Wednesday 29 January 2020

Motivating Story of Cristiano Ronaldo- A Superstar of Football.

Motivating Story of Cristiano Ronaldo- A Superstar of Football.

     This is a Story of Great Footballer, who had Achieved Everything in Game of Football by Tackling all the Problems in Life. And face them with Fearless Attitude.
     The Journey Started in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Where Ronaldo was Born on 5, February,1985. The Ronaldo belongs to a Middle Class Family. Where his Father was a Gardener in Local Municipality. They used to Lived in Small House,they were 4 Children of there Parents.
     The Ronaldo was very close to his Father,as his father also used to Love Football Very much. So Ronaldo was also very Crazy for Football from his Childhood. And he used Play Very Good football from other Children of his Age. So at the Age of Age of 8 years, Joined Andorinha Sports Club.
     After Sometime, at age of 10, Joined to Nacional FC Club with his Playing Skills. And then at age of 12  was Selected to Portugal Sporting Club. But, for that Ronaldo has to Leave his Hometown and Move to Lisbon, Portugal. As it was Hard for Ronaldo to Move at Other Place Long from his Hometown.
    As Ronaldo was Moving Towards Becoming Successful Player with his Best Skills of Playing. The Ronaldo has to face Very Big Problem in Life. The Ronaldo was Diagnosed with Heart Problem At Age of 15. And Doctors had Told Ronaldo that he can't Play Football or Run Fast in Future. This was Shocking for Ronaldo and his Family. The way to Tackle this Problem was a High Risky Surgery of His Heart.
     The Ronaldo had this Two Choices. And Ronaldo Choose to do Surgery. As his Passion for Football was Greater. And the Surgery was Successful. And after sometime Ronaldo was Soon back on Field. And Ronaldo was Back again in his Game. And going on Making Records of Goals.
     But Ronaldo has to face One More Shock was,that his Father Dinis Aveiro was Dead due to Excessive Drinking. This was Hard for Ronaldo,as he was Close to his Father. And it Affected them Financially also. As there was no mode of Income. But Ronaldo Mother Was Working as Cooking Work and Cleaning in Others House.The Time was Tough but Ronaldo didn't leave Football.
     At One Match of Portugal Sporting Club Vs Manchester United match Ronaldo Scored 2 Goals. That Game and Skills of Ronaldo was Seen by Alex Ferguson. And he Signed directly Ronaldo for Manchester  United at 17 Million Dollars at Age of 18. Which was highest at that time for young Player in Europe.
     After that Ronaldo didn't Look Back in his Life. With his Hard work and his Talent he became a Successful Player. The Manchester United won 3 Premier league Tittle Consequently. And after that Won FiFa Club World Cup in 2008. The Ronaldo is Known for his Dribbling, Speed and High Jump.
     Then after many Years of Successful Career in MU Ronaldo was Transferred to Real Madrid for 132 Million Dollars. Which was Highest paid at that time. At one time Ronaldo was Highly Paid Footballer. Then After Suceesfull Career in Real Madrid for Many Years ,he was Transferred to Juventus.
     The Ronaldo has Many world Records in his name like Scored over 700 Goals and Most Goals in UEFA Champions League of 128. Has won 5 Ballond'Or Trophy and has 4 European Golden Shoes. He is Captain of his National Team Portugal and Achieved Success,Won Trophy also.
    But Ronaldo didn't Only Earn Money, he is also Known for his Charity Works in Society. As once he Helped for one child treatment of 52 lakhs money. The Ronaldo also do not Drink Alcohol , don't have Tattoos on body as he does Blood Donation every year for 2 Times. And Still Playing and breaking Records.
     So this was a story of a Great Player Cristiano Ronaldo who faced all Problems in his Life. But he Never Give Up in Life and kept on Achieving Success. Once he had Injured his Ankle and had to stay away from Ground for 10 Weeks. But with his Positive Attitude he Moved Forward
     So this was Motivating Story of Great Player, Stay Tuned for Such Stories.

Saturday 25 January 2020

Motivating Story of Chris Gardner- A Person Who Never Give Up in Life.

Motivating Story of Chris Gardner- A Person Who Never Give Up in Life.

