Wednesday 29 July 2020

Top 10 Budha Quotes.

Top 10 Budha Quotes.

     The Lord Gautam Budha had Given a Best Knowledge to how to Live a Good Life and A Good Thoughts that will may help to have Positive Life.And Make it More Peaceful.Here are Top 10 Budha Quotes.

1) Don't Say Why me,Just Say Try Me.
     When Life Puts You in a Difficult Situation,just Accept the Situation and face it with the Positive Attitude.And Just Say Try Me. As in the Whole Life there will be Many Ups and Down.But we have to Accept every Situation and Live our Life Happily.

2)Stop Overthinking, Whatever Happens will Happen.
     There is a no need for Overthinking on Any Situation.You can't Control Everything that is Around Us.We can give 100 % from Ourselves in Any Work.But there are Many things like Results which are Beyond our Control.So Whatever Happens, will Happen.We Should give our 100%in any Work.

3) Everything Happens for a Reason, Don't Question it Trust it.

     This is a Beautiful Quote,as we should Accept the Situation and Move on.As we Never Know, there Can be Something Good Thing that is Waiting for Ourselves in Future.Which will be Better then Present Situation.So we Should keep in Mind that Everything Happens for a Good Reasons and Move On with Life.

4)Be in Present Time.
     It is Very Important to be in Present Moment.As it Gives Peace to our Mind.And Help us to Handle any Situation in Better Ways.Most of the Time our Mind is Concentrated on Past Things or Future Things.Which is Totally Waste Thing to do.Because for Sucessfull Future we Should Always be in Present.

5) Everything is Temporary.
     We Should not be Attached to Anything in this World Aggressively.As everything has its Expiry Date.And there is Nothing Permanent in this World.Not Even Our Troubles and Failures.All Type of Days keep on Changing.And Good Days are on its Ways.There is Nothing to be Sad about.Live the Life always with Happy Attitude.As we get Only One Life.

6)Rule Your Mind or it Will Rule You.
     Everything is Possible in Life if our Mind is Sharp and Peaceful. Like there should be Only Positive Thoughts in Mind.Always Mind Should be feed with Good Knowledge.The Mind is a Beautiful Servant but Dangerous Master.If we have Mind in Our Control.Then there is Always Good Thoughts in Mind.And there is No Fear,No Greediness and Sadness.And Mind can be Controlled by Meditation, Good Discipline in Life and Positive Thoughts.

7)Be Patient,Be Grateful.
     It is said that, Patience is a Key Element of Success in Life. And Everything Comes to You at the Right Moment.There are Many Times that we do Some Work.But We don't get the Positive Results Out of it at that Time.But we should keep on Trying and Keep Patience.There will be a Good Results in Future.As we can See, which things in Life comes after Long Time of Struggle, it Lasts Forever.

8) Every Ending is a New Beginning.
     In Life Some Person or Something Goes from Our Life.Some New Person or New Things comes in our Life.When there is Something Bad Happening in Our Life.There is Something Good Things are Waiting for us in Future.So we Should not be Sad about any Bad Events of our Life.And go forward in Life with Positive Attitude.

9)No Struggle,No Progress.
     If there will be no Failure in Life,there will be No Sucess in Whole Life.Then there will be no Learning in Life about what Mistake we are Making in our Work.We can Learn only from Failure.As for Making any Sucessfull Product it have to go through many failures.And then Only the Great Product is Invented.And in life also we have to go through Struggle for a Sucessfull Life.

10)Peace begins when Expectation Ends.
     If want to have a Peaceful Life.Then we Should have no Expectations from Anybody.We should Concentrate on our Work.If we are doing Some Work,then We Should give our 100% in that Work.But We Should not think about the Results.This thing will give us the peace of Mind and Satisfaction while doing any Work.We Should also fight our Struggle Alone.And not to Expect any Help from any People.

Saturday 25 July 2020

Top 10 Works from Home

Top 10 Works from Home.

     In this Modern World of Technology, there are Many Ways to Make money from Home with the Help of Internet.And we have Choose best 10 Works you can do from Home Easily. But there is also a Need to be Careful while doing this.As there are Many Scams and Fake Websites. So first always be Careful while doing Online Works.Here are all the Work.

1) Freelancing
     The Freelancing work is Most Popular way of work from Home. There are Many Website's who Provides Freelancing work. The Freelancing work is a work were a Person work for themselves.For this we need to Browse for Freelancing on Internet and Choose One Website which has Suitable Work for us.And now we have to Sign in,in that website.Where the Jobs like Copy-paste,Data Entry,Logo Designing and Many Works are Included.
     We have to Choose One Work,and there are many Works and Payment for that are Uploaded by Companies and firms.And Once we do there's Work the Payment is done Online. But the Work You have Done should be Liked by a Firm as they Wanted. A Person can Make 5$ to 100$ or More as Per Your Skill.

