.
     The New Step father Vernon was a Good person. He Brought Good Discipline and Manners in Oprah. And from here the life of Oprah Winfrey got Directions. She started taking her High School Education Seriously. And Started Participating in Public Speaking and Drama in College. In which she was very Good.
     After sometime Oprah at age of 19 got Job in Radio Station while she was in High School. Also won Tennessee State University Scholarship. And then Started Studying in Speech Communication. Also won 2 Beauty Contests also. And then got Job in Local News Channel WLac TV. But was Removed from Job as she used to get Emotional while Reading News. But Oprah kept on Trying for another Job.
     After Sometime,in 1986 there was a Turning point of Oprah Winfrey. As Oprah was Good in Communication with People. The Oprah Winfrey got New show called Oprah Winfrey Show. Which is used to be of Half Hour. But after Increasing Popularity of Show it became of 1 Hour. The Show was on Politics, Meditation,Health and other public Issues. The Oprah Winfrey was first Black and Youngest TV  Anchor.And it was a Huge Success for Oprah Winfrey.
     The Oprah Winfrey Show Runned for 2 Decades from 1986 to 2011. The 24 Season and 5000 Episodes The Show was Highest Rated Show.Now the Oprah Winfrey is a Producer, Actress and Social Worker. She was Highest Earning Actress in 2016.The Oprah Winfrey had taken Interviews of all Famous Celebrity like Michael Jackson, Kanye West , Barrack Obama etc.
     So this was Motivating Story of Oprah Winfrey who had all failures, Tough Times and Difficulty in life. But Oprah Winfrey didn't Give Up. And had Confidence and Belief in her Self. By which She became a Powerful and Successful Women in World. The Oprah Winfrey does many Charity and Social Works also. The Oprah Winfrey was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in U.S. Which is Highest Civilian Award in U.S.
     So this was an Inspiring Story of Oprah Winfrey who faced Everything and Rised Up. Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Motivating Story of Wright Brothers-Who Invented First Airplane and Brought Revolution.

Motivating Story of Wright Brothers-Who Invented First Airplane and Brought Revolution.

     This is a Story of Wright Brothers who Brought Revolution in World of Transport and People by Inventing first Airplane.
     The Journey Started at America were the Wright Brothers were born. In this Orville Wright was born on 19, August,1871 in Dayton, Ohio. And 2nd Brother, Wilbur Wright was Born on 16 April 1867 in Millville, Indiana. There Dad was a Father in Church. So they belonged to a Middle Class Family.
     In both Brothers Wilbur Wright was good in Studies and Sports. But Orville Wright was not Good in Studies.So was Suspended from School many times. In 1878 Wright's father Brought them a Helicopter Top.Which got both Brothers Interested in making Invention of flying Machine. But one day while Playing with that Toy. The Toy got broken. But the Wright Brothers opened it.And had Repaired the Toy by themselves.
     After Sometime both Brother's had Attended High Schools but didn't got any Diploma in any field. So Orville Wright after Completing Education got in to a Printing Business. While Wilbur Wright was in Ice Hockey Sports. But in One Game Wilbur Wright got so Injured that he was out of Field for many Months.And broken his all Teeth also.
     So after Sometime Wilbur Wright also Joined his brother Printing Business. In 1889,both Wright Brothers opened New business of Newspaper named West Side News. But the business failed and they got in to Losses. So they tried other business also but it didn't work.
     So the Wright Brothers got back to there's Printing Business. But there also they Started to have Losses. At that time, the Bicycle was Introduced Newly to the World. So Wright Brothers got in to Making Cycle and Selling Business. Which got them a Good profit and made a Good Money.
      So the Wright Brothers Started working on there Childhood Dreams of Making Flying Machine. So Started Studying Aeronautics Books and New Inventions. By Seeing Wright Brothers Work on Flying Machine. Many People used to Laugh on them and said that it was a Waste of Money and Impossible.
     But Wright Brothers didn't Care about that. Many other People had texted building a Flying Machine. But didn't had Success. As the Wright Brothers had Previous Experience of Machinery in Printing and Cycle business. It help them in there Inventions. And they use to observe the Birds how they fly in sky in all directions.
     In 1902 done many Experiments of Flying Airplane. But was not 100 percent Ready for Flying. So after many development  in 17, December,1903 first Airplane was Sucessfully made flying in North Carolina. But it was carrying only single person. But after risk free flying of there Airplanes and many advanced development. It was Sold to American Army for 30,000 $.
     But after Increasing demand from Whole World. The Wright Brothers Started there own Company of Making Air Planes named Wright Brothers in 1909. Where Wilbur Wright was a President and Orville Wright was Vice president of Company. The Wright Brothers also Invented first Aircraft Control also. Which made easy to Control the Airplane and which is used now also.
     After sometime in 1912 Wilbur Wright died due to Typhoid. So now whole company was seen by Brother Orville Wright. But in 1915 Orville Wright sold the Company and Started working in Company Management. And then after Many years of Successful Career in Company by making new Inventions and development in Aeronautics field. He also died in 30 January,1948.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Wright Brothers who had faced all Difficulties and Up's and Downs in the Life. But they didn't Give Up. They always remained Positive. And had success in there Life. And given a Whole World a Great Invention of Airplane. Which is now main mode of Transport to World and all people.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story. So Stay Tuned for more Stories.