     This is a Story of Chris Gardner Who became Rich from Poor by facing all Difficulties in Life and Never Give Up Attitude.
     The Journey begins at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S. Where the Chris Gardner was Born. But from Childhood only the Chris had Many Problems,as he was Only 1 Son from 12 Children of his Mother. Most of his Childhood went from Foster,Relatives Place and Shelters. Because at his Childhood  time,his father was abusive to his mother,So mother would keep on Moving.So one time due to his father's abusive Behaviour,Chris Mother Set there Home on Fire while he was Inside. For that Chris Mother was Jailed and Chris Gardner had to be in Relatives house.
     But the Chris Gardner kept on Moving with his Life. And after Sometime he got the Job as Assistant in Medical Research Company. And Got in  Relationship with One Girl and had one Boy Child from her. But Chris was Making only 8000 $ a year. Which was not Enough for them for daily Livelihood. Due to which there was fight in there's Relationship.
     So the Chris Started another Job as Medical Equipment Salesman. In Start of Job he Earned more then Previous Job. But Later his Sales was Down. And due to his Income was down and his Life was effected by it. And his Girlfriend lived him, but he had to take care of his Son. They Lived together both father and Son.
    Once Chris Gardner Seen Red Ferrari Car on Street, so he asked Owner how did he Got the car. The Car Person Said that he was a Stock Broker. And he earned Good Money from it. Where Chris got Introduce to Stock Market. So he Applied for that Job.  But before that he had to do, One Month training and Give Tests  after Which he Would be Selected.
     So Chris Gardner fully Committed towards this Job,and Quit other Job. But after all this Hard work as he was Selected for Job. The Hiring Manager was fired from the Job. So his Selection was Terminated. Again Chris was Jobless and he have to look after his Kid also.
     As Chris Gardner had no Educational Qualifications he was not Getting another Job. And had no major Contacts with anybody. As Chris had no Savings of Money also. The Time was Becoming Hard day by day. As he was not able to pay his Rent of his House.
      So, Chris had to Live the House with his Child. And due to no Money he had to Move from One Shelter Room to Another. As the Shelter Room were full Many times,he had to go to Railway Stations, Airport and in the Public Washroom all Night with his Child. And Spend the Night there.
     The Time was Tough, but Chris Gardner didn't Give Up he Started Looking for Another Job. And he found Job in Another Stock Brokerage. But there was Problem that it was Non Paid for 1 Month Training Program. And Chris was Down to Penny. And during this due to Non Payment of Parking Ticket of his Car ,he was in 10 Days Prison also.
     But at the new Stock Broker the Chris Gardner was Selected for his Hard work in Training. So Chris Gardner didn't Live this Opportunity. And Started making Calls of 200 Daily. He Started Working Everyday Late Night in Office.
    After Sometime Success was at his Feet. And Chris Became a Successful Stock Broker. And earned very Good Money.And Started his Own Stock Broking Company named Gardner Rich & Co in 1987. And Bought a new Red Colour Ferrari as he had Seen in Past, buyed from Michael Jordan.
     So this was a Motivating Story of Chris Gardner,who faced all Types of Problems in Life. Been Failed Many times. But he didn't Gived Up and Kept on Trying. On this Inspiring Story A Film was also Made. And Inspired many People's Life. Now the Chris Gardner is Millionaire,and does Many Charity's Work also to Needy and Poor People.
     So this was a Inspiring Story, Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Motivating Story of J.K.Rowling - A Great Magician Writer and Author.

Motivating Story of J.K.Rowling - A Great Magician Writer and Author.

