Thursday 30 April 2020

Motivating Story of Charlie Chaplin-A Worldwide famous Comic Actor.

Motivating Story of Charlie Chaplin-A Worldwide famous Comic Actor

   This is a Story of Charlie Chaplin who was a Famous Comic Actor, Director,Producer,Screen Writer and Editor. Who became Worldwide famous for his Work. The Journey begins at England were Charlie Chaplin was born on 16, April,1889.

     The Charlie Chaplin was born to a Poor Family. The Charlie father Charles Chaplin Sr and Mother Hannah Chaplin used to do a Stage Shows for there Earnings. But after Sometime the Charlie Chaplin father Leaved the family. And now the Charlie and his Mother were on there own.
     Now the Mother alone was Doing the Stand Up Shows. But they were not earning enough Money from this now. And One day while Doing One Show, Charlie Mother Hannah Chaplin Lost her Voice. And due to it the People in Show Started Shouting. By which the Production House took a Decision of Sending a 6 Year old Age Boy Charlie Chaplin on Stage. 
     As the Charlie Chaplin had Seen his Mother Performance Many Times. So Charlie done the Same thing on Stage. And People in Crowd loved the Performance. This was Time when Charlie Chaplin was first Introduced to Stage Acting. But in this due to Some Throat's Infection Charlie Chaplin Mother Lost her Voice Permanently.
     And due to which the Financial Crisis became very Bad. And the Charlie's Mother Couldn't Handle it. And got Mental Problem. By which She was Admitted  to Hospital for Treatment. And Now Charlie Chaplin was Alone at the age of 8. And Started Doing Shows with his Parents Production House.And People Liked the different Acting done by Charlie and became Famous for it.
     The Charlie Chaplin Started Working at Very Small Age.The Life was Harsh,but Charlie Accepted it.And Carried on his Work.But Due to this he Got Good Experience of Acting. In 1913 Newyork Motion Pictures had Contract with Charlie Chaplin for Film.And in 1914 first Movie was Released 'Making a Living'. And Now Charlie Chaplin wanted to do Something Big in Acting.
     But Charlie Chaplin got More famous for his Acting in film, Mabel's Strange Predicament. And After Sometime Charlie Chaplin wanted to do Acting in his Own Style. But Charlie was not Getting freedom to do that in others Production Films. So Charlie Chaplin Started his Own Production. And all the Writing,Direction and Composing was done by Himself.
     This was a Great Risk but Charlie Chaplin had Belief in Himself. And Many People Stop him from Doing that. As there will be Great Loss. But Charlie Completed his Film And named it, Caught in the Rain. The film was a Great Hit. And after this Charlie Chaplin never looked back in his Life. The Speciality of Charlie Chaplin film was the Silent Comedy.
      The People who Watched the film had a Great Experience of Laughter. And People will be Happy after Watching Charlie Chaplin Films. And After this the Charlie Chaplin became Worldwide famous for his Films. And films were Watched by Worldwide People. But due to Some Political Problems the films of Charlie Chaplin were banned in America. And also Charlie Chaplin had to Leave the America. And at last had to Settle in Switzerland.
     But Charlie Chaplin didn't Stopped there. He Continued on Making the film's and Entertained all People. And won the Oscar for his film, Limelight. And made much more films which made People Happy.And after Entertaining People for 75 Years. The Charlie Chaplin died at Age of 88 in 25, December, 1977.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Charlie Chaplin. Who had faced all Difficulties in Life from Childhood Only. But Never Give Up in his Life. And Kept on Moving forward in Life. And had Success in his Life.And Entertained people in his Whole life.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story.So Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Saturday 25 April 2020

Motivating Story of Wilma Rudolph-A World Record Holder Olympic Champion.

Motivating Story of Wilma Rudolph-A World Record Holder Olympic Champion.