Monday 23 March 2020

Motivating Story of Lenovo Company Owner -Liu Chuanzhi a Great Entrepreneur.

Motivating Story of Lenovo Company Owner -Liu Chuanzhi a Great Entrepreneur.

     This is a Motivating Story of Company Lenovo and it's Owner Journey. The Journey Started at Zhenjiang,Jiangsu,China were Liu Chuanzhi was Born on 29,April,1944.
     The Liu Chuanzhi belonged to a Middle Class Family. But Chuanzhi was different from others he always wanted to do something Big and Different. So Liu Chuanzhi Completed his Graduation in 1962. But wanted to be a Military Pilot.So he Started Preparing for it. And had taken all Education and Knowledge Required for it. And given a Exams and Passed in it. But after that also he was Declared Unfit for the Military Service.
     The all Hard work of Liu Chuanzhi was failed. But Liu Chuanzhi didn't give up. And Started taking Education of Computer. So Assigned in Study Radar. And Afterwards Started Working in China Academy of Science in 1970. But was Unhappy with the Salary received there, Liu Chuanzhi received only 100 Yuan per Month. But he received good Knowledge of Computers.So he Left the Job after sometime.
     But Liu Chuanzhi wanted to do something big. So with the Help of 10 Engineer Staff, Started his own Company with his Leftover Saving Money in a Small Place. But Liu Chuanzhi required more funding for his Business. And no one was ready to do the Funding in China for Start Up's at that Time.
     So after sometime Liu Chuanzhi taken a Loan. And started his Business. At first,Liu Started Business of Importing Television and Selling but it got Failed. So started another Business of Making Digital Watches and Selling it. But this business also got Failed. Now Liu Chuanzhi was in a Great Loss financially.
     So in 1985 Liu Chuanzhi tried of making Circuit Board of Computer and Selling it. Which got Successful. Which he used to Sell to IBM. Which was Leading Company of Computer in China at that Time. And then Slowly Started Selling IBM Computers as a Agent in China. Where Liu Chuanzhi used to attend a Meeting of Company Sitting in Last Chairs. 
     Liu Chuanzhi had Sold many Computers by Cycling on Road from door to door. And now Lenovo had Buyed IBM Company. And after this Liu Started 1 more office in Hong Kong. Where Liu Chuanzhi Started Selling Computer for HP and Toshiba also. Then After sometime Liu Chuanzhi got Idea of Making Self Assemble Computers under a Company Name of Legend.
     This Idea got Liu Chuanzhi a Great Success. And after Sometime Legend Became Largest Computer Seller in China.And a Successful Company of China. And got Listed in Hong Kong Stock Market. And Soon Became no 1 Company in China.And Sold 1 Million Computers in China. In 2002 Liu Chuanzhi also Started Making Smart Phone also. 
     In 2002 Liu Chuanzhi Changed the Name of Company from Legend to Lenovo. And had Deal with Microsoft Company for Windows Operating System in his Computer. After this Lenovo Company became World Wide famous for it's Computers, Laptop, Mobile's and other Electronic Device's.Now the Lenovo is Selling its Products in more then 160 Countries.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Liu Chuanzhi who had made a Multinational Company Like Lenovo by Himself. Had to faced all Up's and Downs in his Life And Problems. But he never Give Up in any Situation. And became a Suceesfull business Men and Entrepreneur. And Still Running his Company Lenovo Sucessfully.
     So this was a Great Motivating Story. Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Motivating Story of Enzo Ferrari-A Great Entrepreneur and Creator of Company Ferrari.