     This is a Story of a Writer a J.K.Rowling who Created a great Magical World of Harry Potter and Her's Difficult Journey before it.
     The Journey Started at Yate ,Gloucestersgire, England. The full Name was Joanne Rowling. The J K Rowling Childhood was very Unhappy. But had Great Interest in Writing from Childhood only. She used to write Some Stories and Show it to her Sister.
     But,Once her Aunt given Rowling a Book of Jessica Mitford- Hons & Rebels as a Gift. After which She gain more Interested in Books and Writing. And Read all Books of Jessica Mitford.
     After, J K Rowling concentrated on her Studies and Completed her School,and Afterwards College Studies from University of Exeter a Graduation in B.A. Afterwards Started Job as Researcher and Bilingual Secretary in London for Amnesty University.Where she met Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes,to whom She got Married afterwards. And moved to Portugal.But that Marriage didn't last for much time. In which J.K.Rowling had One Miscarriage also. But had one girl Child also from that Marriage. And Later had Divorce.
     Then J.K.Rowling moved with her Girl child to London. As she was facing one Difficulty in Life, another Difficulty came was of her Mother died after ten years suffering from multiple sclerosis. As Rowling was very close to her Mother. She was very Upset and Sad about it.
     After Seven years of Graduation, J.k.Rowling was Seeing herself as Failure. As there was No Job,No Money,No Support and Had a Child to take Care of. Which Got her in to a Depression.So Rowling taken a Help of Welfare Benefits,in which British Government Helps and Give Money to Single Mother's.
     One day when Rowling was Traveling from Manchester to London where she thought of Story on Character of Magical Boy Harry Potter. So She Started working on it. But she hadn't had money for Printing and have a Good Typewriter. So she got a old Typewriter from Somewhere and Started her work. And Completed her first Book of Harry Potter and Philosophers Stone in 1995.
     But After Completing that Book also, the Book was Rejected by 12 Publishers. And no one was Ready to Publish it. As Everyone thought it was a Failure.But the J.K.Rowling had Belief on her Hard Work. The One Publisher, in London,named Bloomsbury was Ready to Publish it. It has also one Story Behind it,the Owner of Bloomsbury had 1 Child named Alice Newton, a 8 year Old Girl who liked the Story of Book very much and Ordered to Publish it.
     As Soon as Book was Published,the book was Liked by All People. And Later After 5 Months Won NestlĂ© Smarties Book Prize and Many Other Awards for it. And After that, J.K.Rowling never Looked Back in her Career.The Book made a Record of Selling 400 Million Copies. And was Best Selling book of all Time.
     Then there were 7 Books on Harry Potter. And Afterwards on that,Books 8 Movies were Made of Harry Potter. Which was Worldwide Hits and Made People Fans of the Magical World of Harry Potter. It was 20th Century Famous Novels. The J.K. Rowling became first Billionaire Writer by Writing Books and made Name in Forbes. And Afterwards had a Second Marriage also. And have Happy Life.
     So this was a Story of J.k.Rowling a Writer who had faced all Difficulty in hers Life Like Rejected hers Book 12 Times, Down to financial situation and Being faced Depression in life. But Rowling didn't give up, She had Belief on herself and focused on Her Work. And Achieved Success at age of 32. So we can see that from this,We Should Never Give Up.
     So this was a Inspiring Story. Stay tuned for more Such Stories.

Saturday 18 January 2020

Motivating Story of Lionel Messi- A King of Football.

Motivating Story of Lionel Messi- A King of Football.

     This is a Story of a Great Football Player Lionel Messi who has Changed the all Levels of Playing Football Game.
     The Journey begins at Rosario, Argentina in 24 June,1987. The Messi belongs to a Family where all his Family Members Loved Game of Football.The Messi from his Early age was Excellent in playing Football. He used to Play with his Brothers. In young age Only he was so Good in Game that he Started Playing for many Local Clubs. And many Times Messi used to keep Ball with Him for 10 Minutes,and other Player were trying to get the Ball from him.
     But at the Age of 10, Messi was Diagnosed with Growth Harmone Deficiency. In which the Growth of a Person's Body and Health Stop's Fully. And Messi father was a Worker in a Company. So family was from a Poor Financial Background. For 2 years the Treatment was Done with the Messi father Health Insurance Which Covered for Only 2 years. And the Monthly Cost of Treatment of Messi was 1000 Dollars. Which his family couldn't Efford.
     But that didn't Stoped the Game of Lionel Messi. The Messi used to Take 1 Injection Daily.And take whole week in One leg and Another week in Second Leg. The father of Messi was trying to get treatment Money for Messi,but he was failing in it. But,The Messi Game was so Famous,that one Person Carles Rexach, came forward from Barcelona,as he has Seen his Game.
     The Carles Rexach said that, Barcelona Club will Sponser all Treatment Money of Messi but he has to Come in Spain, Barcelona. And Play for there Club. So, it was a Tough Decision to move away from Hometown Argentina to Spain, Barcelona. But,they had One Relative in Spain,Catalonia. So they made Arrangement for a Trial in Barcelona in 2000.
     The first Team Director Carles Rexach wanted to Sign in Messi Immediately but Board of Directors Hesitated to Signing Messi, because of his Height and Physical Health. But after Sometime,they had a Talk with Carles Rexach,and get him Signed a Messi for Game. And the Contract was written in Napkin by Carles at one Party.
     From this Time, the Messi never Looked Back. And made Everybody Fond of his Game. The Messi Completed his Growth Harmone Treatment at Age of 14. And Became Integral part of Baby Dream Team.That was a Barcelona greatest Youth Team. During his first Season for Cadetes A Messi Scored 36 Goals,was a Top Scorer in that Season.
     Then made a Appearance in Barcelona Team ,and made his Important Place in Team. The Messi Real Talent was Dribbling with Ball in Fast Mode.Which was Very Difficult for Other Player. The Lionel Messi used to play so beautifully and make his Goal ,that Opposite Teams were also Big fans of his Dribbling Talent.  At age of 22 Messi won his first Ballond'Or, a highest Award for a Footballer. Then Messi won the Ballond'Or Award for 3 Successfull Consecutive Time.
     Soon Messi became all-time Top Scorer for Barcelona. All time Leading Scorer for his Country Argentina. The Olympics Gold Medal at 2008 Olympics.Then won an Under 20 World Cup for his Country, Argentina. Had an Guinness World Record for an Most Goals in One Calendar Year. And made a World Record of Winning 6 Times FiFa Ballond'Or Award. Has 5 European Golden Shoes and Only Player to win 2 Golden Balls.
     The Messi became so Successful Player,that he was Highest Paid Footballer for 5 Years. The Argentina People Started Mostly Naming there Children Messi, for Which Government have to make Rule that Nobody will now Name there Children Messi. Because in Future it will Create Problem.
     The Messi had many Problem also like in 2013 he had Tear in Hamstrings. Which called off his Game for 2 months. The Messi declared International Retirement once in 2016 for his World Cup failure, but Came back. After the Request from his Fans,and played for Argentina.
     So this was a Story of Great Footballer Lionel Messi,who had to fight with his Poor Financial Background And his Health Issue at very Small Age. Messi has to face so Pain in his Childhood due to his Medication. But, Messi didn't Give up whatever the Situation was. He faced all Types of Problems in his Life.
    But faced all problem with Positivity.And made all People of World Crazy about his Football Talent and Still Doing. The Lionel Messi mostly has all world Records in his Name. And Making More Records now also.
     So this was Motivating story of Lionel Messi.Stay Tuned for Such more Stories.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Motivating Story of Thomas Edison - A Greatest Inventor & Scientist of World.

