Thursday 9 July 2020

Motivating Story of Dhirubhai Ambani-A Born Businesses Men and Owner of Reliance Industries.

Motivating Story of Dhirubhai Ambani-A Born Businesses Men and Owner of Reliance Industries.

     This is a Motivating Story of a Person who came from a Poor family and Created a 150 Billion Dollar's Company.The Journey Started at Junagadh,Gujarat were Dhirubhai Ambani was born on 28, December,1932.
     The Dhirubhai Ambani was born in Poor Family. The father was a School Teacher in Small School in Village.And Mother was a Housewife.And Done Education in Bahadur Kanji School.But due to financial Situation had to Drop Out from School.But from Childhood only Dhirubhai Ambani was Interested in doing Something Different.And Believed that to be a Rich Person,there is no need of Education.
     So with the Help of Friend, Dhirubhai Ambani Started Business of Selling Snacks in Village. Which Got Sucessfull and Earned good Money. But after Some Years, Dhirubhai Ambani stopped that Business.As he wanted to Something Big. And then at the Age of 16 gone for Job in Port of Aden to work for A.Besse & Co with his Cousin Brother.And Used to Sell Shell and Burmah Oil Products for Company. And after sometime became Clerk in a Company.And Later became a Manager in that Company.
     The Dhirubhai Ambani was also doing Part Time Jobs in Free Time.Like by Selling Silver Coins. In Which he Made Good Amount of Money. But Dhirubhai Ambani wanted to do his Own Business. So in 1958 Left the Job.And Returned to India. And wanted to do Some Business.But his Father was not Happy with Dhirubhai Ambani of Leaving Job and Starting Business.But Dhirubhai Ambani had Belief in Himself.
     So came to Mumbai with Chambuklal Damani as a Partnership for Business. And Started a Business of Selling Spices to foreign Countries and Importing Polyester Yarn.From which he used to Make Clothes like Suites, Shirt's and other Clothes. As he knew there will be Great Demand by Indian People for this Clothes. As Polyester Cloth was very Cheap,but was of Good Quality.But at that Time there was Very Much Corruption by Officer's for Starting New Business and Getting License.
     But Dhirubhai Ambani kept on Trying and got License at Last. And Started Business which was very Sucessfull.And day by day the Business was Growing. But there were many Problems also. As many Established Rich firms started creating Problems to Stop the Expansion of Business of Dhirubhai Ambani. And in this the Business Partner had issue with Dhirubhai Ambani.So the Partnership was Broken.So now Dhirubhai Ambani was only Owner of his Company.
     As the Company was Expanding the Business day by day. There were many Legal Cases on Company over the License and Other Legal Matters. But Dhirubhai Ambani came fully Clean from this. And made a Company Reliance Famous in India.And then Dhirubhai Ambani Entered in Business of Electricity, Energy, Petroleum and Telecom.The Dhirubhai Ambani wanted to Make Reliance a World Best Company. And he was Sucessfull in this.
     As the Age of Dhirubhai Ambani was Increasing day by day.And had faced One Stroke also.So distributed his Business with his 2 Son's. And now the Reliance Company has 3,00,000 Employee's in there firm.And is in Top 100 of World Largest Revenue by Company. It is now Worth 150 Billion Dollar's Company. And his Son Mukesh Ambani is the 10th Richest Person in World.And in 6th,July,2002, Dhirubhai Ambani Died in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
     So this was a Motivating Story of a Person who came from a Poor Background. But Created a Company like Reliance. Which is now Most Valued Company in World.The Dhirubhai Ambani faced all types of Problems in his Life. But by Positive Attitude, Dhirubhai Ambani became Sucessfull in his Life. And Created a Company which is Still Running Sucessfully and Made his Name in Whole World.
     So this was a Great Motivating Story, Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

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