Thursday 5 March 2020

Motivating Story of Ray Kroc- A Entrepreneur to Start McDonald's a Fast Food Branches Concept in Worldwide.

Motivating Story of Ray Kroc- A Entrepreneur to Start McDonald's a Fast Food Branches Concept in Worldwide.

     This is a Story of a Person Who first Started the Concept of Opening the Fast food Branches all over the World called McDonald's.
     The Journey Started in Oak Park, Illinois, U.S were Ray Kroc was born on October 5,1902. The Childhood of Ray Kroc was not Good. As he was Born to a Very Poor Family. The situation was so bad they couldn't have many Basic Needs.
     So, during World war 1 by Lying about the Birth Date. The Ray Kroc got in to  Army as Red Cross Ambulance Driver at Age of 15 for some Money. But as the World War 1 ended the Job was Gone. So Ray Kroc started doing many Jobs like Selling Paper Cups,Working as a Estate Agent and Also working as a Piano Player for Bands and Radio Station.
     The Ray Kroc done this all Work till age of 25 for his Daily Needs.After World War 2 the Economy of a Country was not so good. So finding a Job was very Difficult and had to face Inflation also.But after sometime, Ray started Working as a Salesman for Company by Selling Milk Shake Mixer Machine.
     But Ray Kroc wanted to do Something Different and Big. So One Day, Ray was Analysing his Sales of Milk Shake Mixer. He Saw that 1 Restaraunt of California has his most Sales of 8 Machines. So Ray Kroc thought of Visiting the Restaraunt. So as he Visited he saw that there was Large Ques of People's.
     So Ray Started asking People about the Speciality of Restaurant. He was told that the Price of Burger was only 15 Cents. And the Service was very Quick, Qualitative and Good. After Seeing the Restaraunt Ray kroc saw that Place was very family Friendly.In Terms of other Hotels were there were Many Smokers and Couldn't be visited with Family.
      And this Restaraunt was  Mostly focused on 5 to 6 Items which was there Success Secret as told by there Owners. The  Restaurant was Runned by 2 McDonald's Family Brother. So the name of Restaurant was McDonald's. The Ray kroc was Impressed by this Clean, Simple and Modern way of Restaurant.
     So,Ray Kroc asked for Permission to Open 1 Branch of McDonald's in California.So in 1955 Ray opened his first Branch of McDonald's. Which got a Very  Good Response. So he thought of Opening More braches in U.S. But the McDonald's Brother's were not Ready to Expand as they were satisfied with there one Restaurant.
     But, Ray Kroc kept on Trying as he knew that this Idea will be a Big Hit in Market. So he asked again to McDonald's Brother's. And this Time the McDonald's Brother's told that if you want to Open more Branches. Why You don't Buy the Franchise and Brand McDonald's. So Ray Kroc was ready for this Deal. And buyed McDonald's in 1961 for 2.7 Million Dollars.
     And Started to Open many Branches all over the America. And it got the good Response. And McDonald's became a Great Brand all over America and in the World. The Quick and Quality Service was a Main Motto. Now the McDonald's has Branch over 119 Countries and More. They Sells over 1 Crore Burgers Every day. In McDonald's 70 Lakhs People Visit Daily.
     After the Success of McDonald's all over the World. Many other Fast food Copied this way of Business Model. And many other Restaurant Started this Like KFC,Burger King etc and Many. This McDonald's business Model of Ray Krocs Brought a Revolution in Fast food Industry.
     In 1974, after opening 7500 Branches all over the World of McDonald's. The Ray Krocs Retired. And then Buyed a Sports Team of baseball Named San Diego Padres. Did many Social work and Charity in Many fields. And in January 14,1984 Ray Kroc died.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Ray Kroc,who Started from Nothing to Everything. The Ray faced all Types of Problems in his Life. But he Never Give Up in Life. He kept on Trying and had Belief In Himself.And became a Big Suceesfull Person in his Life. As Ray Kroc said, It's Never Late to Start.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story,Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

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