     This is a Story of American Track and Field Athlete Champion. Who made all Impossible things in Life Possible. The Journey begins at Saint Bethlehem, Tennessee,U.S. were Wilma Rudolph was Born on 23,June,1940.
     The Wilma Rudolph was Born to a Poor Family. The Father of Wilma was a Worker and her Mother was a Maid. Who used to work in House of other People's.The Wilma Rudolph was born before Time. So the Weight of Wilma was very Low. And So was very Weak in Health.At very Young age had Disease like Pneumonia and Scarlet Fever. But Recovered from it after Sometime.
     But as this Struggle was Over, had Polio at Age of 5. Due to which it Damaged Wilma Right Leg. And has less Power and Strength in that Leg. Which Caused Wilma Problem in Walking. So for Treatment Wilma Rudolph and her Mother used to Travel Weekly Bus Trips to Nashville which was 80 Kms Long. As there was Racial Discrimination in America at that time. And other hospital were not giving Treatment to Black People.
     But after Getting Treatment for 2 Years Doctor Said to Wilma Rudolph Mother that Wilma Will be Not able to Walk in whole Life. But Wilma Mother didn't Gave Up. She Kept on Trying by doing Home Medicines and Daily Massages of Legs. And Wilma Rudolph used to wear Leg Brace and Orthopedic Shoes for Support Still 12 Years Old.
     The Wilma Rudolph was mostly Home Schooled due to Frequent Illness. But After Sometime Attended Clarksville Black Burt High School. Where Wilma used to Watch other Childrens Play and Run. She also had Wish to Run and Play.
And other people used to make Joke of her Polio. One day Wilma gone to Attend 1 Sports Meeting. Where the Professor and other Childrens made fun of her.
     This was a Time when Wilma Rudolph decided that she will Walk and Participate in Sports One Day. After Trying Many Times and failing for Many Times. Wilma Rudolph got Up Everytime and Got Success. And Started Walking and Running Without any Leg Brace and Support after Sometime.And After Seeing this the Doctor was Shocked by Seeing Wilma walking and Running.
     And with this Positive Attitude Wilma Started taking Parts in Sports. And Participated in Basketball Team. And then in Racing Event like Track and Field. But in first Race in School Wilma came Last in Race. But Wilma kept on Trying. After Losing in 8 Racing Events. Wilma Rudolph won her first Racing Event.And after this Wilma Rudolph never Looked back.
     And with the Help of Coach Temple and his Coaching Style it made Large Improvement in Wilma Rudolph Performance. In the Age of 16 Wilma Rudolph Attended 1956 U.S Olympic Track Racing Trials. And Qualified for 1956, Australia Summer Olympics.But was Defeated in 200 Meter Race. But had Won Bronze Medal in 4 x100 Meter Relay.
     The Goal of Wilma Rudolph was Big. So she Started Training More Harder.And Qualified for 1960 Rome Summer Olympics. In 1960 Olympic Wilma Rudolph Won 3 Gold Medal in 100 Meter,200 Meter and in 4x100 Meter Relay Track and Field Racing.And due to World Wide Coverage of 1960 Olympic on T.V. The Wilma Rudolph became Worldwide famous. She became Role Model for all Worldwide female and Black People.
     The Wilma was Acclaimed as fastest Women in 1960. Became first American Women to Win 3 Gold Medal in Single Olympic Games. After Retiring from Games, Wilma Rudolph used to fight for Women's Rights and other Social Justice and Equality. But in 12, November,1994 Wilma Rudolph Died due to Cancer Illness.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Wilma Rudolph who had to fight the Big Diseases in Very Young Age. And had Lost Strength of 1 Leg,due to which Can't do Walking also. But due to Positive Attitude and Great Determination Wilma Rudolph  made all things Possible. And had Achieved Everything and Succeeded in her Life. And won a 3 Olympic Gold Medal's.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story, in Which we can Say 'Everything is Possible'.So Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Monday 20 April 2020

Motivating Story of Mary Kom- A Inspiring Boxing Fighter.

Motivating Story of Mary Kom- A Inspiring Boxing Fighter.

