Friday 24 July 2020

Top 10 Ways or Tips to Become Sucessfull YouTuber.

Top 10 Ways or Tips to Become Sucessfull YouTuber.

     The YouTube has became a Great Platform to all Fields of People to Show there Talent to World and Earn Money from it.The YouTube had made many People a Big Celebrity and helped in Earning Good Amount of Money.And it had Also Replaced Television.And Helped many People around the World to Learn Something they want.And the Use of YouTube is Growing day by day all over the World.
     Here are Top 10 Ways and Tips.
1)Good Content.
     In YouTube,the Content of Video is the Most Important thing.The Content should be so good,that people should be Excited to Watch the Whole Video till the End. And they can Relate to the Video. And Gain something from that Video.As this will Increase the Views on the Video and Channel.
     Like if the Channel is on Sports,Travel, and Finance e.t.c.The Content should be Mostly Related to that Subject.If the Content of Video is Good then only the Subscriber and Views Will Increase.

2) Trending Subject and Keywords.
     The YouTube Video Should be Made on what is Trending Subject in that Time Around the World. Which Catch more Viewers.Like if the Time is Of Football World Cup Matches.Then Video can be Made on that.Also we can make Video on Subject which is Trending in Our Country.
     The Keyword is also Important in YouTube Videos.As it tell us about the Video Content and What is the Video About.And it Should be always be Attractive to Viewers.

3)Best Quality Video and Sounds.
     Many People make mistakes of Shooting Any Video from Mobile.Which gives a Low Quality Video and Sounds.And Upload it on YouTube.And if a People don't get a Good Experience while Watching Video.They will never See video of your Channel in future.
     So for Giving People a Good Experience of Video there is a need of Choosing Right and Best Quality Equipment. So most YouTubers Use DSLRS or Mirrorless Cameras.And also Use a Good Sound Recorder.

4) Simple Editing Software.
     The Software used for Editing Videos Should be very Simple.As Most YouTubers Use Windows Movie Makers and I Movie.There are also other Good Software available on Play Store.Dont Make it Complicated by Using Big Editing Software.
     The Editing of a Video Should be Simple for Viewers and the Video Should not be Much Lengthy or Short.And focus Should be on Covering Everything that is Important.And Editing Software Should be User friendly and Easy to Use.

5)Advertise Your Video.
     After making the Video and If you are New to YouTube.Then we Should Share the Video on other Social media Website's and Platforms.Due to which it will reach to many People.And the Views of Our Video and Channel will Increase.
     We can also do a Partnership with other Big and Famous YouTubers.Due to Which we will gain Popularity for our Channel.And this will Increase the Subscription and Views on Videos.In this way we can Advertise our Channel.

6)Good Connection With Viewers.
     The Good Connection With the Viewers is very Important.Like there will be Comments on Video by the Viewers about the Video and what they want on the Next Video.We should Appreciate the Positive Comments and Make Changes on Next Video.As this Builds good Relationship with Viewers.
     And by this there will be Good Promotion of Channel and Video.Which Help in More Views on Video.And we can Know what are the Likes and Dislike of People.

7)Good Presentation.
     The Good Presentation of Video is Very Important. As the Subject we want to Explain is Understood by Viewers.Like there should be a Good Tittle and Keyword of a Video.And the Content of Video must be Like, first there Should be Introduction,Subject, Information and then End.
     And the Video Should be a Good Experience for People after watching it.

8)Be Regular
     In YouTube Channel it is Very Important to be Regular in Uploading Videos.As there is a High Competition in YouTuber.And if Something Trending Happened in Your field of Video.And you are Late in Uploading Video about that.Then all Views will go to other YouTuber Video.
     And there should be a fixed Days in Week when you will Upload New Videos.As the Viewers will know that on this day there will be New Videos on Channel.And if you Upload only 1 Video in 1 or 2 Months.Then the Viewers and Subscribers of Channel will Move to other Channels.

9)Stay away from Negativity.
     In YouTube there are both Positive and Negative Comments on Your Video.But we have to Concentrate only on Positive Comments.And see after there Likes and Wishes.And not to Reply to Negative Comments.
     And this negativity Problem is faced by all Famous YouTubers.We have to Just Concentrate Only on our Work.And make Good Content.

10) Earning Money.

     Most of the YouTuber make Videos on YouTube for Earning Money through there Talent.So if there is a Good amount of Subscribers and Views for Video. And after making many Videos we can Apply for Google Ad Sense.
     Where we will earn Money from Google for Ads they will Run on our Video.And we can also do Affiliate Marketing on Our Channel and Earn Money through it.As the Views will be Increasing the Income of YouTuber Increases.

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