Friday 3 January 2020

Motivating Stories of Mahatma Gandhi- Father of Peace.

Motivating Stories of Mahatma Gandhi- Father of Peace.

    This is the Story of a Person who Started the Non-Violent mode of protesting in the Time, of World War. When many countries were in World war. This Person Introduced that We can Win our Rights Through Peaceful  and Non Violence ways also.And in the Little Part of India, this Mahatma Gandhi a freedom fighter Started a Peaceful Way of fighting.

    The Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand  Gandhi was Born in Porbandar,Gujarat on 2nd, October,1869.And ,this is the 150 th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.So,this is Right time to Introduce his work to world.He has been Lawyer & moved to South Africa for practicing it. Where his journey started. He Started fighting against the South Africa Government on Class Divisions and injustice. And Started a Nonviolent Protests against them. And have Success in it.He had to Go in Prison Many Times  for it . Buy he Kept on going Forward and meet his Demands.

      The Gandhi was a great Example to many people who later followed him like, Nelson  Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr and . He was a Great Example that what a one person can make difference to world by  peace.
      Then Mahatma Gandhi came to India, where he Started freedom fight and for Civil Rights to India against British Rule of that time.
Quote by Mahatma GandhiWhere there is Love And Peace there is Life.
       The Mahatma Gandhi Started taking Long Fasts,means not eating food for Many days till Demand is not approved. The Mahatma Gandhi took total 17 Fasts, in Life time.And many Small fasts, of which the Longest Fasts was of 17 days.
      Imagine that we can't remain One day without Food. And He remain on Fasts for Continuos for 17 Days. The Gandhi was asked how he was able to do it, he Answered that, In Heart you Know that you are fighting for the Truth and For Good of People and Society. The Will Power  comes automatically.
        The Mahatma Gandhi used this Fasting weapon against many things like Untouchability ,Civil Rights of people as Satyagraha. And had Success in its this Movements. In every corner of country the people were participating in this peace full movements. Like , The British Government has Imposed high Taxes on Salt. Against this the Mahatma Gandhi, declared Dandi March against it were thousands of people participated in it from all over country, which was of total 400 Kilometers by Walking.

      The Mahatma Gandhi totally Travelled 79000 Kilometers by walking in his life,which is total Two Round of Earth.This Inspired many people across world and Country. Which helped them to Achieve there fights,through this Peace full Movements. Like it Helped India to Achieve its Independence And Freedom. So he is Called Father of the India Country. 

     For more Stories of Mahatma Gandhi , you can read book of him. The Story of My Experiment with Truth. 
     This was the Great Example of a One person who Inspired And Motivated many People in world And  Still Inspiring to fight for there Rights.
      The Mahatma Gandhi played a great role in India to Diminish Untouchability , Caste Systems, Cleanliness  in our surrounding, Equality in  Both Gender etc. He Introduce the Peaceful way of Protesting like Non-Coperation, Satyagraha, Fasting, Marching, Speech etc.Today the Mahatma Gandhi is not there in this world.But his Thoughts and Motivational work is there which is Inspiring many.
       There are many Such Stories of Such Great People that  I will Share with you all in future in this blog.

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