Motivating Story of Thomas Edison-A Greatest Inventor & Scientist of World.

     This is a Story of  Thomas Edison,a Person Who Lightened the World with his Inventions with Happiness.
     The Journey begins at Milan,Ohio,United States. Were the Thomas Edison was Born. The Thomas Edison was a Great Scientist Who Discovered Electric Bulbs, Phonograph,Motion Pictures Camera. He Developed many Devices on Fields such as Electricity Power Generation, Mass Communication, Sound Recording & Motion Pictures. Which has Changed the World's and People's Future.
     The Thomas Edison was a Very Curious Person from his Childhood. He liked to ask questions about Everything and Find a Answers about it.And Start Experiment about it. So all people were finding it Annoying in School and in Society. Once he thought that the Bird's were able to Fly in Sky because they were Eating worms. So made a Mixture of worms and Given to his Friends. Which made his Friend Health I'll. So people thought he was Mentally ill.
     Once, There was a Letter From Thomas Edison,School  while Reading his Mother was Crying. The Thomas Edison asked about it, his Mother said that School has told that. The Teacher's in School are not as Intelligent as You are. You are More Intelligent then them. So Edison Should Stop coming to School. So from that Day Thomas Edison was Home School by his Mother.
     One day After Many Years,Thomas Edison was Looking in his Home for Some Thing.And he found that Letter. So he Started Reading it, In that School Letter it was Written that School is Removing Thomas Edison from School as he Mentally ill & Less Intelligent. Edison was Shocked by it, And he Thanks his Mother for it. Just Imagine if Edison Mother has told him Truth, and Demotivated him in his Childhood. Then it have Changed the Future of Thomas Edison and World Future's.
     At age of 15 Edison built a Laboratory in his Home. But after sometime he have to look for other Place. One Day, when he was Traveling from Train he was Experimenting with some Chemical. The Experiment gone wrong and the Train Coach got in fire. So due to that Fire,the Train Conductor Slapped Edison so hard that Thomas Edison got Deaf from One Ear and Less from other for whole life.
     The Thomas Edison Life was full of Up's and Downs. But his Love and Curiosity for Science was High. Thomas Edison also Sold Candy And Newspapers on Train Running from Port Huron to Detroit.And also Sold Vegetables. And his Most Study was with his Mother in Home.
     Thomas Edison Later Became Telegraph Operator after he Saved 3 Year Old Jimmie Mackenzie being Struck by Runaway Train. As Jimmie Father was the Station Master. Then After that Job, Edison got Job in Western Union. For that he Requested for Night Shift Job so can do some work of his Laboratory.
    But one Night in 1867 while working on Lead Acid Battery he Spilled Sulfuric Acid on Floor. The Acid ran  Between floor in to his Boss desk below. So Edison was Fired from his Job.
     So Edison Started his work in his Lab.The First Laboratory was in Menlo Park,New Jersey.Were Early Inventions made. His First Patent was of Electric Vote Recorder in June 1,1869. Thomas Edison became Famous with his Invention of Phonograph in 1877. It was device for Mechanical Recording And Reproduction of Sounds. 2nd Invention was of Carbon Telephone Transmitter. But his Most Important 3rd Invention was of Electric Bulbs which would Run for More Time. Earlier bulbs were of Extreme Short Life and High Expenses.
     Thomas Edison Dream was that Light Bulbs should be available for poor People also. And this Invention was big Boom for all Industry. Then he started Edison Light Company in New York with J.P. Morgan and Spencer. He also worked on Distribution of Electricity for Street Lamps. Now the Thomas Edison Became a Celebrity.
     Thomas Edison Next Great Invention was Motion Pictures Camera.He then made Collaboration with Henry Ford that featured worlds first Film Studio,Black Maria.And formed a Edison Film Studio which made 1200 Short Films. Then Made a Electric Storage Battery. Which was also a Great Invention.
     The Thomas Edison was a Profilic Inventor, he has 1093 US Patents in his Name. So this was a  Motivating Story of Great Thomas Edison who faced all Problem's in Life. But he Didn't Give up. And Always been Focused on his Goals. 