2)Starting Your Own Website.
     If you have a Good Knowledge about any Subject or a Good Content to Show.Then we can Start Our Own Website.First we have to look for a Good Domain which is Suitable for Our Subject.And then a Good Overall Design and Layout which can Attract more visit on Website. But Main thing for Website is a Content. Like Your website can be on Sports,Health Etc.
     And Once the People like Your Content and there is Good Traffic on Your Website.We can Apply for Google Ad Sense or we can do Affiliate Marketing.From which we can earn Unlimited amount of Money.

3) Affiliate Marketing
     The Affiliate Marketing is a Best way of Earning Money nowadays. All we have to do have our Own Website,Blog or a YouTube Channel.Where we have to Copy a Link of Products from E-commerce websites  were we have our Affiliate Account.Like of Amazon or other website.
     And if the Visitors of Our website buy the Products from our Link.Then we get Commission of Selling Products from E-commerce websites. And in this as More selling of Product's the More Money You Make.

4) Surveys and Reviews.
     There are Many Website's which Conduts Surveys for a Company for their Products.All we have to do Sign in in this website.And there will be 1 hour or 30 Minutes Surveys where we will get some Money. And there are Many Reviews for a New Product to be done.But we have to do a Good amount of Surveys where we earn a Small amount of money.
     And we have to be Carefull in this as there are many fake websites. Which will not give you any Money.

5)Online Tutoring.
     The Online Tutoring is a New way of Earning Money.As Many People like to have HomeSchool or Learn Something Online. And Many Website's provide Teaching Platforms to a Person who can Teach any Subject.And we Can do Tutoring by a YouTube Channel also.
     Just we have to have Full Knowledge on any Subject.Which we can Teach to Somebody like Tutions and Classes. And we can make a Good amount of money in this.

6)Web Designing.
     The Many Companies Outsource there Work.And in this the Web Designing is a Work.In which you have to Design a Company Logo, Website and Build a full Website.In which you have to Design or Build a Website according to a Company wants.And in this we can earn up to Good Amount of Money as Per our Skills.
     And the Work Continues in Future also as there is a Need for Updates and Repair.All we need to have a Good Knowledge of Coding and Software.

7) Content Writing.
     The Content Writing is a Work which can be done in Home.But we Should have Good Knowledge of that Subject.Like many Websites and Blogger look for a Content writer on there Website's.And Many Website's are Providing this Work as Many News Channels and Sports Television look for the Content writer for there Website's.
     But for that we Require a Good Writing Skills and Knowledge.And there is Payment of Money on a Content based. Many Good Sports Writer earns Thousand to Million Dollars for there work.

8) Blogging.
     The Blogging is becoming a Day by Day Increasing Business for a Individual.As all we have to open an Account in Google Platform, Blogger or any other Platform.And we have to Write on that Blog on Whatever we Think or Write on Any Subject.Which Would Attract People to Read that. And as the Views Increase in our Blog. We can Apply for Google Ad Sense.And Earn Good Money.
     As Many Celebrities and Sports Player have there Own Blog.Where they Upload there Content daily.And they Receive a Good Amount of Money as Per the Views.

9) YouTube.
     The YouTube is a No1 work from Home that we can do and Earn Unlimited Money. As there are Many People who had became famous Celebrity and Millionaire from YouTube.All we have to do is Open Account in YouTube and Make a Video on what the Special Knowledge or Talent we have.
     And If People Like that Videos and the Views on Channel Increases.There will be Payment from Google AdSense for the Views on Channel.The Video Can be on, like Cooking,Gaming and on any Special Knowledge You have. In YouTube the Content of the Video is Main.From which we can earn lot of Money.

10)Stock Market or Share Market.
     The Stock Market work is a most Rewarding work that can be done. But we Should have Full Knowledge of Stock Market and How it works. In Stock Market work,first we have to open a Demat Account with one Stock Broker Firm.And then we can Buy and Sell Shares of Company that we want. In this we can earn daily by Daily Trading of Shares or by Holding good Companies Share for Long Term.
     But this is also a Risky Market as it is Most Rewarding work.But it is also a Loss Making Work.And in OneTrade our Capital can be Zero. So there should be full Knowledge of Stock Market before entering this work as it is Risky. And once the Good Knowledge received, we can make Unlimited Money from this.

Friday 24 July 2020

Top 10 Ways or Tips to Become Sucessfull YouTuber.