     This is a Story of Olympic Medal Winner Mary Kom,Who Started from Nothing to Everything. The Journey Started at Kangathei,Manipur,India were Mary Kom was born on 1 March,1983.
     The Mary Kom belonged to a Very Poor Family. The father of Mary Kom was a Ordinary farmer.And the Mary Kom belonged to the Remote Area of India. Where there was No Electricity,No basic facilities and No Proper House. Then also Mary Kom Achieved everything she wanted. The Mary Kom Completed her basic Education in Loktak Christian Model School.
     But there were no fully 1 to 10 th Education Provider School. So Afterwards had to Join other School named Saint Xavier Catholic School for further Studies. Where She Participated in all Athletic Games, Mainly in Running and Javelin Throw. But in 1998 Dingko Singh a Person from Manipur won Gold in Bangkok Asian Games.
     By Which Mary Kom got Inspired and Interested in Boxing. And Started Boxing Practice.After that for 9 th and 10 th Education had to take Admission in other School in Adimjati. But was not able to Pass the Entrance Exam. So Leaved the High School. And Cleared Examination from NIOS.
     Then Mary Kom Concentrated on Making Carrier in Boxing. So Leaved the Hometown and Joined Sports Academy in Imphal. But Mary Kom had to keep the Boxing Secret. As Mary father was Against her's Boxing. As Mary would Injured her Self.And no body would Marry her. And most of the Society and People were Against the Girls Going to School and Participating in Sports.
     So Mary Kom Started Training under K.Kosana Meitei in Imphal at age of 15. At first Mary was Rejected for Training by Coach as she was not Physically Fit and was Short in Height also. But Mary after Rejection also Stayed there. So by Seeing the Passion and Determination for Boxing Mary Kom was Selected.
     After Sometime when People Known that Mary Kom was in Boxing. Many People bullied her and no One Supported her. And the Family Members were also Against it. But Mary Kom Neglected it and Stayed Concentrated on her Boxing. And done many Hard Training Daily. And Won State Boxing Championship. After which Mary got Famous and Had Photo on Newspaper. By which Mary father, family and People Supported her.
     Then Mary Kom Never looked back, Won Gold in 2002 World Boxing Championship,Won Gold in 2003 Asian Championship and Won Gold in 2005 World Championship. Now the Mary Kom became World Famous. And in 2005 Mary Kom got Married to a Football Player.
     Many People thought that Now the Carrier of Mary Kom is over. But Mary got Support from her Husband. By which Mary Won Gold in 2006 World Championship Again. But after sometime had given Birth to 2 Twins Children. Again People thought that Now the Boxing Carrier is over of Mary Kom. But after taking some Gap Mary Kom Started Training Again.
     And Mary Kom was again in the Boxing Ring. And after doing Hard Training. Mary kom won Gold in 2008,2010 and 2018 World Boxing Championship. And Gold in 2010 in Asian Boxing Championship.And Won Gold in Common Wealth Games.And Won Bronze Medal in 2012 Summer Olympics.
     The Mary Kom became World Boxing Champion after becaming Mother of 3 Children. This Passion for Boxing was Unbelievable for World.Now the Age of Mary Kom is 37,but Still Present in the Boxing Ring. And Won 2018 World Boxing Championship and Also Qualified for 2020 Tokyo Olympic's.Now also giving Tough fights to Young Fighters and Winning it.And Proving being Girl and Age do not make Difference.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Mary Kom. Who became Champion in the World of Boxing. Where Girls were not Allowed to Participate in Sports. And faced all Difficulties,Poverty and Problems in Life. But Mary kom Never Give Up in Life. And Achieved Success in Life. 
     The Mary Kom was only Women to become World Amateur Boxing Champion for Record 6 Times. And only boxer in Both Male and Female to Win 8 World Championship Medal.Also had been Ranked No 1 in World Boxing Championship. The Only Boxer to become 5 Times Champion in Asian Boxing Championship. And Still Achieving Sucess in Boxing.
      So this was a Great Motivating Story of Mary Kom. Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Motivating Story of Henry Ford-A Famous Revolutionary Entrepreneur of World.