Motivating Story of Enzo Ferrari-A Great Entrepreneur and Creator of Company Ferrari.

     This is a Story of Entrepreneur Enzo Ferrari who Started Company Ferrari and Brought Revolution in World of Cars and Car Racing. The Journey begins at Modena, Kingdom of Italy Were Enzo Ferrari was born on 20 February,1898.
     The Enzo Ferrari got Interested in Cars and Car Racing from his Childhood. Once ,at the Age of 10 Ferrari father took him to Circuito di Bologna a Car Racing Event. Where he got more Interested in Cars and it's Racing. And after that Started going on many Car Racing Games.The Interest in the Cars provided Enzo Ferrari full Knowledge about Cars without getting other Different Education in Cars Mechanic.
     After sometime Completed Graduation from Modena College and got Job as Teacher in Fire Bridget Workshop.But after sometime had to Join Italy Army for World War 1. After Getting out from Army. The Enzo Ferrari got big Shock in 1916 of his Dad and Brother Death in Flu Disease. This was very Hard for him as he was very Close to them.
     But due to Sudden Death in Family, there was a Financial Crisis in Family.As there family Business of Carpenter also got Collapsed. So he had to Look for Job Urgently. After Searching Job for many days, got Selected in Job for Fiat Company.But got Rejected as the Vacancy got Full.
     After Sometime got Job in C.M.N Company as a Test Driver. And then Later was Promoted  to Car Racing Driver by Seeing the Knowledge of Cars and his Talent of Driving. And Enzo Ferrari was very Happy of this Job. Enzo Ferrari won many Grand Prix Race for the Company as a Driver.
     But After Sometime Lost his Friend in a Car Racing.So Ferrari also Started Staying away from Racing and got Little Frightened. And had Retirement from Racing in 1932. And Joined Management work in Company. And Joined Alfa Romeo Company Management Work. But not Stayed there for long time as Ferrari got in Dispute with other Colleagues in Company.So was Removed from Job.
     So Afterwards Enzo Ferrari didn't Give Up, Started his Own Company Named Auto Avio Costruzioni which was Producing and Supplying Cars Body Parts to other Car Company.But due to World War 2 there was a Great Recession which got his Business in to Loss.So it was Shut Down.
     So after World war 2, Enzo Ferrari Started Designing Cars for Company. As his Interest in Cars was so Much that there was Nothing then Car in his Mind as a Carrier.So in 1947 Designed his First Ferrari 125S Model which Got very Famous. And After that Started Participating in Race and then Won his First Formula Grand Prix in 1951.
      And after that Success Enzo Ferrari Never Looked Back in his Life.And became World Famous for his Ferrari Cars. Which is Now a Big World Wide Brand of a Cars. And Kept on Designing New and Fast Cars.Under the Leadership of Enzo Ferrari the Company got in to No 1 Position in Cars Industry.
     So in 14,August, 1988 the Enzo Ferrari Died. But Still Remembered for his Cars and his Company which is Still Progressing. So this was a Great Inspiring Story of Enzo Ferrari who faced all Types of Problems in his Life. And had many Failures in his Personal and Professional Life. But Ferrari had Belief in his Passion for Cars and Himself.So had Achieved Success in his Life. And Created a Great Company.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Enzo Ferrari. So Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Motivating Story of Colonel Harland Sanders- A Inspiring Story of Creator of KFC.