     The Great Example was that, Thomas Edison Failed 1000 Times in Experiment, before getting in to Perfect Light Bulbs. As Thomas Edison Said." I have not Failed, I have Just Discovered 1000 ways that don't Work. This was his Attitude in Life. People were Calling him a Magician.
     After Lightning the Whole World, Thomas Edison died at 18th October,1931. On that day,the whole Light of America was Turned off. The Thomas Edison had so much Contribution to World ,that if Edison had no Such Inventions. The Future of world be have been Different. Like in Music, Recording, Films, Telephone, Electricity, Light's etc many More. The Last word's of Thomas Edison were that he had done no Work in his Life, as what he has Done was his Passion.
      So Stay tuned for more Such Motivating Stories of Such Great People.

Saturday 11 January 2020

Motivating Story of Walt Disney-A Big Successful Cartoonist & Dreamer.

Motivating Story of Walt Disney-A Big Successful Cartoonist & Dreamer.

     This is a Story of Walt Disney a Dreamer,Who Brought his Imagination in Reality. A Journey begins in Illinois,Chicago, U.S.A.
     The Walt Disney was an American Entrepreneur,Animator, Voice Actor and Film Producer. Despite of so much Up's and Downs in life. The Walt Disney keep on Trying to fulfill his Dreams and been a Successful Animator And Cartoon Film Producer.
     The Walt Disney was an Born artist. From Childhood only Disney Started Drawing. At the Small age Only, Disney had first drawing of Horse of Neighborhood Doctor. The Neighbour was so Impressed with this he paid some Money for it. Due to his Drawing , Disney was Famous in his Neighborhood.
     The Walt Disney journey was full of Failure and Hard time. Before had Success in life. The Walt Disney has to move out of there's Hometown. As his Family was poor. So they were not meeting there Needs. So Disney father & Family has to move from One Cities to Another for the Work. The Walt Disney and his Brother used to do many Part Time Works for Money. The Walt Disney used to get up at 4.30 A.M in morning to Distribute News Paper at Homes and after Schools they used to do other Part Time Works Like Selling Magazines etc.
      The Walt Disney also Attempted to Join United States Army but due to his Minor age he was Rejected for Job.But after Forging the Date in his Date of Birth Certificate. He was Selected in Red Cross Army Ambulance Service as a Driver. The Disney drawed Beautiful Cartoons on side of Ambulance as a Decorations, due to which he became Famous. Disney was not So Good in Studies. Whatever the Situation was but Walt Disney Interest and Passion for Drawing and his Art was Increasing Day by Day. So he also Joined the Night Courses of Fine arts in Chicago.
     Walt Disney came Back to Kansas City and Started Doing Drawing for Commercial Advertising And Catalogue. But Removed from Job,by Saying that Disney has no Creativity. By this Disney was Sad,but he didn't Stop there. But after some time, Disney Started working for another Ad Company for Money. And He Got Idea of how Animations had got more Scope in Future. And he Started more Focusing on it.
     Disney then started Work in Laugh-O-Gram. And started Production of Animated Film Alice in wonderland. Which combined of Action & Adventure.The film was of 12 And Half Minutes. But the film took much Time and Money in Production. Because of it the Company Laugh-O-Gram got Bankrupt.
     The Walt Disney has Seen so much Failure in his work and Life. But this Things didn't Stoped him. And he was Trying to do Big Things in Cartoons and Animations. When In his Time Very few People and Many times Nobody was Doing it. So, Now Walt Disney came Together with his Brother Roy and Started New Company named Disney Brother's Studio. Which was named later to Walt Disney Company.
     One day while Travelling from New York to California. Walt Disney created a Cartoon on Mouse. Which was Inspired by Pet Mouse Adopted by him while working in Laugh-O-Gram. Then Lilian Walt Disney Wife gave him a name Mickey Mouse. The  Mickey Mouse first came in Appearance in 1928 but failed to find Distributors. Then After Some time Mickey Mouse Series were Released which became Huge Hits. For which the Walt Disney gave his voice. Then many Cartoons were Introduced.