Motivating Story of Henry Ford-A Famous Revolutionary Entrepreneur of World.

     This is a Story of Henry Ford who brought Revolution in World of Cars. By Making Cars at Low Prices for all People. The Journey Started at Greenfield Township, Michigan,U.S. were Heny Ford was born on 30,July,1863.
     The Henry Ford was born to Poor Family. As his father was an Ordinary farmer. In Childhood only, Henry Ford was Interested in Mechanical things. At age of 15 Henry father Brought him a Watch. And Henry Ford Dismantle the Watch many Times. And make it Proper Again. And Henry Ford Completed his School Education in his Village. But couldn't do forward Studies due to Financial Conditions at House.
     In 1876, Henry Ford Mother died due to Illness. This was very Shocking to Loose Mother at very Small Age. And Henry father wanted Henry to become a Ordinary farmer like him. But Henry Ford was not Interested in Farming,he wanted to do something different and Big in his Life.
     So the Henry Ford Leaved the House in 1879 at the Age of 16. And Started working as Apprentice Mechanical in Detroit Company. In 1882 Returned home to work in family farm. Where he got Job of Servicing of Steam Engines in Westing House.Also taken Education of Book keeping in Business College.
     The Henry Ford used to do Experiments at his Farm Workshop all Nigh. Ford wanted to Create Horse Riding Cars without the Horse. Also built Car which can Run on Steam Engines. But later found out that the Boilers can be Dangerous in it. There were many Cars Company at that time. But the Cars produced by them were only can be Buyed by Rich People.
     And Henry Ford wanted to Create Cars which can be Buyed by all Type of People. Like Middle Class and Poor People also.The Henry Ford used to Enjoy the Job of Servicing Work at Steam Engine Company. And Later Working for many years Ford became Senior Engineer there. But his all Earned Money were going in his Experiments.
     In 1896 after many trials, Invented his First Car. And Started that Car at 3 AM Night in Rain. Which Sucessfully Runned on the Street.After sometime he Sold that Car. And with that Money Started New Company named Detroit Automobile. And Sold 25 Cars. But due to More Expenses and financial Loss. The Company had to be Closed.
     In 30, November,1901 Started One more Company with Partnership with some his Rich Friends. But After Sometime there was a Conflicts between them over Selling of cars.As Ford friends wanted to Sell that Cars to Rich People's at High Prices. But Ford was Against this, he wanted to Sell cars at Reasonable Prices.
     So that Company was also Closed After Sometime. In 16,June,1903 Opened New Company Named Ford. And that Car also Participated in Racing Event. In Which Ford car Model 999 Came First in that Race. By Which the Ford Car became Famous in World.And in 1908 made T Model Car which was Very Suceesfull in Market. And made a Huge Profits.
     The Ford Company Sold Lakhs of  T Models Cars. The Ford also made Partnership with Edison to build a Good Car. But due to High Expenses on Making,it was Cancelled.Now,The Half of Americans were using Ford Cars. As it was under the Budget of Middle Class People's also.
     After Sometime Ford also got in to Airplane Making Business, Sold some Planes. But due to Poor Sales and Depression in Economy at that Time. The Ford had to Close the Business. And Concentrated on its Cars Business Only. Now the Ford Company and Ford Cars were all over the World.
     The Henry Ford used to take Good Care of his Company Workers also.Henry Ford used to Pay High Wages to his Workers. And also used to give Bonus to his Workers. The Ford Company Workers were Highest Paid Workers at that Time from other Companies. The Henry Ford also Brought Down the One Car Making Time from 11 Hour's to 1 Hour by Creating Circle Technique of Making Cars.
     The Henry Ford kept on Increasing Sales and Business of his Cars all over the World. And also Brought New Cars with new Inventions in Market.And in April 7,1947 the Henry Ford Died. But the Company is Still now Progressing and Handle by his Family.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Henry Ford who faced all Up's and Downs and all Difficulties in Life. But Henry Ford never Give Up. And kept on Trying, and Later Achieved Success in his Life. And Made a Car which is Affordable to all People over the World. And Created a Big Suceesfull Company like Ford on His Own.
     So Stay Tuned for Such More Inspiring Stories.