Motivating Story of Colonel Harland Sanders- A Inspiring Story of Creator of  KFC.

     This is a Story of Harland Sanders who Started the Restaurant Named KFC-Kentucky Fried Chicken.Which is now a World Wide famous for it's Food.
     The Journey Started at Henryville,Indiana,U.S. were Harland Sanders was born on 16 December,1980. The Childhood of Harland Sanders was tough. As his father died ,when Harland Sanders was of 5 years age. So there was a financial Crisis in a family. So for daily earnings Harland Sanders Mother Started working in Tomatoes Cannery.
     So Harland Sanders have to do many works in very Small age like of Cooking food and Many House hold works. As they were 3 Children of Parents. And he was bigger in age. After sometime his Mother done a 2nd Marriage. But Harland Sanders didn't had Good Relationship with this new Father. And his new father also Hated Sanders.
     So at the Age of 13 Harland Sanders lived his House and Moved to his Uncle's House. Due to which he had to Quit his School also. And Started working in farmland also. After Sometime Sanders also Joined U.S Army by giving false Birth Certificate.
     After Sometime Sanders got Job as a Conductor in Bus with the Help of his Uncle.But after Sometime that Job was also gone. The Harland Sanders done many work like Job of Insurance Salesman, Seller of Credit Card, Blacksmith work and Many More. At age of 17 Harland Sanders was Removed from 4 jobs that year.
     Then at last got a Job in Railways as Ash Removal in Train. And later meet a Girl at work. And at age of 18 got Married. But After Sometime he got 1 Child also. But After sometime got fight with a Colleague at Work. Due to which he Lost his Job at Railways. So after that Started Business of making Lamps and Selling it. But that Business got failed. And got in to Huge Loss.
     These Situation got Harland Sanders in to Financial Crisis. Due to which his Wife also Left him with his Children. But Harland Sanders didn't Give Up he Kept on Trying. And done many Jobs. After that in 1930 Shell oil Company offered a Service Station in Kentucky for Rent Free. But used to take a Commission in Sales.
     Where he Introduced his Special Chicken Dish which was Liked by many People. And it got a Great Response also. But After sometime that Restaraunt got in Road Extension. So Afterwards for Completing 60 Years of Age. The U.S government given Sanders a Cheque of 105 dollars.Which was not enough for his future life.
     So, Harland Sanders thought of Investing it in his Famous Chicken Dish. And Started looking for a Investor for a Restaraunt. But after getting failed by 1008 Time's. Sander got 1 Investor who was willing to Invest in his Recipe. After that Harland Sanders Never looked back in his Life. The Recipe and a Restaurant named KFC was a Great Hit in all over the World.
     So first KFC Restaraunt was opened in South Lake,Utah in 1952. And then kept on Increasing the Branch all over America and then in all Countries. The Success was because of Secret Recipe of Harland Sanders. After Overwhelming Expansion at age of 73 Sanders Sold the whole  Franchise to a 2 Investors for 2 Million Dollars.
     But the Harland Sanders had Control over Branches Operations in Canada. And Sanders Remained Brand Ambassador and Symbol for KFC whole life. Now KFC have branch over 118 Countries and Thousands of Outlets all over the World.By Starting the KFC at the Age of 60, the Harland Sanders died at age of 90, on December 16,1980. But his Famous Chicken Dish and KFC Still Growing Successfully.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Harland Sanders who had faced all Types of Problems in his Life and all Up and Down's in his Life.But never Give Up in any Situations. Sanders started business at Age of 60 and Got Success. Where other people Retire in there Life in age of 60. So, Age is Only a Number. From which we can be Inspired.
     So this was a Great Motivating Story. Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

Thursday 5 March 2020

Motivating Story of Ray Kroc- A Entrepreneur to Start McDonald's a Fast Food Branches Concept in Worldwide.