     In 1950, Disney came with his Film Cinderella which was of Budget 2.2 million dollars. And made in Return Profit of 8 million dollars in first Year. Now the Walt Disney name was Famous World wide for his Cartoons and Films. But the Walt Disney mind was not Stopping there he was Trying to do his all  his films and Animations work in Reality by Creating a Theme Park named Disney world. But many people Laughed at him. And told how is it Possible and it is Waste of Money. But Walt Disney didn't care about them.
     In 1950 Disney got in to Amusement park Industry And Opened Two Theme Park, Disneyland in July 17,1955 in California. By the Direction of Walt Disney. And People were Surprised and Loved it very much. And it was making Profit day by Day. In 2014 the Disneyland had 134 Million Visitors. And opened in many other Places.
     The Walt Disney has Won most Academy Awards by an Individual. Disney had Won 22 Oscars from 59 Nominations.TheTwo Golden Globe Awards has also Won by Him. 
     So,This was a Motivating Story of  Great Walt Disney who faced all Up's and Downs in Life but he fully Focused on his Goal and his Art. And have Full Belief in Himself and Dedication towards his Work. And Given a Great World of Cartoons and Animated Films which bring Happiness to People. And a Famous Cartoon like Mickey Mouse and Still Entertaining. 
     So Stay tuned,for Such More Motivating Stories.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Motivational Story of Michael Phelps-King of Olympics & Records.

Motivational Story of Michael Phelps-King of Olympics & Records.