Friday 10 April 2020

Motivating Story of William Colgate- A Creator of 200 Years Old Company Colgate.

Motivating Story of William Colgate- A Creator of 200 Years Old Company Colgate.

     This is a Story of William Colgate a Person who Started Great Company called Colgate. Which is now 212 Years Old. The Journey Started at Hollingbourne ,Kent, Great Britain were William Colgate was Born on January 25,1783.
     The William Colgate belonged to a Middle Class family. As his Parents were Farmers. The father of William Colgate a Robert Colgate was a Farmer. But also Used to Participating in Politics also. Due to some Issues with other Politicians. The Robert Colgate had to move from Great Britain to Maryland, U.S. with family.
     It was very Difficult to Start again in other New Country. But Robert Colgate Started working again. And done many Jobs. But After Sometime Robert Colgate done Partnership with Ralph Maher and started factory were they Produced  Candles and Soap. And in this William Colgate also supported his Father in Business.
     But the Business got failed and it was Closed in 2 years. Which caused Huge financial Losses to Colgate family. And Robert Colgate again got in to Farming. But the financial situation was very Bad. Due to which William Colgate got out of the House at the Age of 16.As he wanted to do something in Life.So Started looking for Job.
     After doing many Part times job, William Colgate got Job in New York in 1804 as a Worker in Soap factory. Where William Colgate learned many things about Business. Like it's reasons for Losses,Profits and Management. The William Colgate always had wanted to has his Own business.
     So after working for 2 years in the Company. The William Colgate Left the Job. And Opened his Own Business of Producing and Selling Soaps in 1906 in Manhattan.And named the Company William Colgate.And this Business got in to a Good Profit. And there was a Expansion of Business.
     But as Everything was going Excellent. The William Colgate got Sickness. As he Got Multiple Hear Attacks. Which affected his Health very much. From Which William Colgate got in to Bed Rest for Years. Which affected his Business. As he was away from Company. And Company got in to Huge Losses.
     But William Colgate didn't Give Up. He Came back.And handled his Company once Again. And got the Company on Track of Profits making Company. The William Colgate was very Religious Person. As he used to Donate 10% of Profit for Social Service. At the End of his Life William Colgate donated 50% of his Income to Social Service.
     As Started from few People now the Company has become Worldwide famous Brand with Thousands of People working worldwide. After sometime the Colgate Company Started Selling Toothpaste Powder in Jar. And then in Toothpaste Pouch. Which is used Worldwide now. And also started Selling Perfumes, Shaving Cream and many things.
     In 25,March,1857 the William Colgate got Dead. But the Company was taken Over by his 3 Sons. And it has been now 212 Years for Colgate Company. And Still Running Sucessfully with Partnership with Palmolive company. It is now most Valuable Brand of World. And the World most Toothpaste Selling Company.
     So this was a Motivating Story of William Colgate. Who had faced all Difficulties and Failures in Life. But didn't Give up and kept on Trying. And Achieved Success in Life and Created a Suceesfull Company which is Still Progressing and running Sucessfully. So as William Colgate said 'Have Faith and Have Patience'.
     So this was a Great Inspiring Story. So Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Monday 6 April 2020

Motivating Story of Marie Curie- A First Women Scientist to Win Noble Prize.

Motivating Story of Marie Curie- A First Women Scientist to Win Noble Prize.

