Tuesday 14 January 2020

Motivating Story of Thomas Edison - A Greatest Inventor & Scientist of World.

Motivating Story of Thomas Edison-A Greatest Inventor & Scientist of World.

     This is a Story of  Thomas Edison,a Person Who Lightened the World with his Inventions with Happiness.
     The Journey begins at Milan,Ohio,United States. Were the Thomas Edison was Born. The Thomas Edison was a Great Scientist Who Discovered Electric Bulbs, Phonograph,Motion Pictures Camera. He Developed many Devices on Fields such as Electricity Power Generation, Mass Communication, Sound Recording & Motion Pictures. Which has Changed the World's and People's Future.
     The Thomas Edison was a Very Curious Person from his Childhood. He liked to ask questions about Everything and Find a Answers about it.And Start Experiment about it. So all people were finding it Annoying in School and in Society. Once he thought that the Bird's were able to Fly in Sky because they were Eating worms. So made a Mixture of worms and Given to his Friends. Which made his Friend Health I'll. So people thought he was Mentally ill.
     Once, There was a Letter From Thomas Edison,School  while Reading his Mother was Crying. The Thomas Edison asked about it, his Mother said that School has told that. The Teacher's in School are not as Intelligent as You are. You are More Intelligent then them. So Edison Should Stop coming to School. So from that Day Thomas Edison was Home School by his Mother.
     One day After Many Years,Thomas Edison was Looking in his Home for Some Thing.And he found that Letter. So he Started Reading it, In that School Letter it was Written that School is Removing Thomas Edison from School as he Mentally ill & Less Intelligent. Edison was Shocked by it, And he Thanks his Mother for it. Just Imagine if Edison Mother has told him Truth, and Demotivated him in his Childhood. Then it have Changed the Future of Thomas Edison and World Future's.
     At age of 15 Edison built a Laboratory in his Home. But after sometime he have to look for other Place. One Day, when he was Traveling from Train he was Experimenting with some Chemical. The Experiment gone wrong and the Train Coach got in fire. So due to that Fire,the Train Conductor Slapped Edison so hard that Thomas Edison got Deaf from One Ear and Less from other for whole life.
     The Thomas Edison Life was full of Up's and Downs. But his Love and Curiosity for Science was High. Thomas Edison also Sold Candy And Newspapers on Train Running from Port Huron to Detroit.And also Sold Vegetables. And his Most Study was with his Mother in Home.
     Thomas Edison Later Became Telegraph Operator after he Saved 3 Year Old Jimmie Mackenzie being Struck by Runaway Train. As Jimmie Father was the Station Master. Then After that Job, Edison got Job in Western Union. For that he Requested for Night Shift Job so can do some work of his Laboratory.
    But one Night in 1867 while working on Lead Acid Battery he Spilled Sulfuric Acid on Floor. The Acid ran  Between floor in to his Boss desk below. So Edison was Fired from his Job.
     So Edison Started his work in his Lab.The First Laboratory was in Menlo Park,New Jersey.Were Early Inventions made. His First Patent was of Electric Vote Recorder in June 1,1869. Thomas Edison became Famous with his Invention of Phonograph in 1877. It was device for Mechanical Recording And Reproduction of Sounds. 2nd Invention was of Carbon Telephone Transmitter. But his Most Important 3rd Invention was of Electric Bulbs which would Run for More Time. Earlier bulbs were of Extreme Short Life and High Expenses.
     Thomas Edison Dream was that Light Bulbs should be available for poor People also. And this Invention was big Boom for all Industry. Then he started Edison Light Company in New York with J.P. Morgan and Spencer. He also worked on Distribution of Electricity for Street Lamps. Now the Thomas Edison Became a Celebrity.
     Thomas Edison Next Great Invention was Motion Pictures Camera.He then made Collaboration with Henry Ford that featured worlds first Film Studio,Black Maria.And formed a Edison Film Studio which made 1200 Short Films. Then Made a Electric Storage Battery. Which was also a Great Invention.
     The Thomas Edison was a Profilic Inventor, he has 1093 US Patents in his Name. So this was a  Motivating Story of Great Thomas Edison who faced all Problem's in Life. But he Didn't Give up. And Always been Focused on his Goals. 
     The Great Example was that, Thomas Edison Failed 1000 Times in Experiment, before getting in to Perfect Light Bulbs. As Thomas Edison Said." I have not Failed, I have Just Discovered 1000 ways that don't Work. This was his Attitude in Life. People were Calling him a Magician.
     After Lightning the Whole World, Thomas Edison died at 18th October,1931. On that day,the whole Light of America was Turned off. The Thomas Edison had so much Contribution to World ,that if Edison had no Such Inventions. The Future of world be have been Different. Like in Music, Recording, Films, Telephone, Electricity, Light's etc many More. The Last word's of Thomas Edison were that he had done no Work in his Life, as what he has Done was his Passion.
      So Stay tuned for more Such Motivating Stories of Such Great People.

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