Motivating Story of Ray Kroc- A Entrepreneur to Start McDonald's a Fast Food Branches Concept in Worldwide.

     This is a Story of a Person Who first Started the Concept of Opening the Fast food Branches all over the World called McDonald's.
     The Journey Started in Oak Park, Illinois, U.S were Ray Kroc was born on October 5,1902. The Childhood of Ray Kroc was not Good. As he was Born to a Very Poor Family. The situation was so bad they couldn't have many Basic Needs.
     So, during World war 1 by Lying about the Birth Date. The Ray Kroc got in to  Army as Red Cross Ambulance Driver at Age of 15 for some Money. But as the World War 1 ended the Job was Gone. So Ray Kroc started doing many Jobs like Selling Paper Cups,Working as a Estate Agent and Also working as a Piano Player for Bands and Radio Station.
     The Ray Kroc done this all Work till age of 25 for his Daily Needs.After World War 2 the Economy of a Country was not so good. So finding a Job was very Difficult and had to face Inflation also.But after sometime, Ray started Working as a Salesman for Company by Selling Milk Shake Mixer Machine.
     But Ray Kroc wanted to do Something Different and Big. So One Day, Ray was Analysing his Sales of Milk Shake Mixer. He Saw that 1 Restaraunt of California has his most Sales of 8 Machines. So Ray Kroc thought of Visiting the Restaraunt. So as he Visited he saw that there was Large Ques of People's.
     So Ray Started asking People about the Speciality of Restaurant. He was told that the Price of Burger was only 15 Cents. And the Service was very Quick, Qualitative and Good. After Seeing the Restaraunt Ray kroc saw that Place was very family Friendly.In Terms of other Hotels were there were Many Smokers and Couldn't be visited with Family.
      And this Restaraunt was  Mostly focused on 5 to 6 Items which was there Success Secret as told by there Owners. The  Restaurant was Runned by 2 McDonald's Family Brother. So the name of Restaurant was McDonald's. The Ray kroc was Impressed by this Clean, Simple and Modern way of Restaurant.
     So,Ray Kroc asked for Permission to Open 1 Branch of McDonald's in California.So in 1955 Ray opened his first Branch of McDonald's. Which got a Very  Good Response. So he thought of Opening More braches in U.S. But the McDonald's Brother's were not Ready to Expand as they were satisfied with there one Restaurant.
     But, Ray Kroc kept on Trying as he knew that this Idea will be a Big Hit in Market. So he asked again to McDonald's Brother's. And this Time the McDonald's Brother's told that if you want to Open more Branches. Why You don't Buy the Franchise and Brand McDonald's. So Ray Kroc was ready for this Deal. And buyed McDonald's in 1961 for 2.7 Million Dollars.
     And Started to Open many Branches all over the America. And it got the good Response. And McDonald's became a Great Brand all over America and in the World. The Quick and Quality Service was a Main Motto. Now the McDonald's has Branch over 119 Countries and More. They Sells over 1 Crore Burgers Every day. In McDonald's 70 Lakhs People Visit Daily.
     After the Success of McDonald's all over the World. Many other Fast food Copied this way of Business Model. And many other Restaurant Started this Like KFC,Burger King etc and Many. This McDonald's business Model of Ray Krocs Brought a Revolution in Fast food Industry.
     In 1974, after opening 7500 Branches all over the World of McDonald's. The Ray Krocs Retired. And then Buyed a Sports Team of baseball Named San Diego Padres. Did many Social work and Charity in Many fields. And in January 14,1984 Ray Kroc died.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Ray Kroc,who Started from Nothing to Everything. The Ray faced all Types of Problems in his Life. But he Never Give Up in Life. He kept on Trying and had Belief In Himself.And became a Big Suceesfull Person in his Life. As Ray Kroc said, It's Never Late to Start.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story,Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

Sunday 1 March 2020

Motivating Story of Soichiro Honda-A Revolutionary Entrepreneur and Engineer of Automobile World.

