Wednesday 8 January 2020

Motivational Story of Michael Phelps-King of Olympics & Records.

Motivational Story of Michael Phelps-King of Olympics & Records.

     This is a Story of a Person Michael Phelps,the True King of Champions.Who Created More Records then anyone in World.
     The Journey Started from Baltimore,Maryland,United States. Where the Michael Phelps was born on 30th June,1985.The Phelps started Swimming due to his Mother said to him to Learn the Swimming. But as he Started he was fully in to it. The Michael Phelps Individual Medals are more then 161 Countries Individually in Olympics. Were many Countries are not able to take 1 Gold Medal in Olympics.He Single Handed had 8 Gold Medal in 2008, Olympics.
     The Journey was not Easy,as at the age of 9 his Parents had Divorce. Then at the age of 10 he was Diagnosed with ADHD-Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder. But he didn't pay More attention to it. As Phelps,has Said Dream as Big As You can Dream ,And Any Thing is Possible.
     Michael Phelps was a Youngest Player to Be Participate in Olmpics at Age of 15 in 2000 Olympics. He didn't won in that Olympics. He make to Finals at 5 th Place. But he didn't Stop there as failure is first step of Success.And Phelps Started his Hard Training and Willingness to do Any Hard Practice for it. The Phelps participated in 2004 Olympics, Athens.And won 8 Medals. In which 6 were the Gold Medals.And 2 Bronze.
     But this was a Just a Start of Michael Phelps a Champions Journey. But in this time 2007, the Phelps Right Hand Ankle got Injured. And Doctors told that , Phelps would not be able to attend or Participate in next Olympics. And be able to Swim like he was doing in Past. But Phelps didn't give up. He Thought about it & Started Working on it. And he Thought If my hands are Little Injured. Let Make my Legs More Powerful. And he worked So Hard on it in 1 Year for 2008 Olmypics.
     In 2008 Olympics, Phelps Received 8 Gold Medals. Which were more then Last Olympics. Which Shocked the World. And Whole World were Looking After him now as a Champion.The Michael Phelps Continue his Golden Journey in 2012 Olympics won 4 Gold and 2 Silver. The Michael Phelps has most Medal Records of Total 28 Olympics Medal by any Sports Person in Olympics. The Michael Phelps has also had Record of Winning 8 Gold Medals by a Single Person in Olympics in One time.
     Then In 2016,Rio De Janeiro Olympics Won 5 Gold and 1 Silver. This is not Easy as it Looks. But the Michael Phelps made it looked so Easy. But there is Very much Hard work And Determination behind it. As you can Imagine one Player gives his whole life and Hard work to Win One Gold Medal in Olympics. The Michael Phelps has won Total 28 Medals in Olympics. So,you can Imagine what Hard work Michael Phelps has taken behind the One Human Body can take. So Phelps got his Rewards.
     One Athlete Participate in one Contest and Make it his Goal. But Michael Phelps was Participating in all types of Swimming Contest,but not only Contesting. Also Won Gold Medals in all Contest of Olympics. Like Butterfly, Individual, Medley, Freestyle and Back Stroke. The Phelps has 66 Gold Medal In all International Contests.
      The Phelps has Mastered in all Types of Swimming And Broked all Records. He has done so much Hard work for it. Like Phelps used to Stay in Swimming pool for More then 6 Hours a Day. And Swim for 8000 Metres for a Week. Which is about 50 Miles. The Phelps used to Burn 12000 Calories a Day. From this You can Imagine how much Hard work Phelps used to take.
     There are So much Records by a Phelps that I can't Mention all of them. The Phelps has Won Total 82 Medals in Major International Competition. From which 65 were Gold Medals. The Phelps had Declared Retirement in Olympics 2012, but made Comeback in 2014. And won 5 Gold Medal in Olympics 2016.
     So this was a Motivational Story of Michael Phelps who had face Every Problem in Life of Personal , Injured His Hand, Gone through Depression. But he Arise from this all Problem like a Phoenix Bird. The Michael Phelps has 39 World Records in Swimming then any other. He has 23 Guinness World Records. The Michael Phelps thought us that if We can Dream Big, We Can Achieve Big. I don't think Anyone can Break Michael Phelps Record in Future also. But as Phelps has Said, If U have Belief and Will Power to Achieve Something and Willing to do Hard work. We can Achieve Anything.
      So Stay tuned for Such more Inspiring & Motivating Stories of Great People's.

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