Saturday 28 March 2020

Motivating Story of Wright Brothers-Who Invented First Airplane and Brought Revolution.

Motivating Story of Wright Brothers-Who Invented First Airplane and Brought Revolution.

     This is a Story of Wright Brothers who Brought Revolution in World of Transport and People by Inventing first Airplane.
     The Journey Started at America were the Wright Brothers were born. In this Orville Wright was born on 19, August,1871 in Dayton, Ohio. And 2nd Brother, Wilbur Wright was Born on 16 April 1867 in Millville, Indiana. There Dad was a Father in Church. So they belonged to a Middle Class Family.
     In both Brothers Wilbur Wright was good in Studies and Sports. But Orville Wright was not Good in Studies.So was Suspended from School many times. In 1878 Wright's father Brought them a Helicopter Top.Which got both Brothers Interested in making Invention of flying Machine. But one day while Playing with that Toy. The Toy got broken. But the Wright Brothers opened it.And had Repaired the Toy by themselves.
     After Sometime both Brother's had Attended High Schools but didn't got any Diploma in any field. So Orville Wright after Completing Education got in to a Printing Business. While Wilbur Wright was in Ice Hockey Sports. But in One Game Wilbur Wright got so Injured that he was out of Field for many Months.And broken his all Teeth also.
     So after Sometime Wilbur Wright also Joined his brother Printing Business. In 1889,both Wright Brothers opened New business of Newspaper named West Side News. But the business failed and they got in to Losses. So they tried other business also but it didn't work.
     So the Wright Brothers got back to there's Printing Business. But there also they Started to have Losses. At that time, the Bicycle was Introduced Newly to the World. So Wright Brothers got in to Making Cycle and Selling Business. Which got them a Good profit and made a Good Money.
      So the Wright Brothers Started working on there Childhood Dreams of Making Flying Machine. So Started Studying Aeronautics Books and New Inventions. By Seeing Wright Brothers Work on Flying Machine. Many People used to Laugh on them and said that it was a Waste of Money and Impossible.
     But Wright Brothers didn't Care about that. Many other People had texted building a Flying Machine. But didn't had Success. As the Wright Brothers had Previous Experience of Machinery in Printing and Cycle business. It help them in there Inventions. And they use to observe the Birds how they fly in sky in all directions.
     In 1902 done many Experiments of Flying Airplane. But was not 100 percent Ready for Flying. So after many development  in 17, December,1903 first Airplane was Sucessfully made flying in North Carolina. But it was carrying only single person. But after risk free flying of there Airplanes and many advanced development. It was Sold to American Army for 30,000 $.
     But after Increasing demand from Whole World. The Wright Brothers Started there own Company of Making Air Planes named Wright Brothers in 1909. Where Wilbur Wright was a President and Orville Wright was Vice president of Company. The Wright Brothers also Invented first Aircraft Control also. Which made easy to Control the Airplane and which is used now also.
     After sometime in 1912 Wilbur Wright died due to Typhoid. So now whole company was seen by Brother Orville Wright. But in 1915 Orville Wright sold the Company and Started working in Company Management. And then after Many years of Successful Career in Company by making new Inventions and development in Aeronautics field. He also died in 30 January,1948.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Wright Brothers who had faced all Difficulties and Up's and Downs in the Life. But they didn't Give Up. They always remained Positive. And had success in there Life. And given a Whole World a Great Invention of Airplane. Which is now main mode of Transport to World and all people.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story. So Stay Tuned for more Stories.

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