Top 10 Ways or Tips to Become Sucessfull YouTuber.

     The YouTube has became a Great Platform to all Fields of People to Show there Talent to World and Earn Money from it.The YouTube had made many People a Big Celebrity and helped in Earning Good Amount of Money.And it had Also Replaced Television.And Helped many People around the World to Learn Something they want.And the Use of YouTube is Growing day by day all over the World.
     Here are Top 10 Ways and Tips.
1)Good Content.
     In YouTube,the Content of Video is the Most Important thing.The Content should be so good,that people should be Excited to Watch the Whole Video till the End. And they can Relate to the Video. And Gain something from that Video.As this will Increase the Views on the Video and Channel.
     Like if the Channel is on Sports,Travel, and Finance e.t.c.The Content should be Mostly Related to that Subject.If the Content of Video is Good then only the Subscriber and Views Will Increase.

2) Trending Subject and Keywords.
     The YouTube Video Should be Made on what is Trending Subject in that Time Around the World. Which Catch more Viewers.Like if the Time is Of Football World Cup Matches.Then Video can be Made on that.Also we can make Video on Subject which is Trending in Our Country.
     The Keyword is also Important in YouTube Videos.As it tell us about the Video Content and What is the Video About.And it Should be always be Attractive to Viewers.

3)Best Quality Video and Sounds.
     Many People make mistakes of Shooting Any Video from Mobile.Which gives a Low Quality Video and Sounds.And Upload it on YouTube.And if a People don't get a Good Experience while Watching Video.They will never See video of your Channel in future.
     So for Giving People a Good Experience of Video there is a need of Choosing Right and Best Quality Equipment. So most YouTubers Use DSLRS or Mirrorless Cameras.And also Use a Good Sound Recorder.

4) Simple Editing Software.
     The Software used for Editing Videos Should be very Simple.As Most YouTubers Use Windows Movie Makers and I Movie.There are also other Good Software available on Play Store.Dont Make it Complicated by Using Big Editing Software.
     The Editing of a Video Should be Simple for Viewers and the Video Should not be Much Lengthy or Short.And focus Should be on Covering Everything that is Important.And Editing Software Should be User friendly and Easy to Use.

5)Advertise Your Video.
     After making the Video and If you are New to YouTube.Then we Should Share the Video on other Social media Website's and Platforms.Due to which it will reach to many People.And the Views of Our Video and Channel will Increase.
     We can also do a Partnership with other Big and Famous YouTubers.Due to Which we will gain Popularity for our Channel.And this will Increase the Subscription and Views on Videos.In this way we can Advertise our Channel.

6)Good Connection With Viewers.
     The Good Connection With the Viewers is very Important.Like there will be Comments on Video by the Viewers about the Video and what they want on the Next Video.We should Appreciate the Positive Comments and Make Changes on Next Video.As this Builds good Relationship with Viewers.
     And by this there will be Good Promotion of Channel and Video.Which Help in More Views on Video.And we can Know what are the Likes and Dislike of People.

7)Good Presentation.
     The Good Presentation of Video is Very Important. As the Subject we want to Explain is Understood by Viewers.Like there should be a Good Tittle and Keyword of a Video.And the Content of Video must be Like, first there Should be Introduction,Subject, Information and then End.
     And the Video Should be a Good Experience for People after watching it.

8)Be Regular
     In YouTube Channel it is Very Important to be Regular in Uploading Videos.As there is a High Competition in YouTuber.And if Something Trending Happened in Your field of Video.And you are Late in Uploading Video about that.Then all Views will go to other YouTuber Video.
     And there should be a fixed Days in Week when you will Upload New Videos.As the Viewers will know that on this day there will be New Videos on Channel.And if you Upload only 1 Video in 1 or 2 Months.Then the Viewers and Subscribers of Channel will Move to other Channels.

9)Stay away from Negativity.
     In YouTube there are both Positive and Negative Comments on Your Video.But we have to Concentrate only on Positive Comments.And see after there Likes and Wishes.And not to Reply to Negative Comments.
     And this negativity Problem is faced by all Famous YouTubers.We have to Just Concentrate Only on our Work.And make Good Content.

10) Earning Money.

     Most of the YouTuber make Videos on YouTube for Earning Money through there Talent.So if there is a Good amount of Subscribers and Views for Video. And after making many Videos we can Apply for Google Ad Sense.
     Where we will earn Money from Google for Ads they will Run on our Video.And we can also do Affiliate Marketing on Our Channel and Earn Money through it.As the Views will be Increasing the Income of YouTuber Increases.

Saturday 18 July 2020

Top 10 Works to do from Home and Make Money.