Motivating Story of Soichiro Honda-A Revolutionary Entrepreneur and Engineer of Automobile World.

     This is a Story of a Person Who made a Great Revolution in the World of Motorcycle and all Vehicles .
     The Journey Started at Hamamatsu,Shizuoka, Japan where Honda was born on 17, November,1906.
     The Childhood of Honda was Tough as he belonged to Middle Class Family. There were financial crisis in house. As Honda father was a Small Mechanic and blacksmith. Who used to repair Bycycle and Honda used to Help him in this work. And Mother was a Weaver.The Honda was not Interested in Traditional Education.
     From Childhood only Honda, was mostly Interested in Machinery and Invention. And he got more Interested as he saw first Car in his Village. So at Age of 15 without any Formal Education Honda Left his Home and gone to Tokyo for Work and Money.
     The Honda got Job in Shokai Company as a Cleaner as he was a Youngest Person. But after sometime,Honda Requested Company owner for Mechanical Job. And Got Job as a Apprenticeship in Company. And Honda was a Quick leaner so he got there fix Job.
     Then Shokai Company Participated in Japan Car Racing Game in Which Shokai Car came first of which Honda was Mechanic.So Company got Impressed by his Work. By which Honda got to Handle 1 branch of Shokai as Branch Manager. But after working for 6 years Honda Lived the Job. And came back to his Village for doing own business.
     Then Honda open a Garage where he Started Working as Mechanic. Then  Honda raced a Turbocharged Ford in 1st Japan Automobile Race but Crashed Seriously and Injured his Left side Eye.Also was in Hospital for 3 Months and then after that Honda Quit Racing.
     In 1937 Honda Started Producing Piston Rings for Vehicles by Starting his Own Company. As he was getting Orders from many Companies. Honda got big Order from Toyota. So for Big Order require Big Money.So he put all his Money on making of Parts. But after sometime the Order of Piston Rings was Cancelled by Toyota, as by Saying it didn't Passed Quality Check.
     The Honda was facing Big Loss because of it. But he Improved the Quality and got the Order back. But this was not a end of problems. There was a Bombing done by America on Japan. Which got serious Loss to Japan Economy and Honda factory also. But the Remaining Parts were taken by Toyota and Earned Some Money from it.
     The Honda didn't Give Up, he seen Opportunity in this also. Honda Started Making a Bycycle attached to a Engine at Minimum Price. Which was Called later Bike. And it got a great demand by People. And was a Big Hit in Market. Then Honda kept on Improving his Product to Great Product.
     Then Honda founded Honda Technical Institute. And in 1948 Started Producing Complete Motorized Bicycle. And the demand for bicycle kept on Increasing Day by Day. And in 1961 produced 1 Lacs Motorcycle in 1 Month. And in 1968 it Started Producing 10 Lacs Per Month.
     This Contribution of Honda helped in Japan Economy also.And then later Joined a Four Wheeler business also. And had Success in this also.Then Expanded business in U.S. And made a Company Billion Dollar Company.It is also now a Best Selling Motorbikes and Vehicles in World.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Soichiro Honda who made Expansion from Wooden Shack Manufacturing Bicycle Motors to Multinational Automobile and Motorcycle. And face all Problems in his Life but never Give Up in Life. Seen all failures and Up-Downs in his Life. But kept on Trying and at last Achieved Success in Life.
     So there is Very much to Learn from his Story. Stay Tuned for Such more Inspiring Stories.

Top 10 and Best Brands in World.

 Top 10 and Best Brands in World.      The Brand is a thing,from which people get Attracted to a Product of a Company.It takes very Hard Wor...