Wednesday 22 January 2020

Motivating Story of J.K.Rowling - A Great Magician Writer and Author.

Motivating Story of J.K.Rowling - A Great Magician Writer and Author.

     This is a Story of a Writer a J.K.Rowling who Created a great Magical World of Harry Potter and Her's Difficult Journey before it.
     The Journey Started at Yate ,Gloucestersgire, England. The full Name was Joanne Rowling. The J K Rowling Childhood was very Unhappy. But had Great Interest in Writing from Childhood only. She used to write Some Stories and Show it to her Sister.
     But,Once her Aunt given Rowling a Book of Jessica Mitford- Hons & Rebels as a Gift. After which She gain more Interested in Books and Writing. And Read all Books of Jessica Mitford.
     After, J K Rowling concentrated on her Studies and Completed her School,and Afterwards College Studies from University of Exeter a Graduation in B.A. Afterwards Started Job as Researcher and Bilingual Secretary in London for Amnesty University.Where she met Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes,to whom She got Married afterwards. And moved to Portugal.But that Marriage didn't last for much time. In which J.K.Rowling had One Miscarriage also. But had one girl Child also from that Marriage. And Later had Divorce.
     Then J.K.Rowling moved with her Girl child to London. As she was facing one Difficulty in Life, another Difficulty came was of her Mother died after ten years suffering from multiple sclerosis. As Rowling was very close to her Mother. She was very Upset and Sad about it.
     After Seven years of Graduation, J.k.Rowling was Seeing herself as Failure. As there was No Job,No Money,No Support and Had a Child to take Care of. Which Got her in to a Depression.So Rowling taken a Help of Welfare Benefits,in which British Government Helps and Give Money to Single Mother's.
     One day when Rowling was Traveling from Manchester to London where she thought of Story on Character of Magical Boy Harry Potter. So She Started working on it. But she hadn't had money for Printing and have a Good Typewriter. So she got a old Typewriter from Somewhere and Started her work. And Completed her first Book of Harry Potter and Philosophers Stone in 1995.
     But After Completing that Book also, the Book was Rejected by 12 Publishers. And no one was Ready to Publish it. As Everyone thought it was a Failure.But the J.K.Rowling had Belief on her Hard Work. The One Publisher, in London,named Bloomsbury was Ready to Publish it. It has also one Story Behind it,the Owner of Bloomsbury had 1 Child named Alice Newton, a 8 year Old Girl who liked the Story of Book very much and Ordered to Publish it.
     As Soon as Book was Published,the book was Liked by All People. And Later After 5 Months Won NestlĂ© Smarties Book Prize and Many Other Awards for it. And After that, J.K.Rowling never Looked Back in her Career.The Book made a Record of Selling 400 Million Copies. And was Best Selling book of all Time.
     Then there were 7 Books on Harry Potter. And Afterwards on that,Books 8 Movies were Made of Harry Potter. Which was Worldwide Hits and Made People Fans of the Magical World of Harry Potter. It was 20th Century Famous Novels. The J.K. Rowling became first Billionaire Writer by Writing Books and made Name in Forbes. And Afterwards had a Second Marriage also. And have Happy Life.
     So this was a Story of J.k.Rowling a Writer who had faced all Difficulty in hers Life Like Rejected hers Book 12 Times, Down to financial situation and Being faced Depression in life. But Rowling didn't give up, She had Belief on herself and focused on Her Work. And Achieved Success at age of 32. So we can see that from this,We Should Never Give Up.
     So this was a Inspiring Story. Stay tuned for more Such Stories.

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