     This is a Story of a Person Michael Phelps,the True King of Champions.Who Created More Records then anyone in World.
     The Journey Started from Baltimore,Maryland,United States. Where the Michael Phelps was born on 30th June,1985.The Phelps started Swimming due to his Mother said to him to Learn the Swimming. But as he Started he was fully in to it. The Michael Phelps Individual Medals are more then 161 Countries Individually in Olympics. Were many Countries are not able to take 1 Gold Medal in Olympics.He Single Handed had 8 Gold Medal in 2008, Olympics.
     The Journey was not Easy,as at the age of 9 his Parents had Divorce. Then at the age of 10 he was Diagnosed with ADHD-Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder. But he didn't pay More attention to it. As Phelps,has Said Dream as Big As You can Dream ,And Any Thing is Possible.
     Michael Phelps was a Youngest Player to Be Participate in Olmpics at Age of 15 in 2000 Olympics. He didn't won in that Olympics. He make to Finals at 5 th Place. But he didn't Stop there as failure is first step of Success.And Phelps Started his Hard Training and Willingness to do Any Hard Practice for it. The Phelps participated in 2004 Olympics, Athens.And won 8 Medals. In which 6 were the Gold Medals.And 2 Bronze.
     But this was a Just a Start of Michael Phelps a Champions Journey. But in this time 2007, the Phelps Right Hand Ankle got Injured. And Doctors told that , Phelps would not be able to attend or Participate in next Olympics. And be able to Swim like he was doing in Past. But Phelps didn't give up. He Thought about it & Started Working on it. And he Thought If my hands are Little Injured. Let Make my Legs More Powerful. And he worked So Hard on it in 1 Year for 2008 Olmypics.
     In 2008 Olympics, Phelps Received 8 Gold Medals. Which were more then Last Olympics. Which Shocked the World. And Whole World were Looking After him now as a Champion.The Michael Phelps Continue his Golden Journey in 2012 Olympics won 4 Gold and 2 Silver. The Michael Phelps has most Medal Records of Total 28 Olympics Medal by any Sports Person in Olympics. The Michael Phelps has also had Record of Winning 8 Gold Medals by a Single Person in Olympics in One time.
     Then In 2016,Rio De Janeiro Olympics Won 5 Gold and 1 Silver. This is not Easy as it Looks. But the Michael Phelps made it looked so Easy. But there is Very much Hard work And Determination behind it. As you can Imagine one Player gives his whole life and Hard work to Win One Gold Medal in Olympics. The Michael Phelps has won Total 28 Medals in Olympics. So,you can Imagine what Hard work Michael Phelps has taken behind the One Human Body can take. So Phelps got his Rewards.
     One Athlete Participate in one Contest and Make it his Goal. But Michael Phelps was Participating in all types of Swimming Contest,but not only Contesting. Also Won Gold Medals in all Contest of Olympics. Like Butterfly, Individual, Medley, Freestyle and Back Stroke. The Phelps has 66 Gold Medal In all International Contests.
      The Phelps has Mastered in all Types of Swimming And Broked all Records. He has done so much Hard work for it. Like Phelps used to Stay in Swimming pool for More then 6 Hours a Day. And Swim for 8000 Metres for a Week. Which is about 50 Miles. The Phelps used to Burn 12000 Calories a Day. From this You can Imagine how much Hard work Phelps used to take.
     There are So much Records by a Phelps that I can't Mention all of them. The Phelps has Won Total 82 Medals in Major International Competition. From which 65 were Gold Medals. The Phelps had Declared Retirement in Olympics 2012, but made Comeback in 2014. And won 5 Gold Medal in Olympics 2016.
     So this was a Motivational Story of Michael Phelps who had face Every Problem in Life of Personal , Injured His Hand, Gone through Depression. But he Arise from this all Problem like a Phoenix Bird. The Michael Phelps has 39 World Records in Swimming then any other. He has 23 Guinness World Records. The Michael Phelps thought us that if We can Dream Big, We Can Achieve Big. I don't think Anyone can Break Michael Phelps Record in Future also. But as Phelps has Said, If U have Belief and Will Power to Achieve Something and Willing to do Hard work. We can Achieve Anything.
      So Stay tuned for Such more Inspiring & Motivating Stories of Great People's.

Sunday 5 January 2020

Motivational Story of Karoly Takacs- A Shooter Champion with Golden Hand

Motivational Story of Karoly Takacs- A Shooter Champion with Golden Hand

     This is a Story of a Karoly Takacs who is a Great Example of, To Never Give Up in Life and keep trying. At last Success is at Your Feet.
     The Journey begins at Budapest,Hungary were Karoly was born on 21 January,1910. By 1936,the Karoly was a World Class Champion of Pistol Shooter. But due to some Rules of Army he Couldn't Participate in a Olympics. But after wards he was able to participate in it.
      But at the Time of Training in Army while throwing a Grenade it got blast in it's Right hand.Which it Damaged his Hand badly. Which he used for Shooting. But he didn't give up. After 3 months of Hospital Treatment. The Karoly again Started Practicing Shooting with his Only Hand,that was his Left Hand. He started Practice for 1 Year. And Mastered it. Got fully prepared for 1940 Olympics. But Luck didn't Support this Time also. As because of World war the 1940 Olympics got Cancelled.
     The Karoly Takacs was Very Sad,but he was made of Something else, he didn't give Up. The Karoly Started Practicing for 1944 Olympics. And he had fully prepared for  Olympics. But the Time was not was not on his side this Time also. The 1944 Olympics also got Cancelled, due to World War.
       Now the Time was Testing his Patience, but this Person didn't Give up. He was fully Focused on his Target. The Karoly started Practicing for 1948, London Olympics. But this Time, the Challenge was Different Karoly was of 38 Years Old. And in Olympics there were Tough Young Competition from all Around the World. But this person was Different.

     The Karoly entered the contest of Olympics of Pistol Shooter. As Soon as he entered the Ground all the Participants Started Shaking Hands with him. As they thought Karoly was there for Motivating and Inspire them. But as he told he was Participating. Everybody were Shocked. As the Contest begins, guess who was Winner. The Karoly Takacs a Gold Medal Winner in 25 Metre Pisto Rapid Fire.