     This is a Story of a Marie Curie who was a First Women Scientist. And also first Women to won the Noble Prize. When Girls Education were denied by People and Society. The Journey begins at Warsaw,Poland were Marie Curie was born on 7 November,1867.
     The Marie Curie Childhood gone in Middle Class Family. As her Parents were both Teachers. So from Childhood only Marie Curie got Interested in Science and Physics Education. As the Environment in House was of Education. But at that Time Most of the People in Poland and all over world were Against Girls Education.
     But because of the Parents Support Marie Continued to Study. But most of the Schools for Girls were up to Limited Classes. And the Mostly all Government were also Against Girls Education. But Marie Curie wanted to take Higher Education. As this Struggle was going on,Marie Curie got One Shock that her Mother Died when she was of 10 Years Old.
     The Marie Curie father got 1 Shock by University. That he had Lost his Job of Professor because he was of Modern Thoughts. And Usually fight for all People's Rights. So now he had to settle for Low Profile Job and Low Salary. Due to which there was financial Crisis in House.
     But Marie Curie Continued getting Education. But also Started Giving Tutions to Small Children for some Earnings.After sometime Marie Curie taken Admission in Flying University. The Flying University was an Underground Education Enterprise that Operated from 1885 to 1905 in Warsaw.It was for those People who wanted to Study but Can't due to Societies Denial and other Problems.
     After Sometime Completing her Education, Marie Curie got work as a Teacher in University. Where she done Job for 5 Years. But at free time Marie Used to Study Physics,Science and Chemistry. And after that Marie Curie gone to Paris for Higher Education. And got her Physics Master Degree.
     The Marie Curie also Started Researching in Paris. As the Environment was Good for her and Research.But the Place was Short, so Marie was looking for big Place for Lab. And one Scientist of France had Big Place Named Pierre Curie. Were then Marie Curie started her work.And both had same Passion for Science. By which they got Married Later.
     And in 12 September,1897 got one Girl child. But didn't faced any problem in her Research and Studies. The Marie Curie used to work so hard that she used to forget to eat her Food Many times. And this hard work brought results. When Mary Curie and her Husband found out new Elements. Which were Polonium and Radium.
     For which Marie Curie got Noble Prize in Physics in 1903. And she was the first women to achieve it. But Mary used Prize Money for further Research.By which Marie got Famous all Over the World. And after that got 2nd Child Girl. As all was going well. In 1906 lost her husband in one car Accident. Which was very Shocking for Mary Curie.
     But Marie got out of that Shock. As she has to look after her 2 Childrens. So Marie started working as a Professor in Paris University. Where she was a first Women to be Professor there.But after this busy Schedule of work Marie carried on Her's Research and used to work late Night. For which she got Success in her research. And got Marie Curie a 2nd Noble Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
     The Research was very Important in Science field and Medical Science. As it was very useful for the Treatment of Cancer Patient's. Which is Used still now.The Marie Curie also saw that there is Quick need of Treatment for Soldier. So Marie Curie made X-Ray equipment Vehicles supported by Developed Mobile Radiography Units for quick X-ray.
     The Marie Curie also took Good care of her Childrens. And given them Higher Education.By Which in Future they also made Great Contribution to Society and Science. Like Irene Curie got Noble Prize for Artificial Radio Activity in Chemistry.And Eve Curie for working for UNICEF , Supporting Mother's Health in many Countries and for Contribution of working for Peace in World.
     The Marie Curie Family is the Only one family in which all family Members had Won Noble Prizes Husband,Wife,And Both Daughter's. After Sometime in 4,July,1934 Marie Curie died in France due to Anemia.But her Discoveries are Still useful to World and People's.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Marie Curie who had faced all Difficulties in Life and all Up's and Downs. But faced all Problems with Positive Attitude. And had Success in Life. Also became First Women to Win Noble Prize in World and also Became First Person to Win Noble Prize Two Times.And Changed the People's and World's View against Women's and Girls. 
     So as Marie Curie said' Nothing in Life is to be Feared'. So this was a Great Inspiring Story. Stay Tuned for More Stories.

Top 10 and Best Brands in World.

 Top 10 and Best Brands in World.      The Brand is a thing,from which people get Attracted to a Product of a Company.It takes very Hard Wor...