Wednesday 29 July 2020

Top 10 Budha Quotes.

Top 10 Budha Quotes.

     The Lord Gautam Budha had Given a Best Knowledge to how to Live a Good Life and A Good Thoughts that will may help to have Positive Life.And Make it More Peaceful.Here are Top 10 Budha Quotes.

1) Don't Say Why me,Just Say Try Me.
     When Life Puts You in a Difficult Situation,just Accept the Situation and face it with the Positive Attitude.And Just Say Try Me. As in the Whole Life there will be Many Ups and Down.But we have to Accept every Situation and Live our Life Happily.

2)Stop Overthinking, Whatever Happens will Happen.
     There is a no need for Overthinking on Any Situation.You can't Control Everything that is Around Us.We can give 100 % from Ourselves in Any Work.But there are Many things like Results which are Beyond our Control.So Whatever Happens, will Happen.We Should give our 100%in any Work.

3) Everything Happens for a Reason, Don't Question it Trust it.

     This is a Beautiful Quote,as we should Accept the Situation and Move on.As we Never Know, there Can be Something Good Thing that is Waiting for Ourselves in Future.Which will be Better then Present Situation.So we Should keep in Mind that Everything Happens for a Good Reasons and Move On with Life.

4)Be in Present Time.
     It is Very Important to be in Present Moment.As it Gives Peace to our Mind.And Help us to Handle any Situation in Better Ways.Most of the Time our Mind is Concentrated on Past Things or Future Things.Which is Totally Waste Thing to do.Because for Sucessfull Future we Should Always be in Present.

5) Everything is Temporary.
     We Should not be Attached to Anything in this World Aggressively.As everything has its Expiry Date.And there is Nothing Permanent in this World.Not Even Our Troubles and Failures.All Type of Days keep on Changing.And Good Days are on its Ways.There is Nothing to be Sad about.Live the Life always with Happy Attitude.As we get Only One Life.

6)Rule Your Mind or it Will Rule You.
     Everything is Possible in Life if our Mind is Sharp and Peaceful. Like there should be Only Positive Thoughts in Mind.Always Mind Should be feed with Good Knowledge.The Mind is a Beautiful Servant but Dangerous Master.If we have Mind in Our Control.Then there is Always Good Thoughts in Mind.And there is No Fear,No Greediness and Sadness.And Mind can be Controlled by Meditation, Good Discipline in Life and Positive Thoughts.

7)Be Patient,Be Grateful.
     It is said that, Patience is a Key Element of Success in Life. And Everything Comes to You at the Right Moment.There are Many Times that we do Some Work.But We don't get the Positive Results Out of it at that Time.But we should keep on Trying and Keep Patience.There will be a Good Results in Future.As we can See, which things in Life comes after Long Time of Struggle, it Lasts Forever.

8) Every Ending is a New Beginning.
     In Life Some Person or Something Goes from Our Life.Some New Person or New Things comes in our Life.When there is Something Bad Happening in Our Life.There is Something Good Things are Waiting for us in Future.So we Should not be Sad about any Bad Events of our Life.And go forward in Life with Positive Attitude.

9)No Struggle,No Progress.
     If there will be no Failure in Life,there will be No Sucess in Whole Life.Then there will be no Learning in Life about what Mistake we are Making in our Work.We can Learn only from Failure.As for Making any Sucessfull Product it have to go through many failures.And then Only the Great Product is Invented.And in life also we have to go through Struggle for a Sucessfull Life.

10)Peace begins when Expectation Ends.
     If want to have a Peaceful Life.Then we Should have no Expectations from Anybody.We should Concentrate on our Work.If we are doing Some Work,then We Should give our 100% in that Work.But We Should not think about the Results.This thing will give us the peace of Mind and Satisfaction while doing any Work.We Should also fight our Struggle Alone.And not to Expect any Help from any People.

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