     The Karoly Continued his  Journey of Winning. The Karoly had Won 35 National Shooting Championship. The Karoly made it so easy. That his Main Using Shooting Hand was Damaged, But he Made his Left Hand so Strong to Achieve it's Goal.
     The Karoly Takacs was now Ready for the 1952, Helsinki Olympics. The World's Eyes were on Karoly Takacs. And Karoly again done the Miracle. The Karoly won another Gold Medal in Pistol Shooting in,1952, Olympics. After, Retirement from career, he was connected to Game. He Started Coaching Job to National Team. And under his Leadership Szilard Kun won Silver Medal in Olympics.

      The Karoly made a Record of Winning Two Olympics Gold Medal Continuous in Shooting. The Karoly was a True Olympic Champion. That also with his Left Hand. The Karoly Takacs was a Great Example of Patience, Determination towards Winning and Never Give Up Attitude.

      The Karoly Takacs teaches us Whatever the Situation comes in Life, we should never Give Up. And be Focused on Our Goal. With so much Difficulty in Life also he Achieved his Goal. And Won Gold in Olympics Medal. And became Inspiration for Many People.
     So, this was a story of Karoly Takacs, Stay tuned for such more Stories in my Blog. That I will bring in Future.

Friday 3 January 2020

Motivating Stories of Mahatma Gandhi- Father of Peace.

Motivating Stories of Mahatma Gandhi- Father of Peace.

    This is the Story of a Person who Started the Non-Violent mode of protesting in the Time, of World War. When many countries were in World war. This Person Introduced that We can Win our Rights Through Peaceful  and Non Violence ways also.And in the Little Part of India, this Mahatma Gandhi a freedom fighter Started a Peaceful Way of fighting.

    The Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand  Gandhi was Born in Porbandar,Gujarat on 2nd, October,1869.And ,this is the 150 th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.So,this is Right time to Introduce his work to world.He has been Lawyer & moved to South Africa for practicing it. Where his journey started. He Started fighting against the South Africa Government on Class Divisions and injustice. And Started a Nonviolent Protests against them. And have Success in it.He had to Go in Prison Many Times  for it . Buy he Kept on going Forward and meet his Demands.

      The Gandhi was a great Example to many people who later followed him like, Nelson  Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr and . He was a Great Example that what a one person can make difference to world by  peace.
      Then Mahatma Gandhi came to India, where he Started freedom fight and for Civil Rights to India against British Rule of that time.
Quote by Mahatma GandhiWhere there is Love And Peace there is Life.
       The Mahatma Gandhi Started taking Long Fasts,means not eating food for Many days till Demand is not approved. The Mahatma Gandhi took total 17 Fasts, in Life time.And many Small fasts, of which the Longest Fasts was of 17 days.
      Imagine that we can't remain One day without Food. And He remain on Fasts for Continuos for 17 Days. The Gandhi was asked how he was able to do it, he Answered that, In Heart you Know that you are fighting for the Truth and For Good of People and Society. The Will Power  comes automatically.
        The Mahatma Gandhi used this Fasting weapon against many things like Untouchability ,Civil Rights of people as Satyagraha. And had Success in its this Movements. In every corner of country the people were participating in this peace full movements. Like , The British Government has Imposed high Taxes on Salt. Against this the Mahatma Gandhi, declared Dandi March against it were thousands of people participated in it from all over country, which was of total 400 Kilometers by Walking.

      The Mahatma Gandhi totally Travelled 79000 Kilometers by walking in his life,which is total Two Round of Earth.This Inspired many people across world and Country. Which helped them to Achieve there fights,through this Peace full Movements. Like it Helped India to Achieve its Independence And Freedom. So he is Called Father of the India Country. 

     For more Stories of Mahatma Gandhi , you can read book of him. The Story of My Experiment with Truth. 
     This was the Great Example of a One person who Inspired And Motivated many People in world And  Still Inspiring to fight for there Rights.
      The Mahatma Gandhi played a great role in India to Diminish Untouchability , Caste Systems, Cleanliness  in our surrounding, Equality in  Both Gender etc. He Introduce the Peaceful way of Protesting like Non-Coperation, Satyagraha, Fasting, Marching, Speech etc.Today the Mahatma Gandhi is not there in this world.But his Thoughts and Motivational work is there which is Inspiring many.
       There are many Such Stories of Such Great People that  I will Share with you all in future in this blog.

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