Top 10 Works to do from Home and Make Money.

     In this Modern World of Technology, there are Many Ways to Make money from Home with the Help of Internet.And we have Choose best 10 Works you can do from Home Easily. But there is also a Need to be Careful while doing this.As there are Many Scams and Fake Websites. So first always be Careful while doing Online Works.Here are all the Work.

1) Freelancing
     The Freelancing work is Most Popular way of work from Home. There are Many Website's who Provides Freelancing work. The Freelancing work is a work were a Person work for themselves.For this we need to Browse for Freelancing on Internet and Choose One Website which has Suitable Work for us.And now we have to Sign in,in that website.Where the Jobs like Copy-paste,Data Entry,Logo Designing and Many Works are Included.
     We have to Choose One Work,and there are many Works and Payment for that are Uploaded by Companies and firms.And Once we do there's Work the Payment is done Online. But the Work You have Done should be Liked by a Firm as they Wanted. A Person can Make 5$ to 100$ or More as Per Your Skill.

2)Starting Your Own Website.
     If you have a Good Knowledge about any Subject or a Good Content to Show.Then we can Start Our Own Website.First we have to look for a Good Domain which is Suitable for Our Subject.And then a Good Overall Design and Layout which can Attract more visit on Website. But Main thing for Website is a Content. Like Your website can be on Sports,Health Etc.
     And Once the People like Your Content and there is Good Traffic on Your Website.We can Apply for Google Ad Sense or we can do Affiliate Marketing.From which we can earn Unlimited amount of Money.

3) Affiliate Marketing
     The Affiliate Marketing is a Best way of Earning Money nowadays. All we have to do have our Own Website,Blog or a YouTube Channel.Where we have to Copy a Link of Products from E-commerce websites  were we have our Affiliate Account.Like of Amazon or other website.
     And if the Visitors of Our website buy the Products from our Link.Then we get Commission of Selling Products from E-commerce websites. And in this as More selling of Product's the More Money You Make.

4) Surveys and Reviews.
     There are Many Website's which Conduts Surveys for a Company for their Products.All we have to do Sign in in this website.And there will be 1 hour or 30 Minutes Surveys where we will get some Money. And there are Many Reviews for a New Product to be done.But we have to do a Good amount of Surveys where we earn a Small amount of money.
     And we have to be Carefull in this as there are many fake websites. Which will not give you any Money.

5)Online Tutoring.
     The Online Tutoring is a New way of Earning Money.As Many People like to have HomeSchool or Learn Something Online. And Many Website's provide Teaching Platforms to a Person who can Teach any Subject.And we Can do Tutoring by a YouTube Channel also.
     Just we have to have Full Knowledge on any Subject.Which we can Teach to Somebody like Tutions and Classes. And we can make a Good amount of money in this.

6)Web Designing.
     The Many Companies Outsource there Work.And in this the Web Designing is a Work.In which you have to Design a Company Logo, Website and Build a full Website.In which you have to Design or Build a Website according to a Company wants.And in this we can earn up to Good Amount of Money as Per our Skills.
     And the Work Continues in Future also as there is a Need for Updates and Repair.All we need to have a Good Knowledge of Coding and Software.

7) Content Writing.
     The Content Writing is a Work which can be done in Home.But we Should have Good Knowledge of that Subject.Like many Websites and Blogger look for a Content writer on there Website's.And Many Website's are Providing this Work as Many News Channels and Sports Television look for the Content writer for there Website's.
     But for that we Require a Good Writing Skills and Knowledge.And there is Payment of Money on a Content based. Many Good Sports Writer earns Thousand to Million Dollars for there work.

8) Blogging.
     The Blogging is becoming a Day by Day Increasing Business for a Individual.As all we have to open an Account in Google Platform, Blogger or any other Platform.And we have to Write on that Blog on Whatever we Think or Write on Any Subject.Which Would Attract People to Read that. And as the Views Increase in our Blog. We can Apply for Google Ad Sense.And Earn Good Money.
     As Many Celebrities and Sports Player have there Own Blog.Where they Upload there Content daily.And they Receive a Good Amount of Money as Per the Views.

9) YouTube.
     The YouTube is a No1 work from Home that we can do and Earn Unlimited Money. As there are Many People who had became famous Celebrity and Millionaire from YouTube.All we have to do is Open Account in YouTube and Make a Video on what the Special Knowledge or Talent we have.
     And If People Like that Videos and the Views on Channel Increases.There will be Payment from Google AdSense for the Views on Channel.The Video Can be on, like Cooking,Gaming and on any Special Knowledge You have. In YouTube the Content of the Video is Main.From which we can earn lot of Money.

10)Stock Market or Share Market.
     The Stock Market work is a most Rewarding work that can be done. But we Should have Full Knowledge of Stock Market and How it works. In Stock Market work,first we have to open a Demat Account with one Stock Broker Firm.And then we can Buy and Sell Shares of Company that we want. In this we can earn daily by Daily Trading of Shares or by Holding good Companies Share for Long Term.
     But this is also a Risky Market as it is Most Rewarding work.But it is also a Loss Making Work.And in OneTrade our Capital can be Zero. So there should be full Knowledge of Stock Market before entering this work as it is Risky. And once the Good Knowledge received, we can make Unlimited Money from this.

Thursday 9 July 2020

Motivating Story of Dhirubhai Ambani-A Born Businesses Men and Owner of Reliance Industries.

Motivating Story of Dhirubhai Ambani-A Born Businesses Men and Owner of Reliance Industries.

     This is a Motivating Story of a Person who came from a Poor family and Created a 150 Billion Dollar's Company.The Journey Started at Junagadh,Gujarat were Dhirubhai Ambani was born on 28, December,1932.
     The Dhirubhai Ambani was born in Poor Family. The father was a School Teacher in Small School in Village.And Mother was a Housewife.And Done Education in Bahadur Kanji School.But due to financial Situation had to Drop Out from School.But from Childhood only Dhirubhai Ambani was Interested in doing Something Different.And Believed that to be a Rich Person,there is no need of Education.
     So with the Help of Friend, Dhirubhai Ambani Started Business of Selling Snacks in Village. Which Got Sucessfull and Earned good Money. But after Some Years, Dhirubhai Ambani stopped that Business.As he wanted to Something Big. And then at the Age of 16 gone for Job in Port of Aden to work for A.Besse & Co with his Cousin Brother.And Used to Sell Shell and Burmah Oil Products for Company. And after sometime became Clerk in a Company.And Later became a Manager in that Company.
     The Dhirubhai Ambani was also doing Part Time Jobs in Free Time.Like by Selling Silver Coins. In Which he Made Good Amount of Money. But Dhirubhai Ambani wanted to do his Own Business. So in 1958 Left the Job.And Returned to India. And wanted to do Some Business.But his Father was not Happy with Dhirubhai Ambani of Leaving Job and Starting Business.But Dhirubhai Ambani had Belief in Himself.
     So came to Mumbai with Chambuklal Damani as a Partnership for Business. And Started a Business of Selling Spices to foreign Countries and Importing Polyester Yarn.From which he used to Make Clothes like Suites, Shirt's and other Clothes. As he knew there will be Great Demand by Indian People for this Clothes. As Polyester Cloth was very Cheap,but was of Good Quality.But at that Time there was Very Much Corruption by Officer's for Starting New Business and Getting License.
     But Dhirubhai Ambani kept on Trying and got License at Last. And Started Business which was very Sucessfull.And day by day the Business was Growing. But there were many Problems also. As many Established Rich firms started creating Problems to Stop the Expansion of Business of Dhirubhai Ambani. And in this the Business Partner had issue with Dhirubhai Ambani.So the Partnership was Broken.So now Dhirubhai Ambani was only Owner of his Company.
     As the Company was Expanding the Business day by day. There were many Legal Cases on Company over the License and Other Legal Matters. But Dhirubhai Ambani came fully Clean from this. And made a Company Reliance Famous in India.And then Dhirubhai Ambani Entered in Business of Electricity, Energy, Petroleum and Telecom.The Dhirubhai Ambani wanted to Make Reliance a World Best Company. And he was Sucessfull in this.
     As the Age of Dhirubhai Ambani was Increasing day by day.And had faced One Stroke also.So distributed his Business with his 2 Son's. And now the Reliance Company has 3,00,000 Employee's in there firm.And is in Top 100 of World Largest Revenue by Company. It is now Worth 150 Billion Dollar's Company. And his Son Mukesh Ambani is the 10th Richest Person in World.And in 6th,July,2002, Dhirubhai Ambani Died in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
     So this was a Motivating Story of a Person who came from a Poor Background. But Created a Company like Reliance. Which is now Most Valued Company in World.The Dhirubhai Ambani faced all types of Problems in his Life. But by Positive Attitude, Dhirubhai Ambani became Sucessfull in his Life. And Created a Company which is Still Running Sucessfully and Made his Name in Whole World.
     So this was a Great Motivating Story, Stay Tuned for Such More Stories.

Top 10 and Best Brands in World.

 Top 10 and Best Brands in World.      The Brand is a thing,from which people get Attracted to a Product of a Company.It takes very Hard Wor...